We would greatly appreciate your contribution to PTA membership using this link. In addition to PTA membership, here are different ways you can contribute or donate or give to Lincoln PTA:
Hungry Leopards
This is a monthly dine-out event where PTA partners with local restaurants to share a portion of their sales with Lincoln. All you need to do is order your meal the day of the event at the designated restaurant, pay as you normally would while mentioning the fundraiser, and that’s it! Next event coming on December 10th at Habit Burger. Flyer with details coming soon!
Book Fair
Ready to feel the rush of finding the perfect book at the Scholastic Book Fair? Buckle up! It’s coming to Lincoln during the week of December 9-13. Enjoy a reading adventure with your child while knowing your purchase benefits our school. Use this link for more details on how to purchase including setting up an eWallet for your child.
More info can be found here
Box Tops Program
The Box Tops for Education program gives our school an opportunity to earn additional funds to do all of the activities that bring our community together, by simply scanning receipts for eligible products into the app. Sign up for the program today to earn 25 box tops ($2.50) right away. Also, during Nov 1-30 you’ll earn 50 bonus box tops ($5) by connecting your Box Tops and Walmart accounts for the first time! See the flyer for November here. And watch for a flyer for December!