Welcome to KDE’s Annual Report 2023

By Aleix Pol

Picture of Aleix Pol

As we close 2023, it’s important to take the time to reflect on our accomplishments as a community and organization. We remained grounded in the present, delivering our software to our users, while we also united towards our next technical iteration of products, rebasing them on Qt 6 and getting them ready for the challenges to come.

This year saw the greatest progress yet towards achieving our current three KDE goals. Under the KDE for all banner, we worked on accessibility, improving our products for the people who would otherwise have difficulty using them. We also took a look at our impact on our planet with the Sustainable Software goal and worked towards better marrying technology to the future. And, last but not least, we spent some quality time enhancing our internal processes, making sure we work in the best of conditions.

In our community’s upcoming gathering at Akademy, we will be voting for new KDE Goals. These are changing times for software, especially for humans’ relationships with computers. We ought to embrace this new future in alignment with our vision of “a world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy”, as its principles keep getting blurred at the expense of our individual and collective freedoms.

Featured article – The year we did this other thing too

By Paul Brown and Nate Graham

If there was one topic occupying the KDE community in 2023, it was building Plasma 6. Now, if you weren’t following the process closely, it might have seemed like Plasma 6 just… appeared, fully formed like Aphrodite from the waves, and with surprisingly few blemishes.

Of course, that is not how it happened. Niccolò Venerandi traces the first public mention of Plasma 6 back to a discussion started in 2018, and that discussion never ended.

While the topic was being discussed in forums, instant messaging channels, social media, and blogs, developers were working around the clock to adapt Plasma and KDE applications to a new underlying version of the Qt toolkit. The combined code bases of all the migrated projects is huge, and not only did a bunch of volunteer programmers carry out the migration successfully, but they also found time to improve support for the environment on Wayland, add new features, and restore older features that had had to be removed for technical reasons.

Not only that, but sunk deep into the core of KDE’s ecosystem is more than twice as much code users never get to see. These are the foundations of Plasma and KDE’s applications: KDE Frameworks.

The Frameworks provide tools and components that allow front-end developers to build the things you actually see. Frameworks contribute to the consistent look of buttons, scrollbars and menus across applications, and help developers quickly build interfaces and add features. They contribute to the widespread implementation of novel functionalities, like compact hamburger menus, and drop-down searches from within apps. They make KDE’s software safer, more efficient, and more stable across the board, as bug fixes in one framework will cascade down to all the apps that use it. Frameworks help make more compact applications — such as instant messaging clients, social media apps and travel and weather assistants — work equally well on desktop, embedded, and mobile devices.

KDE’s underlying Frameworks code spills out beyond the borders of our projects, finding its way into the infotainment systems of cars and buses, gaming consoles, and embedded control systems. Let’s not forget that, to this day, most web browsers still contain lines of code written by KDE hackers in the late 1990s in a framework called KHTML, one of the longest living and most ubiquitous HTML engines in the history of HTML engines. KDE is essentially the grandfather of the modern web and all apps built using web technologies.

And every single line of the many hundreds of thousands that make up KDE’s frameworks has been written, revised, modified, and then updated by a human — often unpaid, usually unthanked, and with no corporate-style bureaucracy or hierarchical organization, either. Just passionate experts identifying needs and addressing them, behaving collegially and productively for the sheer joy of it.

So the next time you marvel at the titanic body of work that is KDE’s software corpus, spare a thought for the frameworkers, the unsung heroes of the Free Software development world. Few if any of KDE’s applications, Plasma features, extensions and widgets would be available or as feature-rich without them.

Supported Activities – Developer Sprints and Conferences

PIM Sprint

From the notes of Kevin Ottens and the PIM team

On the first weekend of April, the PIM team held the KDE PIM Sprint, where discussions covered various topics, including:

  • decoupling KDAV from KIO
  • easing the use of KCalendarCore::Calendar for asynchronous code (as it currently exposes a synchronous API)
  • overall streamlining of KCalendarCore::Calendar’s API to focus on a more user-friendly core
  • deciding on a new custom properties API for KCalendarCore
  • retiring the mixed maildir and Kolab resources with careful consideration for minimal disruption to users
  • improving Windows compatibility (especially crucial for Kalendar)
  • replacing the Kross-based account wizard with a modern QML one
  • fixing important dependencies in Akonadi-contacts to reduce reliance on widgets (essential for Kalendar and mobile)
  • proper usage of QtKeychain in KMailTransport
  • removing the KMailTransportAkonadi API
  • reducing Kalendar’s reliance on certain KOrganizer settings
  • enhancing APIs for QML consumption
  • factoring out some of Kalendar internals for reuse, and planning the overall timeline towards a “PIM 6” release.

The KDEPIM team, currently fairly small, faced constant concerns which influenced some of the choices made, to keep plans realistic given the large codebase and limited manpower for maintenance. Full notes on the KDE PIM Sprint can be found here.

Plasma Sprint

From the notes of Kai Uwe, Nate Graham and Volker Krause

From the 5th to the 10th of May, the Plasma team held the Plasma 6 sprint at  TUXEDO’s Office in Augsburg, Germany.

The Plasma team discussed the transition to KF6 and its impact on dependency management within the KDE framework. One significant change involved restructuring colour scheme classes to reduce unnecessary dependencies on Qt::Widgets, particularly for QML-based mobile applications. This restructuring improves efficiency and reduces package size — especially for Android APKs where they can account for up to 20-25% of the total size.

Led by David Redondo, the colour scheme code is now divided into the widget-less KF::ColorScheme framework, with a small portion remaining in KF::ConfigWidgets for generating colour scheme selection menus. Although largely transparent to most consumers, this restructuring addresses the dependency issue and optimises resource usage.

