Palindromic primes that are the sum of 3 consecutive primes, the middle one palindromic.
31513, 973369606963379, 978454848454879, 997578787875799, 35124542724542153, 38487545154578483, 38721218781212783, 38754815451845783, 98784272427248789, 3421812121212181243, 9215484248424845129, 9406396960696936049, 9727518751578157279, 9757272187812727579
a(1) found by Patrick De Geest.
From Chai Wah Wu, Apr 18 2017: (Start)
Theorem: Let q be a term such that q = p_1+p_2+p_3 and p_1, p_2 p_3 are consecutive primes. Then q has an odd number of digits and the first digit (and last digit) is either 3 or 9. In addition, p_2 and p_3 have the same first digit and p_2 and p_3 have the same number of digits as q. The first digit of p_2 (and p_3) is equal to the first digit of q divided by 3, i.e. if the first digit of q is 3, then the first digit of p_2 and p_3 is 1.
Proof: First note that all palindromes with an even number of digits is divisible by 11. It is clear that q, p_2 > 11 and have an odd number of digits since the first term of A113846 is 31513.
The first digit of p_2 cannot be 2 since p_2 is odd. Next we show that the first digit of p_2 is either 1 or 3.
Let k be an even integer such that p_2 has k+1 digits. Suppose the first digit of p_2 is 4 or larger, i.e. 4*10^k <= p_2 < 10^(k+1). Then by Bertrand's postulate, p_1 >= p_2/2 and p_3 <= 2*p_2. This implies that 10^(k+1) > p_1 >= 2*10^k, 4*10^k < p3 <= 2*10^(k+1) and thus 10^(k+1) < q < 4*10^(k+1), i.e., q has an even number of digits, a contradiction.
Next we show that the first digit of q is 3 or 9. To do this, we need a stronger result than Bertrand's postulate for the prime gap. Since p_2 > 647, Rohrback and Weis's 1964 result shows that p_1 >= p_2*12/13 and p_3 <= p_2*14/13.
This shows that (2 12/13) p_2 <= q <= (3 1/13) p_2. Since q is prime, it cannot start with the digit 5. If p_2 start with the digit 1, then 2*10^k <= q <= (6 2/13) 10^k and thus q must start with the digit 3.
If p_2 start with the digit 3, then (8 10/13)10^k <= q <= (12 4/13)10^k. Since q < 10^(k+1), this means that q must start with the digit 9.
Clearly p_3 must have the same number of digits as p_2 and as q.
Finally, we show that p_3 has the same starting digit as p_2. Suppose p_2 starts with the digit 1. If p_3 has a different starting digit, this must mean that p_3 >= 2*10^k, i.e.
p_2 >= (1 11/13)10^k, p_1 >= (1 119/169) 10^k and q >= 4*10^k, a contradiction.
Suppose p_2 start with the digit 3. If p_3 has a different starting digit, this must mean that p_3 >= 4* 10^k, i.e.
p_2 >= (3 9/13) 10^k, p_1 >= (3 69/169)10^k and q >= 10^(k+1), a contradiction. QED
This argument also shows that to search for terms, for each k, one only needs to consider for p_2 the palindromic primes in the ranges (10^k, (1 7/19)10^k) and (3*10^k, (3 8/19)10^k) which amount to approximately 0.79*10^(k/2) palindromes to consider rather than a full search of 10*10^(k/2) palindromes of length k+1.
Conjecture: For all terms in, the corresponding primes p_1 has the same number of digits and the same first digit as p_2 and p_3.
31513 = 10499 + 10501 + 10513.
973369606963379 = 324456535654403 + 324456535654423 + 324456535654553.
Cf. A002385.
Sequence in context: A258577 A303531 A251006 * A321054 A234205 A236136
Giovanni Resta, Jan 24 2006
a(10)-a(14) from Chai Wah Wu, Apr 18 2017