Number of permutations avoiding the pattern 12-34.
1, 1, 2, 6, 23, 107, 585, 3669, 25932, 203768, 1761109, 16595757, 169287873, 1857903529, 21823488238, 273130320026, 3627845694283, 50962676849199, 754814462534449, 11754778469338581, 191998054346198680
a(n) is the number of permutations on [n] that avoid the vincular pattern 12-34 (also the number that avoid 43-21).
a(n) is also the number of permutations on [n] that avoid the vincular pattern 12-43 (or 21-34 or 34-21 or 43-12) or 21-43 (or 34-12). - David Bevan, Nov 15 2023
a(n) is also the number of {3,2+2}-free naturally labeled posets. - David Bevan, Nov 15 2023
A. M. Baxter, Algorithms for Permutation Statistics, Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, May 2011.
Andrew M. Baxter and Lara K. Pudwell, Enumeration schemes for dashed patterns, arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.2642 [math.CO], 2011.
David Bevan, Gi-Sang Cheon and Sergey Kitaev, On naturally labelled posets and permutations avoiding 12-34, arXiv:2311.08023 [math.CO], 2023.
Sergi Elizalde, Asymptotic enumeration of permutations avoiding generalized patterns, arXiv:math/0505254 [math.CO], 2005.
Sergi Elizalde, Asymptotic enumeration of permutations avoiding generalized patterns, Adv. in Appl. Math. 36 (2006), no. 2, 138-155.
Steven Finch, Pattern-Avoiding Permutations [Broken link?]
Steven Finch, Pattern-Avoiding Permutations [Cached copy, with permission]
In the recurrence coded in Mathematica below, w[n] = # (12-34)-avoiding permutations on [n]; v[n, a] is the number that start with a descent and have first entry a; u[n, a, k, b] is the number that start with an ascent and that have (i) first entry a, (ii) other than a, all ascent initiators <k, (iii) second entry b. The summation index c denotes the next ascent initiator after a. The indices j1, j2, i, j all count entries lying strictly between a and c in position and with value in the intervals: j1 in [k, b), j2 in (c, k), i in (b, n], j in (c, b).
523146 contains 2346 as a 12-34 pattern because the 23 and 46 are adjacent in the permutation and the reduced form of 2346 is 1234.
Clear[u, v, w]; w[0] = w[1] = 1; w[n_] /; n >= 2 := w[n] = u[n] + v[n];
v[n_] /; n >= 2 := v[n] = Sum[v[n, a], {a, 2, n}]; v[1, 1] = 1;
v[n_, a_] /; 2 <= a <= n :=
v[n, a] = Sum[u[n - 1, b], {b, a - 1}] + Sum[v[n - 1, b], {b, 2, a - 1}];
u[1] = 1; u[n_] /; n >= 2 := u[n] = Sum[u[n, a], {a, n - 1}]; u[1, 1] = 1;
u[n_, a_] /; a == n := 0; u[n_, a_] /; 1 <= a < n := u[n, a, n];
u[1, 1, k_] := 1; u[2, 1, k_] := 1; u[n_, a_, k_] /; a >= n := 0;
u[n_, a_, k_] /; 1 <= a < n && n >= 3 :=
u[n, a, k] = Sum[u[n, a, k, b], {b, a + 1, n}];
u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b <= n && k >= b + 2 := u[n, a, b + 1, b];
u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < n && b == n && k == n + 1 := u[n, a, n, n];
u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 == a < b == n && k == 2 := 1;
u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b <= n && k <= b :=
u[n, a, k, b] =
Sum[Binomial[b - k - If[k <= a, 1, 0], j1] Binomial[
k - 1 - If[a < k, 1, 0] - c, j2]*
u[n - 2 - j1 - j2, c, k - If[a < k, 1, 0] - j2], {c,
k - 1 - If[a < k, 1, 0]}, {j1, 0, b - k - If[k <= a, 1, 0]}, {j2, 0,
k - 1 - If[a < k, 1, 0] - c}];
u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b < n && k == b + 1 && {a, b} == {1, 2} := 1;
u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b < n && k == b + 1 && {a, b} != {1, 2} :=
u[n, a, k, b] =
Sum[Binomial[n - b, i] Binomial[b - 2 - c, j] u[n - 2 - i - j, c,
b - 1 - j], {c, b - 2}, {i, 0, n - b}, {j, 0, b - 2 - c}]; Table[
w[n], {n, 0, 15}]
Cf. A135922 (3-free naturally labeled posets).
Sequence in context: A200405 A336071 A200403 * A071075 A007555 A101053
David Callan, Oct 19 2005