Aside from this, the Plasma team also discussed and worked on other KF6-related topics, such as:

  • the review of the XDG Portal Notification v2 proposal for compatibility with KF::Notification, which promises significant improvements aligning with cross-platform standards
  • the integration of commonly used code pieces from applications to reduce duplication and to streamline dependencies, such as an email address input validator and a return key capture event filter for line edits
  • the identification and resolution of test failures stemming from the CLDR 42 update, a part of the switch to Qt 6.5, which introduced unexpected changes in certain time formats
  • the ongoing refactoring of the KF::Prison barcode generator API to provide a simpler interface.

These efforts collectively demonstrate the community’s commitment to enhancing the KDE framework for better performance and compatibility across different platforms.

KDE e.V. Board Sprint

By Aniqa Khokhar

From left to right: Eike, Nate, Aleix, Adriaan and Lydia.

The Board members of KDE e.V. meet weekly online, but they also have in-person board meetings and sprints.

The Board Sprint was held in Berlin, Germany, over the weekend of 27th and 28th May 2023. All the Board members — Adriaan de Groot, Aleix Pol i Gonzàlez, Eike Hein, Lydia Pintscher, and Nate Graham — were present.

The agendas of these board meetings focus on various important topics including events, HR, and community. These sprints are a chance for the Board members to come together, discuss important matters, and socialize in-person, which helps to create a sense of community and enhance the overall functioning of KDE.

Furthermore, the board engaged with local community members over an Ethiopian dinner on Saturday evening.

Akademy Pre-event: Making a Difference

By Aniqa Khokhar

On 23 May 2023, the Akademy team year organized a hybrid event at the University of Macedonia in Greece to help participants to learn more about KDE and Akademy.

The workshop explained how you can make a difference in the world of free software by getting involved with the KDE Community. Nate Graham and Neofytos Kolokotronis discussed KDE’s vision and community structure, as well as its impact on today’s world. They also covered topics such as skill development, career growth, volunteering, and personal growth.

Topics covered:

  • What is KDE?
  • How KDE has shaped today’s world?
  • KDE’s continuing impact today
  • How we got our start in KDE
  • What can KDE do for you?
  • Akademy

To know more about the event, you can view the slides while you watch the video:



By Aniqa Khokhar

Akademy-es 2023 group photo at OpenShouthCode.

The eighteenth edition of Akademy-es, KDE’s yearly event for the Spanish-speaking community, was held in Málaga from the 9th to the 10th of June. This year the event was jointly held with the OpenSouthCode event and, like in previous years, attendees could participate both in-person and online.

For over 17 years, KDE España has been promoting and bringing Akademy-es to the general public for Spanish-speaking community members.

During the two days, there were talks for both users and developers, as well as practical workshops and other activities of a more social nature. KDE España also set up a booth that ran demos of popular KDE applications, gave away stickers and merchandising, and collected donations.

Booth at Akademy-es 2023

The conference started with the opening ceremony hosted by Adrián Chaves, president of KDE Spain. Then there were talks on various topics such as How KDE project translations are managed, Python and Qt, The role of KDE in low-income educational centres, Sustainability and free software/hardware, as well as lightning talks and more.

25 Years of the KDE Free Qt Foundation

By Aniqa Khokhar

On the 22nd of June 1998, the KDE Free Qt Foundation was founded and has accompanied Qt on its amazing journey to become the success story that it is today.

Qt has established itself as the go-to solution for UI development because of its high quality, consistency, ease of use, and broad cross-platform support. A key factor in this achievement is Qt’s dual licensing strategy: Qt is available as free software for open source, but it is also available under a paid license for proprietary software development. A legal foundation ensures the continued availability of Qt as free software alongside the commercial licensing options.

At the time the KDE Free Qt Foundation was founded, Qt was developed by Trolltech — the company that originally developed the framework. The Foundation has supported Qt through its transitions, first to Nokia, then to Digia, and finally to The Qt Company. It has the right to release Qt under the BSD license if necessary to ensure that Qt remains open source. This remarkable legal guarantee protects the free software community and creates trust among developers, contributors, and customers.

The KDE Free Qt Foundation is a collaboration between The Qt Company and KDE. KDE is one of the largest Free Software communities for general-purpose end-user software, and has been around since 1996.

Qt is developed as a true open source project. People from many different backgrounds join The Qt Company to contribute to the framework. Many contributors come from The Qt Company, but many others come from other companies and from Qt-based Free Software projects, including the KDE community. They know that their contributions will continue to be available as Free Software because the Foundation protects and ensures that contributions to Qt will remain open.

In 2023 we celebrated 25 years of freedom and collaboration for Qt!

The KFQF celebrated 25 years in 2023.

Find out more about how KDE Free Qt Foundation is protecting the future of Qt, both as open source and as a proprietary and commercially supported offering.


From the notes by Aniqa Khokhar and Paul Brown

Akademy 2023 group photo in hte main hall.

Akademy is KDE’s annual event where the community comes together in one place to meet in person, share ideas and hack on common projects.

This year’s Akademy was held in Thessaloniki, Greece and started on July 15th and ran until July 21st. This year 150 people attended Akademy in person, and 220 tuned in online to attend chats and BoFs over video conference.

The first weekend of Akademy, as is tradition, was dedicated to talks, panels and fireside chats. The sessions, which were streamed live to the whole world, covered a wide variety of KDE-related topics, ranging from the hot topic of the road to Plasma 6, to how to hack off-the-shelf solar panels, and many things in between.

Day 1 – Saturday 15 July

09:45 Opening

Aleix Pol, president of KDE, opened the event and thanked all attendees and sponsors for making the event possible.

10:00 Empowering Open-Source Space Technologies

The first keynote of Akademy 2023 was given by Eleftherios Kosmas from the Libre Space Foundation. Eleftherios explained how the LSF is making inroads in space exploration and technology through the use of a wide range of open source technologies. He talked about how free software and hardware are carving out a niche in the ultra-competitive and cut-throat space industry, despite the fact that, as he reminded the audience several times, “space is hard”.

