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Cyborg used this name previously


Antifaz/Antifaz del Norte (Mask of the North)
Antifaz/Antifaz del Norte (Mask of the North)
Name Antifaz/Antifaz del Norte (Mask of the North)
Real name unrevealed
Nicknames El Rey del Aire (The King of Air)
Name history Hunter II (used it once, before his official debut), Antifaz/Antifaz del Norte (debut - ), Manuel Gomez (WWF)
Family Marco Tulio (father), Lila Cavazos (mother, Monterrey lucha promoter)
Maestro(s) Marco Tulio, Jesse Rojas "El Vasco"
Birth date, location July 7, 1971 - Monterrey, Nuevo León
Obituary date
Debut, location July 4, 1993 - Arena Pesquería - Pesquería, Nuevo León
Lost mask to
Height 5'7"/170 cms
Weight 194 lbs/88 kg
Signature moves Frog Splash, Huracarrana, Slingshot Corkscrew Bodypress, Flying Corkscrew Plancha, Corkscrew Plancha Suicida
Titles: NAWA Middleweight Title [4] (also known as the LAWA Middleweight Title), WWA World Tag Team Titles (w/ L.A. Park)

Notable Matches

Date Location Match
07/27/97 Arena Coliseo de Monterrey Antifaz del Norte beat Pirata Morgan to take his hair.


Started off his career working on in Arena Coliseo de Monterrey as his mother was the promoter so he was guaranteed a chance at stardom. Naturally he received an instant push and even managed to get on a few AAA television shows. He never strayed from his home building though and ended up winning a lot of big matches such as the hairs of Pirata Morgan and El Dandy and the mask of Mosco de la Merced.

In the year 2000 he finally decided to head to Mexico City and thanks to his connections he got into CMLL rather easily as an instant semi-main event wrestler. He had to add on the Del Norte to his name though as there had already been an Antifaz in CMLL a few years back. For a while he formed a fun trio with Felino and Safari before suffering his first major knee injury.

Sadly it was only the first of many to come which eventually ended his CMLL run and sent him back home to Monterrey where he had to change up his style both due to the knee injuries and the fact that in his mid-30's he suddenly had a huge "growth spurt". He became a physically imposing rudo and eventually caught on with AAA once again. After working a few tapings as a tecnico he went back to his rudo persona and became a part of Los Vipers.

In late 2008 he announced he was leaving AAA for good and he can now be found working the occasional indy show back home in Monterrey. Still has a well enough remembered name that he'll turn on independent shows trying to use everyone they can think of it (and spending themselves out of existence quickly), but mostly is out of the spotlight. Injuries caught up to him, and he's rarely appeared in the ring since 2013.

Antifaz also competed on the WWF's short-lived "Super Astros" show where he agreed to wrestle unmasked as Manuel Gomez. Somehow this also led to him working a few shows for ECW opposite both Tajiri and Super Crazy.

Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
????/??/?? hair El Elegido Antifaz del Norte - Reynosa, Tamaulipas
1997/04/07 Hair Antifaz del Norte Llamarada Plaza de Toros Lauro Luis Longoria - Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
1997/07/27 Hair Antifaz del Norte Pirata Morgan Arena Coliseo - Monterrey, Nuevo León
1998/10/12 Mask Antifaz del Norte La Máscara Plaza de Toros Lauro Luis Longoria - Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
1998/11/05 Mask Antifaz del Norte La Máscara Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gómez Palacios, Durango
1998/11/30 Mask (1) Antifaz del Norte Mosco de la Merced Plaza de Toros Lauro Luis Longoria - Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
1999/??/?? Mask Antifaz del Norte Ciclope Plaza de Toros Lauro Luis Longoria - Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
2000/09/17 Hair Antifaz del Norte El Dandy Arena Coliseo - Monterrey, Nuevo León
2004/02/15 Hair Antifaz del Norte Hator Arena Solidaridad - Monterrey, Nuevo León
2006/02/17 Hair Antifaz del Norte El Angel Arena Azteca Budokan - Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México
2006/12/05 Hair (2) Antifaz Del Norte Corazon de Barrio Arena Juba - Reynosa, Tamaulipas
2007/05/08 Mask Antifaz Del Norte Camaleón Casillas Arena Juba - Reynosa, Tamaulipas
2013/10/26 Hair (3) Antifaz Del Norte Mortal USA Centro Civico Gubernamental - Cd.Victoria, Tamaulipas
(1) Cage match, Antifaz and Mosco were the last two men in the cage; (2) Cage Mach, Hator & The Panther; (3) Ruleta de la Muerte, Laredo Kid, Super Laredo, Street Boy, Antifaz, Mortal USA, Rio Bravo Jr


LAWA Middleweight Champion
On Gym