To donate your wheelchair or if you need a wheelchair or to
make a donation towards this project and receive a tax deduction,
please contact Mike Kubik at 

The Wheelchair Project
5834 Cresswell Lane
Whitestown, IN 46075-4561

The Wheelchair Project



Michael Kubik is our wheelchair coordinator. He will make every effort to match up available wheelchairs with those who need them.

Read some of our happy wheelchair stories....

More recent stories

Updated July 5, 2016

Happy wheelchair story from South Africa. Delivered through our South African chapter and volunteers.

Dear Victor

I am pleased to inform you that the wheel chair arrived and has been delivered to Alexandria yesterday (May 9, 2016) . Thank you once again for your generosity and for your role in making it possible to bless her with the wheel chair.

Please find attached a little bit more information on Alexandria's situation. from Caroline Ferrerira.

Kind regards,
Caroline Ferreira

Updated January 6, 2016

We received a donation of a brand new Jazzy J6 power wheelchair shown on left valued at $2,000 from a woman whose husband just died in Boynton Beach, Florida on January 5, 2016. Our volunteer in Deerfield, Florida, Chuck Smith, picked up the chair and it will be used for someone who needs a chair like this either in the southern Florida area or the Carribean where Chuck and his wife Mary regularly travel.

We are thankful for the wheelchair project works and how it's benefited so many. Each year LifeNets matches about 100 wheelchairs from donors to qualified recipients.This free service has been operated by LifeNets for the past 16 years.







Updated April 9, 2015
Wheelchair event by Undisputed Runs supports LifeNets -- with update


Updated December 23, 2014
We're approaching the 100 chair match for the year. Here's a story tellling you of a match that made several people happy in Pennsylvania.

Updated September 3, 2014


LifeNets Wheelchair Project had its 79th match for 2014 this Labor Day weekend. The scooter was originally donated from a lady in East Lansing after her husband died from ALS a year ago. 

We searched the area and found Michael Vidal who suffers greatly from multiple sclerosis; he has three lesions in his spinal cord, a couple on his brain stem and 1 in his lower lumber area on his back.  He also is suffering from paralysis on his right side.  Life is getting harder for him as he is only 39 years old.  We were able to place the scooter with him as well as a walker, toilet riser, and shower seat.  These are all item that he desperately needs and Medicaid will not cover them.

Hear Mike comment about this wheelchair in video on the right.....



See this story in separate file

power chair



Updated June 13, 2014

CindyThis is me in my LifeNets Permobil. That's my buddy "Cutie" who likes going for rides in my power chair.

It's very early on Thursday morning, but I wanted to pop in and say thank you.

My batteries came in on a Monday and Ryan installed them on Tuesday. It makes so much more of a difference now. My other chair which is a 2009 TDX-SP has batteries that were installed in 2011. It had gotten to the point that I carried a charger everywhere. But now, I don't have to worry. The TDX goes into spare mode and my Permobil is rolling once again.

The gift and blessing of mobility is truly life changing and life empowering. You have given me back my independence and security.

For that I will be eternally grateful.


Cynthia Hill

See this story in separate file

HorasiMatiya, Horasi and Bev in Mufumbwe, Zambia

Updated May 11, 2014

This is Emanuel Horasi Siyono who lives near Mufumbwe in remote western Zambia. Everyone calls him "Horasi." We visited with him from April 25-28, 2014. He is 74 years old.

About two years ago when we were in Lusaka, more than 500 miles away we had this foldable wheelchair made for him. It gives him a whole new world as he's able to be mobile. He's a brave man who often takes the bus as he sits on the side of the road in his wheelchair and waits to be taken out and the wheelchair folded up. He often has his 14 year-old grandson Matiya go with him and help him get around. In this photo he is shown with Beverly Kubik and Matiya.

Updated January 10, 2014 (read this story in separate file)

This wheelchair story has special meaning to me. It involves a person my age who I knew back in my high school days who was involved in an accident in 1992 in which a car drove over her legs. She is now in a wheelchair and lives alone. Her life was changed forever...her life's hopes and dreams dashed.