Eleftherios talks about the Libre Space Foundation in the opening key
11:15 KDE Goals

In the traditional Goals time slot, Nate Graham, leader of the Automate and Systematize Internal Processes goal, explained how they intend to preserve the knowledge from one generation of KDE contributors to the next; Carl Schwan listed the ways the Accessibility goal allows more people to use KDE software in more ways than one; and Joseph De Veaugh-Geiss highlighted the milestones of the KDE Eco goal.

At this point, the conference split into two tracks.

12:30 Measuring Energy Consumption

In room 1, and related to the above, Volker Krause took us on a tour of how we, the end users, can start contributing to greener computing by measuring consumption at home. Volker walked us through the available software and then told us about devices, some expensive, but some surprisingly cheap and effective, that everyone could use.

12:30 A Tale of Kleopatra

In room 2, Ingo Klöcker gave us a glimpse of how, over the course of a year, it was possible to push KDE’s cryptography key manager Kleopatra from barely accessible to accessible with minor restrictions, often thanks to, sometimes in spite of Qt.

14:30 KDE e.V. Board Report

After lunch, the KDE e.V. board presented their annual report to the attendees. The board members have done a lot of work to support the KDE community over the past year. In this session, board members Adriaan de Groot, Aleix Pol Gonzalez, Lydia Pintscher, and Nate Graham (Eike Hein couldn’t make it) told the audience about the things the e.V. has done, the work of the organization, and future endeavors.

Topics covered included contractors (we have more of them now), events (including external events), sprints, fundraising and sponsors, highlights of the past year, and future plans.

14:30 Over a million reasons why Snaps are important

In room 2, we heard from Scarlett Moore that there have been more than one million downloads of Snaps since the project began in 2015. This means that Snap is a packaging system to be reckoned with. Scarlett told us how she got into the workflow of building a huge amount of Snaps and how she managed to keep them updated using KDE’s invent.kde.org platform and Ubuntu’s launchpad.

15:15 KDE e.V. Working Group reports

Back in room 1, we attended a panel hosted by Lydia Pintscher on KDE’s working groups. Neofytos Kolokotronis talked about the Community WG and how its main mission is to act as a mediator, ensuring smooth communication between community members and defusing conflicts. David Edmundson told us about the Finance WG and how we had deliberately overspent in 2022 to reduce the accumulated funds in KDE’s coffers, and the ways the extra expenditure is being used to help strengthen the community. Carl Schwan explained how the Fundraising WG has had several recent successes, but continues to look for new opportunities. David Redondo of the KDE Free Qt Foundation, responsible for protecting the free version of Qt, told us about progress in the relationship between KDE and the Qt Group. Finally, Bhushan Shah, representing the Sysadmin WG, talked about updates to KDE’s hardware infrastructure.

Edmundson, Neofytos Kolokotronis, Carl Schwan, Bhushan Shah, and Davi Redondo
telling us about the work carried out by the Working Groups.
15:15 Flatpak and KDE

At the same time, in room 2, Albert Astals talked about another way to distribute software, this time using Flatpaks. In his talk, Albert discussed what Flatpak is, why it’s interesting for KDE, and talked about the different ways developers can build and distribute their software using Flatpak, Flathub, KDE’s CI and binary factory infrastructures, and so on.

16:25 KF6 – Are we there yet?

Later, in room 1, Alexander Lohnau, Nicolas Fella and Volker Krause talked about the current state of KDE’s frameworks and toolkits and the progress and challenges of migrating to Qt 6.

16:25 Documentation goals and techniques for KDE and open source

In room 2, Thiago Sueto discussed what it is to be a technical writer, what he does, and what documentation goals and technologies are used to achieve them, focusing on KDE in particular, but also on open source in general.

17:05 Plasma 6 is coming

Marco Martin and Niccolò Venerandi then took the stage in room 1 and showed us many of the new visual improvements we should expect to see in Plasma 6 (Niccolò) and the underlying technical parts, changing components and APIs (Marco).

17:05 UIs in Rust with Slint

At the same time in room 2, Tobias Hunger introduced us to Slint, a UI framework written in Rust with bindings to Rust, C++, and Javascript. Slint scales from microcontrollers with no OS and only a few KiB of RAM to desktop UIs supported by graphics accelerators. The presentation showed what slint is and how to build a small UI with it.

17:55 KRunner: Past, Present, and Future

In room 1, Alexander Lohnau talked about KRunner and how he started developing for KDE three years ago, thanks in part to KDE’s search-run-and-do-a-lot-more utility. In his talk, Alexander covered the changes needed to migrate KRunner to Plasma 6 and explored how to port and improve existing runners.

17:55 KDE Embedded – Where are we?

Meanwhile, in room 2, Andreas Cord-Landwehr talked about the tools KDE has for easily creating embedded devices and how they work; which devices are most interesting at the moment; the concept of an immutable image; and the next topics and directions KDE community members should pursue in the embedded area.

Day 2 – Sunday 16 July

10:00 Kdenlive – what can we learn after 20 years of development?

Eugen Mohr, Jean-Baptiste Mardelle and Massimo Stella from the Kdenlive team took us down memory lane, from the very beginning to the present day. They told us about how the team came together, the hurdles they had to overcome, the current situation and the plans for the future of KDE’s popular video editing software.

10:50 Make it talk: Adding speech to your application.

Jeremy Whiting believes that speech is an underrepresented but perfectly valid way to communicate with users. Jeremy proved his point with examples of applications that, if speech-enabled, would help people who are visually impaired (or just looking at something else) and went on to explain Qt technologies that could be used to integrate speech into KDE applications.

11:00 The Community Working Group – Keeping a Healthy Community

In this talk, Andy Betts presented the work of the Community Working Group, how it resolves conflicts between community members and advice on how to get along within the KDE community.

At this point, the conference split into two tracks.

11:40 Internal Communication At KDE: Infrastructure For A Large And

Diverse Community

In room 1, Joseph De Veaugh-Geiss took the stage and walked us through some of the problems that a community as large as ours has when it comes to communicating with each other and the outside world.

