Creighton University
Omaha, NE
NCIN’s toolkits were invaluable resources that guided not only the development, but also management and evaluation, of Creighton’s mentoring and leadership programs.
Grant Years:
Degrees Conferred:
Scholarships Awarded:
18 Scholars:
Round 4: 2011-2012
Brett Baird
Kristina Farm
David Gaustad
Will Kalhorn
Jennifer Schantz
Waheeda Siddiqui
Odilia Underwood
Round 5: 2012-2013
Lauren Anderson
Carli Culjat
Christopher Merriman
Ryan Wood
Round 6: 2013-2014
Ruth Baidoo
Jeffrey Hogue
John Killpack
NCIN program leaders report that scholars gained confidence as their accelerated nursing program progressed, thanks to leadership and mentoring activities that provided academic and personal support and helped them meet the challenges associated with a rigorous accelerated program. Former scholars served as mentors, sharing wisdom and insights. One NCIN scholar led efforts to plan and implement the first NCIN Stu- dent Leadership Conference, and went on to participate in NCIN’s Doctoral Advancement in Nursing (DAN) Project, which provides mentors and other supports to help nurses continue their education. Other Creighton NCIN scholars have enrolled in graduate programs, assumed nursing leadership positions, and/or served on hospital committees.