Digit position at which a dictionary word of length n first appears in the base-26 expansion of Pi, where 0->a, ..., 25->z.

%I #17 Aug 15 2015 10:33:29

%S 6,5,11,10,6570,11582,115042,3095146,5204508

%N Digit position at which a dictionary word of length n first appears in the base-26 expansion of Pi, where 0->a, ..., 25->z.

%C After "subplot" comes armagnac. No more words of length 8 appear considering the first seven millions digits of Pi. - _Washington Bomfim_, Oct 05 2010

%C Reformist follows armagnac, and there are no words of length ten in starting in the first 49999991 digits of Pi. - _Ethan M. O'Connor_, Apr 10 2012

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PiWordplay.html">Pi Wordplay</a>

%e pi=d.drsqlolyrtrodnlhn...

%e o, lo, rod, trod, steel, oxygen, subplot, armagnac, reformist

%K nonn,dumb,more,word,base

%O 1,1

%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Jan 23 2005

%E a(8) from _Washington Bomfim_, Oct 05 2012

%E a(9) from _Ethan M. O'Connor_, Apr 10 2012