11:40 An OSS Tool for Comprehending Huge Codebases

In room 2, Tarcisio Fischer talked about an OSS tool being developed by CodeThink to help developers understand large codebases. Although the tool is still under heavy development, he showed and explained the tool using KF5, Kate, and Konsole as case studies.

12:25 The Evolution of KDE’s App Ecosystem and Deployment Strategy

Back in room 1, Aleix Pol explored how the Linux application ecosystem has changed and the implications for KDE.

12:25 Matrix and ActivityPub for everything

At the same time, in room 2, Alexey Rusakov, Carl Schwan, and Tobias Fella talked about the Matrix IM platform and ActivityPub standards and how they can be used outside of their primary purpose. They gave a broad overview of the functionality provided by Matrix and how it fits into the ActivityPub protocols, which are primarily intended for real-time messaging and social networking applications.

During the lunch break, all attendees got together in the main conference hall, and later in the University’s lobby for the all-important group photo.

14:30 Selenium GUI Testing

After lunch, in room 1, Harald Sitter told us about and demonstrated Selenium, a technology for testing GUIs of KDE software. Selenium can be used for regular testing, testing for accessibility problems, and also for energy efficiency.

14:30 Remote Desktop for KWin Wayland

In room 2, Arjen Hiemstra showed how he was working to fix the lack of networking support in Wayland.

In X11, running graphical applications remotely was a core feature. Wayland does not implement this feature natively, but remote desktop control remains an important use case for a number of users.

Arjen showed how it is possible to use KDE’s KWin compositor, combined with a new library called KRdp, to control any KWin Wayland session over a network.

15:15 Testing the latest KDE software

Later, in room 1, Timothée Ravier joined us virtually and discussed what, when and how non-developers can test the latest KDE software, including Plasma Desktop and Apps. He also gave a demo using Flatpak.

15:15 Entering a Wayland-only World

Meanwhile, in room 2, Neal Gompa of the Fedora Project analyzed how KDE is doing with its move to Wayland and what problems still need to be solved.

16:20 KDE Wayland Fireside Chat

Right after that, Room 2 was handed over to Aleix Pol Gonzalez, David Edmundson, David Redondo, Vlad Zahorodnii, and Xaver Hugl for a fireside chat with the attendees about Wayland…

16:20 Kyber: a new cross-platform high-quality remote control software

… And a round of 10-minute Fast Track talks began in room 1, with Jean-Baptiste Kempf of VLC fame kicking things off with an explanation and demo of his new project, Kyber.

Kyber attempts to provide a high quality, 0 latency video feed, with bi-directional input forwarding, providing a cross-platform application and SDK to control any type of machine, regardless of hardware and operating system.

16:30 Fun with Charts: Green Energy in System Monitor

The second lightning talk was given by Kai Uwe Broulik, who explained how he managed to get data from off-the-shelf solar panels (that originally used proprietary software) and visualize it in Plasma’s system monitor, alongside things like CPU and network load.

16:40 What has qmllint ever done for us?

Then Fabian Kosmale explained the usefulness of qmllint, a command-line utility originally designed to check that QML files are syntactically valid. But it has evolved to cover more checks, has been integrated into CI pipelines, and has a plugin API on the way.

16:50 Wait, are first-run wizards cool again?

Finally, Nate Graham introduced the new Plasma Wizard and explained why it was necessary in this day and age.

Both tracks rejoined for the final leg of the conference section of Akademy.

17:05 Sponsors lightning talks

Akademy would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. Aleix Pol welcomed to the stage representatives from the Qt Group, Codethink, KDAB, Canonical, Collabora, openSUSE, enioka Haute Couture and Externly. The representatives, many of whom are also KDE members, explained what they do and received a round of applause from the audience.

Other sponsors who were not present at the event, but who were also applauded by the attendees, were Slimbook, TUXEDO, and PINE64.

The media partner for the event was Linux Magazine.

17:50 Akademy Awards

The Akademy Awards recognize outstanding contributions to KDE. Aniqa Khokhar and Harald Sitter, last year’s winners, presented this year’s winners:

In the category of Best Application, the winner was Heaptrack, maintained by Milian Wolff and the rest of the development team.

The award for Best Non-Application Contribution went to Hannah Von Reth for her work on KDE’s Craft system.

The Jury Award went to Johnny Jazeix for his work organizing and supporting Season of KDE and Google Summer of Code.

Finally, the special award went to the local team representing the University of Macedonia, co-organizer of the event. The KDE community cannot thank the University and the organizing crew enough for the work they put into making Akademy 2023 a success.

18:10 Closing

Aleix Pol closed the conference part of the event and the five days of BoFs, hackathons and training began.

Birds of a Feather Sessions

During the rest of the week, community members met in BoFs and worked on advancing different aspects of their projects.

Developers at work during a BoF.

Promo Sprint

By Aniqa Khokhar

On the 23rd and 24th of September, the Promo Sprint took place at the KDAB office in Berlin, Germany, the KDE Promo team gathered to strategise and plan various initiatives aimed at promoting KDE products and fostering diversity within the community. Attendees included Aron (Online), Aniqa, Carl, Joseph, Niccolo, Paul and Volker.

One of the main topics of discussion was the upcoming release of Plasma 6, KDE’s flagship desktop environment. Carl was tasked with updating the names on the Plasma 6 website, while Paul and Aniqa were in charge of handling download names. Niccolo updated the Plasma 6 visuals, emphasising the importance of having an appealing visual identity. Joseph updated the team on the progress of the visual blog posts, which are vital for engaging the community and attracting new new users.

Video production for Plasma 6 was another key aspect discussed, with Niccolo and Aron leading the discussion. The team outlined specific aspects to be covered and planned several videos to effectively showcase the features and capabilities of Plasma 6. Plasma 6’s features and capabilities. In addition, Niccolo presented several slogan options for Plasma 6, soliciting feedback and ultimately selecting a compelling slogan that would resonate with the target audience.