The LifeNets wheelchair project has been able to help her in a special way on a few occasions over the past years. She write this letter of appreciation:

-- Victor Kubik

Thank you, LifeNets,

Since getting hit by a car I have been using a wheelchair since 1992.  I’ve been using the same wheelchair for 21 years.  Medical Assistance will pay for a new wheelchair every 5 years but I can’t get a new wheelchair through the system that meets my needs.  Victor offered to just buy me a new wheelchair with funding from LifeNets.

The price for a new wheelchair that meets my needs is almost $3,000.00.  I have parts of a rigid frame wheelchair that was built for someone who is 5’2” with 24” back wheel assembly.  I am 4 inches taller.  My Quickie 2 manual wheelchair that has 26” diameter back wheel assembly can be refurbished to be just as good as new. I figured that if the rigid frame can be adapted to switch out the back wheel assembly that is on my Quickie 2 manual wheelchair I can have 2 wheelchairs for much less cost than $3,000.00 for a new wheelchair.  The Quickie 2 manual folding wheelchair had some rusted out parts that needed to be replaced. 

I found APA Medical, a wheelchair store in Minneapolis.  The best mechanic in town, Jerry did an appraisal and with just $833.00 for parts and 2 days labor plus renting a wheelchair while the refurbishing is being done, I can end up with 2 wheelchairs!  I just picked up the tab on new front tires and inner tubes.  LifeNets paid the $833.00 to the wheelchair shop.

The folding wheelchair can be put into the trunk of a car.  The problem with folding wheelchairs is that holes are drilled into the weakest part of the frame for a bolt.  Holes drilled into the frame is what  causes the frame to break.  I have broken a couple of these frames.  An engineer told me that instead of drilling holes in the frame if there is an external spring-loaded brace where the crossbars meet then at least theoretically the frame should not break.  I haven’t seen folding manual wheelchairs made that way.

The rigid frame eliminates the problem of breaking frame.  The disadvantage of the rigid frame is that it doesn’t fold to fit into a car, so the quick-release back wheels have to be removed.  That is a messy situation because the quick-release axles have to be well-lubricated.  The rigid frame takes up more cubic space than a folding frame wheelchair.

What I really love about these 2 wheelchairs is the footrest assembly. Curved loop footrests with no plates instead of ugly rectangular plates with sharp corners. Minimalist curved lines have more eye appeal than straight lines with sharp corners.  I was lucky to snap up these kind of footrests because all I see on wheelchair catalogs is ugly rectangular footrests.
Instead of $3,000.00 for a new wheelchair for $833.00 I have 2 wheelchairs that are even better than new!

Thank you, LifeNets!


Updated April 4, 2013

For the year 2012 we had 154 total donations nationwide, we matched 82 and had 399 requests.

Here is a wonderful story just received.... (see below in separate file)

On March 16, 2013 Pastor Gary Weller and Gloria from Ohio met with the family whom donated the power wheel chair. Gary and I would like to thank you for donating the chair. Tears of joy and thankfulness was shared and Gary stated to the family that he promised the chair would be 100% taken care of and how much he appreciated the chair. The family had Gary to sit in the chair and adjusted him to his comfort and gave him the opportunity to ride in their garage so they could show him how it works. Gary shed tears of thankfulness and it has been a blessing for us that he can move through the home now with out worrying of his balance and falls. We would like to thank you for all you have done to make this possible. God Bless.

The Weller Family

Weller 1 Weller 2


Updated July 13, 2012

Carol Alsman, who lives about one mile away found
our website through Google and dropped off a
pediatric chair and a walker at our home this morning.
2012 has been a good year for wheelchairs.
More than 60 chairs have been donated and placed
and we look to another 100 plus year for LifeNets
wheelchair placements.

Updated July 13, 2012

Wheelchair to Zimbabwe Brought in by Visitor

From public letter written by Melvin Rhodes (see as separate posting)

April 10, 2012

In a country that not so long ago suffered from severe food shortages, the ladies put on a really nice meal for us.  At the same time, Marshall Takaindisa, received his “new” (used) battery operated wheelchair. Marshall teaches at a sprawling school complex and, so far, has depended on others to push him around. But now he can get around by himself.

