Archive for June, 2004

I know this has been heavily anticipated so it’s my pleasure to bring you the next episode of Initial D Fourth Stage! The action really heats up with this ep! As usual, get the file from the xdcc bots in #live-evil on or off of bit torrent at (hint, we always put our new torrents at the bottom of the list :P) ^_^

Please discuss the show on our forum!

Filesize is 179,388,416 bytes, the CRC is 7350E1BE, and the md5 hash is 45e474ee0846a4a07c85bf9376d84620.


Apres plusieurs mois d’attente, voici enfin le quatrieme episode de votre serie bukyo favorite, en francais 🙂

Vous pouvez telecharger le fichier avec bit torrent a ou dans notre canal IRC #live-evil @

Taille : 145719296 octets
CRC : 567A9C91
md5 : 1a00139a537d73fa0ce58c43c9f99140


With the limited-edition DVD box set of Mermaid’s Forest came 2 very special unaired episodes. They were a retelling of the Mermaid’s Scar sttory from the manga, by large considered to be the greatest story of the lot. This was originally released as an OAV in the early nineties and was released in America by Viz. Because these episodes were unaired they are considerably more graphic than the TV episodes, and are also in widescreen.

The basic story involves Yuta & Mana confronting a young boy who is not what he appaears to be on the surface. Watch and see.

Also, for all you fans who missed out on Rumic Theater and Rumic Theater Season 2 (Mermaid’s Forest), we will be releasing a large batch torrent encompassing the entirety of both series, which will also fit nicely onto CDRs or a DVDR.

As usual, get the file from bit torrent at or from our bots in #live-evil @

Ep 12 filesize is 248,213,504 bytes, the CRC is CAEA4A4F, and the md5 hash is aaaf59aaef16deb9768677fd73719269.
Ep 13 filesize is 247,844,864 bytes, the CRC is F270F622, and the md5 hash is 911e0906d5ff6abf7606e8235a2d5ba0.
Both files were encoded with xvid 1.0