Both online and offline initiatives were explored for Plasma 6 events. Discussions included organising online events such as AMAs on platforms such as Discuss, YouTube and Peertube, as well as considering fireside chats to encourage meaningful interactions within the community. Aniqa and Joseph worked together to promote Plasma 6 internally and planned release parties to generate excitement, complete with Plasma 6-themed cakes and demonstrations in the shopping centre.

Efforts have also been made to streamline event management processes, including tracking and managing events effectively using available resources, and establishing clear objectives for each event. Aniqa was tasked with the creation of a logistics/materials management system, while Carl used Gitlab to research solutions to improve efficiency.

Diversity and inclusivity were recurring themes throughout the sprint, with community-building initiatives and strengthening KDE’s presence at FOSS events. The team brainstormed strategies for specific demographics, identifying potential partners and expanding the KDE networks to regions such as Africa, Singapore and South Korea.

In addition to promoting diversity, the team also focused on measuring the success of their initiatives and identifying target audiences for KDE products, including students, teachers, gamers, embedded systems enthusiasts and organisations. Standard content slides were developed to effectively introduce KDE and FOSS concepts.

Kdenlive Sprint

By Jean-Baptiste Mardelle

The Kdenlive team met in November 2023 in Zürich for a sprint. Many topics were discussed, here is a quick overview of what happened.

Qt6 Strategy

The team tried to compile the KF6/Qt6 Kdenlive version on all supported platforms. All upstream issues in dependencies have been solved, but this was still an ongoing task by the end of the sprint as the code had not been built with Qt6 on Mac at that point. The Windows and Linux versions started but contained some subtle bugs, mostly qml/mouse related.

Several patches were submitted and merged to KDE Frameworks to fix platform-specific issues. We postponed the decision of whether 24.02 would be Qt6 based until mid-December.

Effects Workflow

There were some in-depth discussions about how effects were to be displayed to the user, how embedded effects (transform and volume) would be managed for timeline clips, as well as some preliminary steps on how to move towards a more “dope sheet like” management of keyframes. The proposed changes were:

  • switch from a blacklist to a whitelist system, so that whenever a new effect is implemented in a library, it won’t automatically appear in the UI, as many effects don’t work without some additional layer. This would also allow us to control better which effects are displayed. Of course, the user would be able to disable this to see all available effects, for example, and be able to play with new effects.
  • in the effects list, add a link to the documentation website so that you can quickly reach a page documenting each effect.
  • start working on mock-ups for the embedded effects.

Render Test Suite

The render test suite is a repository of scripts designed to check for regressions in Kdenlive. Some refinements had still to be made to the report UI, but the last missing steps to make it work were implemented during the sprint.

Group Behavior

Kdenlive did not used to behave very consistently when you have a group of clips selected. For example, depending on how you did it, adding an effect would sometimes be applied to one clip only or all clips in the group. Several other operations had the same issues regarding groups. Several bugs were opened related to this problem and, after the discussion, it was decided to make the following changes:

  • when operating on a grouped clip, all clips in the group would be affected
  • we would implement selecting a single item in a group with a modifier (eg. Ctrl+click). When such a selection were made, only the selected clip would be affected.

Bug/Issue Tracker

All remaining tasks on the deprecated Phabricator platform were closed, and we decided to organise another online event to parse the GitLab issues to close them all too, limiting Gitlab to the internal team communication/discussion.

Bugs and feature requests would be reported on the KDE Bugtracker platform.

There were several complaints that rendering was not easy to find, and we decided on the following:

  • we would rename “Render” to “Export”
  • we would move the “Render…” and other import/export actions from the “Project” menu to the “File” menu
  • we would rename the “Project Bin” widget either to “Project” or to “Assets”, but no final decision was made
  • added re-implement “Audio Spectrograph” and “Loudness Meter” from MLT to the todo list
  • we discussed which elements would be shown in a future Welcome Screen
  • we added a basic check for offline update options by simply comparing the version number with the current date, and suggesting the user upgrade if the version is more than 6 months old.


The last steps to make the code fully REUSE compliant were carried out and a CI job to prevent regressions was added.


The website roadmap was reviewed and updated.

Fundraising status

After the successful 2022 fundraising, the team started to use the funds at last. The maintainer was able to spend a few hours more per week working on Kdenlive thanks to the funds.

Regarding the tasks pledged in the fundraising proposal:

  • the nested timelines feature was implemented
  • improved keyframe easing modes were worked on, but without Bèzier curves for the moment
  • an improved effects workflow was also added to the short term roadmap.

Public Events

We held a public in-person event where a couple of people showed up, which was the occasion to demonstrate the basic editing workflow as well as a few advanced features.

After that, an online meeting was the occasion to have some interesting exchanges with the users.

Projects and Apps

Arianna – Manage and read your ebooks

By Carl Schwan

An ebook reader and library management app supporting “.epub” files, Arianna automatically discovers your books and sorts them by categories, genres, and authors. Like most open-source applications, it is built on top of Qt and Kirigami. Arianna uses Baloo to find your existing ePub files on your device and categorize them.

The library view tracks your reading progress and finds new books as soon as you download them. If your book library is particularly large, you can use either the internal search functionality or browse through various categories to find books grouped by genre, publisher, or author. It displays the table of contents of a book and provides metadata about your books. This includes support for complex hierarchies of headings.

Arianna is also translated into multiple languages, thanks to some wonderful translators. Here is the alphabetically sorted list: Basque, British English, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Georgian, Hungarian, Interlingua, Mandarin, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Valencian.

Arianna screenshot showing the library view

Francis – Manage your work time

By Carl Schwan

Francis uses the well-known Pomodoro technique to help himself become more productive.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method originally developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It involves breaking work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This technique is implemented in a Pomodoro app, which was originally developed by Felipe Kinoshita.

The app is very simple and can serve as inspiration for developing your own Kirigami application.