Marshall Takaindisa

He asked for a wheelchair a few months ago. Finding a wheelchair was one thing—getting it into the country was quite another. Freight charges and customs duties are only part of the problem—the paperwork is quite daunting. It was suggested that I “ride” it into Zimbabwe. For this, I needed a letter from my doctor saying that I needed to use a wheelchair in Johannesburg where the new airport requires a lot of walking. For once the wound in my foot was advantageous!

Melvin Rhodes

I asked the office in Pretoria, South Africa, if they could help find the wheelchair. Finally one was found, but when our office employee’s husband, Neil Wallis, went to pick it up, he realized there was no foot-rest. That meant I would have to keep my feet up while using the chair. A foot-rest could be added once it arrived in Zimbabwe.

At the airport the battery ran out so I had to be pushed with my feet up, but we got it on to the plane and into Zimbabwe and into the hands of Marshall, who was absolutely thrilled to receive it. LifeNets paid for the wheelchair and this wheelchair will make a big difference in one man’s life.

-- Melvin Rhodes


Updated June 3, 2012

Here is one of the success stories in helping Thom, a disabled veteran.

His request:

"I am a disabled veteran with spinal injuries acquired while serving our country. I have been waiting for some time for a chair through the VA but there seems to be a long wait for my name to come up. I have a chair that is on its last legs and can not find parts for it. The chair you are offering would make life so much easier not just for myself but for my family as well. And the ramp would open more doors for me as well. If you choose me I would be very appreciated by far. Thank you kindly for your awesome generosity to our Craigslist community. God Bless you and yours."

After he received the donation:

"Yes I made it to them (the donors). It was a very pleasant visit. The chair and ramps are indeed perfect for my daily needs. I'll get a picture sent to you as soon as I can. I won't forget. Thank you for all you do. I wish there were more people and non-profit organizations like you. You are a Godsend for sure."

Updated March 21, 2011

Here are a few photos of our recent wheelchair donations.  The power chair was placed in Florida.  The pediatric chair was placed in Indianapolis.

Updated November 6, 2010

Update on The LifeNets Wheelchair Project by Michael Kubik:

Michael Kubik receiving two new
 pediatric wheelchair donations on November 4, 2010

So far in 2010 we have had 34 matches and I would expect to have between 45 - 50 matches by the end of year based on current donation and request projections.  Matches came slowly in the first half mostly due to the lack of donations, that has not been the case the last three months.  We had 14 donations in August, 15 in September, and 6 in October.  We have had the same amount of donations in the past three months as we had in the first seven months of the year. With the increase in donations, we expect to end with two very strong months.

While the numbers are not the same as 2009, we have received many heart warming emails thanking us for our service.

Here are several:

From a wheelchair recipient:
Mike,  I was able to pickup the chair with my daughter on Saturday afternoon. We took the wrong turn off in downtown Chicago, and it was pretty hairy for awhile, but with the GPS that my daughter had we were able to turn ourselves around and get to Glenview, and get the chair. Tom's father-in-law died on Friday so it was a bit sad. The chair will be greatly used believe you me. I am calling the doctors  this morning for my needed surgeries. I appreciate everything that your organization does for people like myself. May God bless you.
                                                                                                                                                                                 - Patti

From a donor:
Thank you for listing the chairs on your site.  I live in Burleson Texas and a lady from Denison called me yesterday regarding her paraplegic sister.  (the man from Arlington never called me)  The lady wants the chair and she and her husband were willing to buy a new battery if needed.  The girls current chair arms are being held together by rubber bands.  Thank you for connecting me with someone in need, your site is wonderful.

Another recipient would not have been able to attend her daughter's graduation without our help, here is her reply:
Stephanie called me last night (she was busy with Mothers Day) and we have arranged to pick up the chair tomorrow night. Thanks for all your help; now we can ALL attend my daughter's graduation in June.
Mrs. S.

