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movie sex teen young top webmap music video for belly dancer by akon orcas video
Semantic (X)HTML
Semantic (X)HTML refers to:
- The semantic elements and attributes of (X)HTML (as opposed to the presentational HTML elements and attributes)
- (X)HTML documents that are written using semantic (X)HTML.
- The practice of writing semantic (X)HTML
- plain old semantic HTML (POSH)
Semantic Elements
Based on the Index of HTML 4 Elements.
Elements for marking up visible text and user interactivity only.
- a
- abbr
- acronym
- address
- area
- base
- bdo
- blockquote
- body
- button
- caption
- cite
- code
- col
- colgroup
- dd
- del
- dfn
- dir (deprecated)
- div
- dl
- dt
- em
- fieldset
- form
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- html
- img
- input
- ins
- isindex (deprecated)
- kbd
- label
- legend
- li
- map
- menu (deprecated)
- noframes
- noscript
- object
- ol
- optgroup
- option
- p
- pre
- q
- samp
- select
- span
- strong
- table (when used for tabular data, not layout)
- tbody
- td
- textarea
- tfoot
- th
- thead
- title
- tr
- ul
- var
invisible semantics
- head
- link
- meta
- param
layer hooks
- script
- style
semantically clustered
These lists/clusterings are incomplete.
- a
- area
- map
common prose document
- abbr
- acronym
- em
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- p
- strong
- title
quotes and references
- blockquote
- cite
- q
- address
- html
- body (because of 'profile' attribute)
- base
- del
- ins
- bdo
- form
- fieldset
- legend
- label
- button
- input
- isindex (deprecated)
- select
- optgroup
- option
- textarea
- fieldset
- code
- kbd
- pre
- samp
- var
tabular data
- table (when used for tabular data, not layout)
- caption
- col
- colgroup
- thead
- th
- tbody
- tr
- td
- tr
- tfoot
- dfn
- dl
- dt
- dd
text user interface
- dir (deprecated)
- menu (deprecated)
- img
- object
- ol
- ul
- li
- div
- span
Semantic Attributes
(This list is incomplete, please add!)
- axis
- caption
- class
- data
- headers
- href
- hreflang
- id
- lang
- rel
- rev
- scope
- summary
- title
- type
See POSH Presentations.