Francis, a pomodoro-based time-management app

Google Summer of Code

By GSOC Contributors

KDE successfully mentored seven projects in 2023’s edition of Google Summer of Code (GSoC). GSoC is a program in which contributors new to Free and Open Source software spend between 175 and 350 hours during from 10 to 22 weeks working on an Open Source project. This post summarises the projects and contributors for 2023 and their achievements.








  • Okular for Android was improved by Shivodit, as they brought in the much-needed font rendering improvement when fonts are not embedded in the PDF file ­— text was not being rendered (image on left), and now they are (image on right). Other improvements were also carried out during the period, such as improving the “About” page and finding the root cause of a freeze on Android. All of Shivodit’s was merged into the various repositories.


Even though the GSoC 2023 period is over, it does not mean the contributions stopped there. Contributors had had a fun summer honing their skills within KDE with the community’s support, and many continue to contribute to their projects.

KDE Eco Handbook

By KDE Eco Team

In 2023 KDE Eco published “Applying The Blue Angel Criteria To Free Software: A Handbook To Certify Software As Sustainable”.

You might wonder: What does sustainability have to do with software at all? How can something so seemingly immaterial as software have an environmental footprint? We explored these and other questions in the handbook.

This handbook provides a brief overview of environmental harm driven by software, and how the Blue Angel ecolabel — the official environmental label of the German government — provides a benchmark for sustainable software design.

The Blue Angel is awarded to a range of products and services, from household cleaning agents to small appliances to construction products. In 2020, the German Environment Agency extended the award criteria to include software products. It was the first environmental certification in the world to link transparency and user autonomy — two pillars of Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) — with sustainability.

Season of KDE

By By Johnny Jazeix and Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss

For this year’s edition of Season of KDE, 8 participants successfully completed their projects. Several of the projects push forward the work to achieve KDE’s three goals, namely:

  • KDE For All: Boosting Accessibility
  • Sustainable Software
  • Automate and Systematize Internal Processes

The Projects

Mohamed Ibrahim took on the task of improving the KdeEcoTest emulation tool. The idea behind KdeEcoTest is to provide a simple-to-use scripting tool for building Standard Usage Scenario scripts and then running them when measuring the energy consumption of software. Mohamed first focused on improving the documentation to install and run the tool, then made several improvements to add functionalities to the tool.

Nitin Tejuja also worked on scripting for energy consumption measurements, but with another approach using the WebDriver for Appium selenium-webdriver-at-spi. The advantage of this approach is that the Accessibility framework is also used so contributors will be adding “good” accessibility names — multiple gains with one addition! Nitin created a script to test the consumption of the KDE educational suite GCompris.

Rudraksh Karpe furthered work on preparing KDE applications for Blue Angel eco-certification. At the moment only Okular has this certification, but Rudraksh continued work on the scripts for GCompris and Kate using the KdeEcoTest tool. Rudraksh also developed the “SUS Log Formatter“ tool to provide an overview of the actions taken from a Standard Usage Scenario log file.

Rishi Kumar worked on improving the accessibility of the Mastodon client Tokodon also using the WebDriver for Appium selenium-webdriver-at-spi. Rishi added multiple tests using the Accessibility framework for various functionalities such as search and offline use and improved the accessibility of Tokodon’s GUI.

Theophile Gilgien worked on improvements to AudioTube. AudioTube is a client for YouTube, and Theophile added multiple features such as removing songs from the history, adding a volume slider in maximized player, making the back-end for search history more efficient, and much more.

Neelaksh Singh setup Flatpak builds in the Continuous Integration workflow for KDE applications. Neelaksh built on the foundation laid in last year’s SoK by continuing automatization for the packaging of multiple apps during Nightly builds.

Brannon Aw improved the annotation tools in KDE’s Spectacle. Brannon simplified the way for the eraser tool and clearing annotations, which was a tedious task before.

Ruoqing He improved holiday support in the digital clock widget in Plasma. Ruoqing added a sublabel used to display holiday events for better support.

Trade Shows and Community Events


By Aniqa Khokhar

The KDE team at FOSDEM 2023.

After three long years of virtual gatherings, the Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting (FOSDEM) returned to Brussels from the 4th to the 5th of February. KDE made a significant impact at FOSDEM 2023. With a large team, the KDE community actively participated across various tracks, forging connections with other projects and communities. The KDE stand drew continuous crowds eager to learn about the latest developments.

The KDE team actively engaged with attendees during the event, offering insights into the latest projects and initiatives. Demonstrations of the Steam Deck, RISC-V technology, and other innovations captivated audiences and sparked meaningful conversations. The popularity of merchandise, including T-shirts and caps, exceeded expectations, with proceeds contributing to the ongoing development of KDE projects.

Photos showing the booth with devices and merch and attendees browsing.

Steam Deck

The unveiling of the Steam Deck, a consumer device preloaded with KDE software, garnered significant attention, underscoring KDE’s expanding influence beyond traditional computing platforms.

RISC-V and Yocto

One of the highlights at the KDE stand was the VisionFive-2 RISC-V board running a Yocto-based system with a Plasma Bigscreen. This demonstration, spearheaded by KDE developer Andreas, showcased the evolution of RISC-V technology within the KDE ecosystem. What began as a niche endeavour in 2019 has now blossomed into a remarkable showcase of innovation, with powerful demonstrations achievable on affordable single-board computers.

Linux App Summit

By Aniqa Khokhar

LAS 2023 group photo.

Linux App Summit (LAS) was held online and in-person from the 21st to the 23rd of April in Brno, Czech Republic. KDE and GNOME co-hosted the conference that brings the global Linux community together to learn, collaborate, and help grow the Linux application ecosystem.

This year more than 140 people attended both in-person and online. Energised, fervent, and hopeful, advocates of open-source technology from the GNOME and KDE communities converged for a dynamic two-day event filled with creativity, collaboration, and enjoyment.

