Numbers k such that the continued fraction for sqrt(k) has even period and if the last term of the periodic part is deleted the central term is 67.

%I #12 Jul 06 2024 16:08:12

%S 4491,4499,4507,4519,4523,4539,4547,4567,4579,4583,4587,4591,4603,

%T 4639,4643,4651,4659,4663,4679,4691,4703,4707,4723,4731,4751,4759,

%U 17960,17992,18016,18048,18056,18080,18112,18152,18208,18272,18280,18304,18344,18376

%N Numbers k such that the continued fraction for sqrt(k) has even period and if the last term of the periodic part is deleted the central term is 67.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _David W. Wilson_