Length of non-periodic head in Collatz-2 (A063041) trajectory starting at n.

%I #9 Apr 17 2023 02:09:46

%S 6,5,7,10,6,5,8,5,11,11,7,8,6,11,9,28,5,10,12,6,12,17,8,11,9,6,7,15,

%T 12,16,10,12,29,6,5,25,11,9,13,21,7,11,13,12,18

%N Length of non-periodic head in Collatz-2 (A063041) trajectory starting at n.

%e a(3) = 5 (see A063042), a(17) = 28 (see A063043), a(29) = 15 (see A063044)

%Y Cf. A063041, A063042, A063043, A063044.

%K nonn,more

%O 2,1

%A _Reinhard Zumkeller_, Jul 07 2001

%E a(14) corrected by _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 16 2023