The event included talks, panels and Q&As on a wide range of topics, including a talk about “Regulatory state of play of Open Source in the EU” delivered by Marcel Kolaja, Volker Krause talked about “UnifiedPush – Push notifications for Linux”, “Using XDG Desktop Portals for Qt apps” by Aleix Pol Gonzalez, and many more.

Other Events

By Aniqa Khokhar

This year, KDE was represented at numerous events worldwide.

KDE contributors attended Freedom Not Fear from the 1st to the 3rd of September in Brussels, and the NextCloud Conference from the 16th to the 17th of September in Karlsruhe. Volker Krause participated in the OpenStreetMap Hack Weekend from the 25th to the 26th of February in Berlin, focusing on using OSM data in KDE Itinerary. Volker also delivered a talk at the FOSSGIS Conference that was held from the 15th to 18th March in Berlin.

KDE contributors also attended Qt-related events and visited the KDE + Qt Meetup that was held on the 10th August, and the Qt Contributor Summit held from the 30th of November to 1st of December, both in Berlin.

KDE hosted stalls and booths at various FOSS and non-FOSS events throughout the year, including:

Furthermore, KDE had a booth and talks by contributors at the Qt World Summit from the 28th to the 29th of November in Berlin.

Working Groups


By Ben Cooksley

The 2023 year was one of long awaited achievements that have been worked on for some time.

In particular, we finally completed the retirement of some older website infrastructure (known as Capacity) which had been used to run a number of our sites, along with retiring a number of older Drupal instances. This has improved the overall maintainability of our websites, and leaves just a small handful of sites on Drupal 7 to be sorted in 2024. In addition to this, the server that hosts the bulk of our public facing websites was also rebuilt, helping to ensure the continued security of our infrastructure.

Gitlab also saw quite a bit of change this year, with us deploying both its container registry and pages modules. This container registry allows us to better control distribution of the container images used in our CI system, while Gitlab Pages allows our web team to preview website changes before they’re deployed, making it easier for people to get involved and easing review of changes to our websites.

Looking ahead, further improvements to our CI system will be needed to improve how unit tests are run, while continued server updates will be needed to ensure we remain safe and secure – making a busy 2024.

  • Created 36 subversion accounts
  • Disabled 2 subversion accounts

  • Created 3 kdemail.net aliases
  • Modified 1 kdemail.net aliases

  • Created 7 kde.org aliases
  • Disabled 1 kde.org aliases
  • Modified 5 kde.org aliases

  • Created 3 kde.org mailing-lists: trojita, kde-ev-supporters, privacy-reloaded
  • Disabled 5 kde.org mailing-lists: kdepim-builds, gcompris-espanol, khtml-cvs, gcompris-portugues, kde-dashboard

Financial Working Group

By Eike Hein, Marta Rybczynska and Till Adam

2023 was a year of steady progress for KDE e.V., as we continued to align our financial strategies with our mission. We closely followed our budget plan, and are pleased to see the results reflect a disciplined approach to our finances.

Our annual income for 2023 came in just slightly below our projections, with a small difference of less than 500€. Our expenses came in below target due to a conservative planning approach that generally assumes an expense maximum, but in line with our general expectations.

Both outcomes demonstrate our ability to make accurate forecasts — an important ability given our 2023 operational goal of outspending our annual income for the second year in a row, which we have achieved, in order to reduce our financial reserve (which remains high from large one-time donations in earlier years) in accordance with our non-profit organizational form. However, this must be done with caution, and we have to carefully track, plan and manage our deficit to remain sustainable.

A notable highlight on the income side was a large improvement in our Supporting Membership program, which saw increased participation after moving to Donorbox and was supported by the successful year-end fundraiser. Additionally, Akademy 2023 set a new sponsorship record, but this was offset by its organizational costs. This result argues for a watchful eye in keeping our flagship event sustainable in the future.

Further on the expenses side, our total costs for 2023 were higher than in previous years, driven primarily by personnel expenses and event-related costs.

Breaking down the figures, corporate support and individual donations continued to be significant sources of income, with individual donations seeing particular growth. However, revenue from some of our traditional sources, such as Google’s Summer of Code, showed a slight decline. On the expense side, personnel costs remained the largest category, alongside investments in infrastructure and event organization.

As we move into 2024, our budget plan is focused on maintaining the current level of activity without major expansions. We aim to increase our income further while keeping expense growth under control, with a goal of reducing our reserve burn rate by 18% or better. Our long-term objective is to achieve a balanced budget (break even) within several years, in time to preserve a good reserve, and ensuring the sustainability of the organization.

The first months of 2024 have been in line with our expectations. We successfully organized the conf.kde.in event for the first time in multiple years, and while Akademy sponsorships is performing lower than in the previous year, this was not unexpected in a generally difficult year for conferences. The dissolution of the US-based satellite organization KDE League, anticipated for several years, has come to pass and will eventually result in the disbursement of its remaining funds to KDE e.V.

We have also continued to refine our financial tools, particularly our dashboard application. It now offers better tracking and projection capabilities for our fundraising campaigns. These improvements are helping us to manage our finances more effectively and plan for the future with greater confidence.

In conclusion, 2023 was a year of measured growth and careful planning for KDE e.V. As we look ahead, our focus remains on ensuring that our financial strategies support our mission and the ongoing work of the KDE community.

Income (€):

Supp. members & donations:181.564.20
Other events:9,030.83
GSoC and Code in:5,673.29
Total Income:349,332.65

Expenses (€):

Other events:-20,549.46
Taxes and Insurance:-22,614.56


By Carl Schwan

KDE’s work is made possible thanks to the contributions from KDE Community members, donors and companies that support us. In 2023, we launched a major fundraising campaign that turned out to be a resounding success.