August 19, 2010

Recent donations came from our website and by calling hospitals and physical therapy clinics in the Indianapolis area.  On the right is a photo of Bob Quack, Wheelchair Facilitator at the the Rehabilitation Hospital in Indianapolis, demonstrating the use of a custom made manual chair that allows the owner to stand using the chair.  On the left is a photo of the recipient of that chair who has an extreme case of Cerebral Palsy. The chair is allowing him to use his muscles using the load-bearing function of the custom chair.

- Michael Kubik  August 19, 2010

The Rest of the Story.

March 13, 2010

One of the greatest joys we have in LifeNets is  is when we see the efforts of several people result in a benefit to someone in great need.  This is one of those stories that involved FINDING a wheelchair, delivering it from Ohio to Kenya to DELIVERY. Read more about this story.

Chibwana Nsamala
TA Kalembo

February 8, 2010                                                                                                               

To LifeNets,

I write to thank you for the donation of the wheelchair. I will be able to move anywhere-everywhere to go to the market, visiting friends, church etc. and now my problem of movement is over. Continue supporting people like me. 

Yours faithfully, 

Patuma Wyson

Before:  This is "mobility" without a wheelchair


After"  Dr. Sam Chilopora and Esther with Patuma Wyson in LifeNets wheelchair

Updated December 20, 2009 

From Jeremy Lallier:  This wheelchair is part of the Youth Corp project. I will be helping out at the summer camp that we run in Kenya, and then spending the following week visiting people. I will be leaving for Kenya this Sunday (Dec. 13, 2009 ) and departing Dec. 31. The wheelchair will be coming with me on the flight, and then Mr. Antonio Ndungu (who alerted us to the need) will take us to present the chair to the boy. Below is what Mr. Ndungu wrote to me about him:

"Thank you very much for this good news. I cannot explain how exited I am for the assistance of a Wheel to this needy young boy. His names are Edwin Ng’ethe Ndung’u and now 10 years old. He was born with a spine problem “[Spina] Bifida” and therefore has no nerve feelings on his lower part of the body. He has been in that condition since childhood.

This no doubt means that he cannot stand on his own and has to be lifted to be placed on the Wheel Chair. The boys Parents are in our village but do not attend with United.

The wheel chair he is now using is in bad condition and they parents could not afford another one for replacement as they are not finacialy in a position to do so. They have been looking for someone to assist them get another one for over 12 months now and when recently I learned of their plight I was so touched. He attends a school nearby in Class 1 and now will be in position to attend classes on the wheelchair."

God's hand has already been so involved with the planning of this trip, but I think being able to provide a wheelchair to someone in need has thus far been the icing on the cake.

Updated September 1, 2009

On the right is a wheelchair match in Pottstown, PA shipped from Whitestown, IN.  it was given to a student who could not attend school until he had a wheelchair.

Updated July 26, 2009   
Here are some photos of
our recent wheelchair activity. On the left is Michael Kubik picking up a wheelchair Chicago on July 19, 2009 for recipient in Indianapolis.  On the right is our wheelchair coordinator Alix Kubik delivering a power chair for 50 year-old woman who can now have mobility to see her grandchildren and get around in general in the neighborhood. 

Our program has provided joy in helping people who would have otherwise been immobilized to get around.  And that changes their life and orientation immeasurably.  Again, we thank YOU for for your help.  We always need chairs.  We have two people asking for every chair available.  If you can donate or know of anyone else who can donate an unused chair, please contact us at the phone number above or our special Website at  and let us know what you can help us with.  Once the chair is matched, you will received a tax exempt receipt.

Updated July 26, 2009 

Four years ago disabled Merekina Filipo was pushing her hand-operated wheelchair in Salima, Malawi.  A moving vehicle ran into her damaging the chair. The driver then ran away leaving her in painful wounds. No one, not even the government, wanted to help her with her broken wheelchair, Her wheel chair was a nice one because she could cycle it using her hands. She approached Wordsworth Rashid, one of our LifeNets representatives in Malawi, if we assist her with the repair of her wheelchair. This was in February 2009. We were glad to help and provided the funding to repair the chair

We normally do not deliver wheelchairs overseas, but were able to repair this one and tell this story. See more story and photos.

Updated June 12, 2009 

Seattle’s ABC Affiliate KOMO News 4’s ( Problem Solver’s program helped a Tacoma man obtain another wheelchair – see story.  In response to the story, several people volunteered a wheelchair, including LifeNets.  A deluxe model was chosen and given to Andrew Hagan Monday, the day after KOMO aired the story which was May 11, 2009.. 

Unfortunately, it turned out that new chair too heavy and not easily collapsed so it could be put into his Mother ‘s car when she picked him up from his classes. 

A couple of days later, KOMO’s Jennifer Austin called Catherine Brumbaugh, LifeNets Puget Sound member, who had called after seeing the program but could not obtain a chair that Monday. 

Working with Alix Kubik, LifeNets wheelchair program coordinator, a chair was located in the Seattle area, picked up in north Seattle and taken south to an arranged meeting with Ms. Hagan and her son Andrew.  Ms. Hagan was very happy to have a lighter weight model that was easy to fold and store in her car’s trunk. 

KOMO added information about LifeNets to its website story about the Hagans.

-- Catherine Brumbaugh, LifeNets Puget Sound Chapter

Updated June 3, 2009

Dear Alix

This morning (May 31) Gerald Hoyer brought the power chair to our home in Mesa, AZ. 

Johnny and Vicki Rose were here with their daughters to receive the chair and meet the Hoyer's. They were such sweet people! We were shocked at what fantastic condition it was in and still cannot believe our good fortune.

If there is ever anything we can do to assist in the Phoenix area, please do not hesitate to contact us. We our forever grateful for how much easier things will be for Johnny.  Thank you for facilitating this transfer!

Warm Regards,

Updated April 3, 2009

The April 2009 issue of Indianapolis Monthly mentions The LifeNets Wheelchair Project in its cover article "How to Get Rid of Stuff"  It is mentioned on page 63 in section on Wheelchairs:

"No use spinning your wheels. Donate.  The Indianapolis based LifeNets Wheelchair Project matches available wheelchairs with people in need throughout the country via an online data base. The organization accepts all types of wheelchairs in usable condition." 

On page 113 in a list of places to donate to telephone number and Web site for LifeNets is given


Updated February 9, 2009

Top: Chiphale Njewa with wife Lester
Bottom: With elder Eliphazi Salawilla
Right: With great-grandchildren

Wordsworth Rashid, our LifeNets representative in Lilongwe, Malawi writes to us about this wheelchair  delivery on December 23, 2008

I went to collect the wheelchair today and indeed I was very successful as I planned to wait for the Minister for Elderly and Disabled, Hon. Clement Khembo till he came and gave me the wheelchair for Mr. Chiphale Njewa. He had also helped me to get it near my home by the staff bus.  Finally, let me give thanks to Mr. Henry Khembo, Mr. Clement Khembo and Beverly Kubik for such an input that Mr. Njewa should get this wheelchair.

 Regards to all,

Chiphale Njewa suffered stroke and has had no mobility for months. When we visited him in his home in October 2008 we promised a wheelchair. (See blog) It was delivered just before the end of 2008. 

December 27, 2008

The Marion Star Press, central Indiana newspaper recommends LifeNets as a place to recycle wheelchairs.


On the left is wheelchair delivery by Bev Kubik to Nelson Arnold at the Terre Haute, Indiana congregation on November 22 for needy recipient in the Bloomington, Illinois area later in the week. 


December 10, 2008

On October 3, 2008 we received this nice letter from the North City Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:


See entire letter


October 2, 2008

Real Simple magazine, circulation 2,000,000, mentions LifeNets as a good place to go to to recycle your wheelchair.

Real Simple is a monthly women's interest magazine, which was launched by Time in 2000, features articles and information related to homekeeping, childcare, cooking and emotional wellbeing. Real Simple is distinguished by its clean, uncluttered style of layout and photos.

Real Simple made its television debut in 2006, with a half-hour segment airing on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

We appreciated the coverage and support!

July 13, 2008

July 13, 2008 LifeNets helps Indianapolis residents with two wheelchairs. Tom (right) picks these two for brother and one for another needy person.


Please go to archives on our wheelchair project