Plasma 6 Fundraiser

The Plasma 6 Fundraiser was initiated in anticipation of the highly awaited Plasma 6 release, scheduled for February 2024. The campaign’s original goal was to increase the number of KDE e.V. supporting members from 50 under the old CiviCRM system to 500. However, the response far exceeded expectations, with over 1,000 new supporting members and over 127,000€ in recurring donations raised. Aside from providing a stable source of recurring incomes, this allowed us to finally drop the old CiviCRM system by early 2024.

In addition to recurring contributions, we also raised around €45,000 in one-time donations — an impressive 75% increase compared to 2022.

Community News


By Paul Brown

The Mighty 6 Migration

If there was one thing that the whole community rallied behind and worked on, it was the effort to migrate the KDE software to new and future-proof foundations — namely Qt6 and Wayland.

The migration covered not only Plasma, but also the frameworks on which other KDE applications rely, a large number of those applications, widgets, and finally add-ons.

KDE is a community with no defined management. Nevertheless, this self-motivated group of people pulled together and accomplished this feat with no other incentive than to provide better free software to their fellow humans.


KDE’s new forum, Discuss

Although testing started in December 2022, KDE’s new Discourse-based forum Discuss was only announced to the public on 4 April 2023

The result was electric. The old forum was great success in its time and had become a veritable knowledge base, but the outdated interface had led to a decline in traffic as users’ tastes had evolved to expect a more modern and interactive platform.

One year on, Discuss has around 7,000 registered users who logged on 630,000 times between its opening and the end of the year.

Discuss also became a rich source of information for casual visitors, with 1.1 million visits to the various topics users have been talking about.

KDE embraces the Fediverse

KDE’s video channel on PeerTube

Concern has been growing for a number of years that the principles of closed-source social media platforms do not align with those of KDE. As outlets such as Twitter, Reddit and Facebook have become increasingly enshittified, the community has stepped up its efforts to move away from them and adopt the services offered by Fediverse.

Although it has only been running since 2018 (albeit originally on a different instance), KDE has become a force on Mastodon, reaching over 20,000 followers in 2023 and adding an average of over 600 new followers per month.

KDE’s Peertube instance has also come into its own. Now KDE projects such as LabPlot, Krita, Kdenlive, and GCompris ­— as well as individual developers — regularly upload tutorials, talks and vlogs to the platform and have a healthy number of subscribers.

And when the owners of Reddit began to escalate anti-features in an attempt to make the news aggregation platform more attractive to investors, the community responded quickly by setting up a KDE-themed Lemmy instance, providing a safe haven for users away from speculators, AI data scrapers, and power-crazed billionaires.

New Members

KDE e.V. welcomed the following new members in 2023:

  • Bart de Vries
  • Joshua Goins
  • Andre Heinecke
  • James Graham
  • Julius Künzel
  • Kisaragi Hiu
  • Emir Sarı

Partners and Sponsors

g10 Code Becomes a KDE Patron

Werner Koch — CEO of g10

g10 Code GmbH joined the ranks of KDE patrons! g10 Code provides custom development, enhancements, and audits of cryptographic software — in particular for the popular GnuPG encryption and digital signature tools.

“The KDE Community supports us in providing professionally-designed desktop software to our users in many different languages,” stated CEO Werner Koch. “While we consider KDE’s KMail mail client to have the best GnuPG integration, our main businesses case comes from Windows users in professional settings using our GnuPG VS-Desktop product, which is approved by Germany, the EU, and NATO for use with restricted documents. This allowed us to change from donation-based development. Our free-of-charge distribution Gpg4win has hundreds of thousands of downloads per month and is used by NGOs, journalists, and most ‘Tor-based’ transactions. This is all only possible because we provide a KDE-based user interface to GnuPG with KDE’s Kleopatra app.”

KDE e.V. President Aleix Pol Gonzalez said: “KDE has a well-established reputation for prioritizing privacy and security. For end-users, implementing effective security measures is important but also challenging. I’m looking forward to working further with g10 towards building great cryptographic solutions that are easy to adopt in organisations of all sizes as well as on our individual systems.”

g10 Code joins KDE e.V.’s other Patrons: Blue Systems, Canonical, Google, Kubuntu Focus, Slimbook, SUSE, The Qt Company, and TUXEDO Computers to continue to support Free Open Source Software and KDE development through KDE e.V.

Kubuntu Focus Becomes a KDE Patron

The Kubuntu Focus family of products of 2023.

Kubuntu Focus generously started supporting KDE as a patron in 2023.

Kubuntu Focus offers the best out-of-the-box experience for professional Linux users. All Kubuntu Focus systems come with the beautiful and intuitive Plasma desktop from KDE on top of industry-standard Ubuntu LTS. The hardware is designed to save time and hassle, thanks to its device optimizations, curated apps, Focus Tools, system-specific HOWTOs, and excellent Linux support.

“Our team has been active with the KDE community for years by contributing rigorous testing, reporting, and bug fixes,” stated Dana Roth, CEO of Kubuntu Focus. “We believe even deeper collaboration will benefit not only our customers but also the entire community, and we are especially interested in contributing solutions that enable professionals to replace their proprietary desktops with Linux and KDE’s software.”

“Having hardware partners is crucial for KDE as they provide the means for our users to experience our products” said Aleix Pol Gonzalez, KDE e.V. President. “Extending our collaboration with providers is a step in the right direction towards solutions that truly help our society by putting products in people’s hands and acting on their feedback. It’s noteworthy that Kubuntu Focus is based in the United States of America, an area not covered by our current KDE Patrons who are focused on hardware. I’m looking forward to learning how we can improve our products to better serve the region.”

Thoughts from Partners

We have always seen KDE as a key component in delivering Linux systems that compete favorably with proprietary computers. In fact, it’s the only desktop environment we’ve ever shipped.

Customers today want Linux systems that are self-explanatory and work in low- or no-I.T. environments. They also require easy setup and automatic updates, where every major change is validated on their device before they see it, even years after the sale.

Because KDE is so intuitive and welcoming, we can focus on the other components needed to deliver a polished product and ecosystem that showcases this beautiful desktop. We’re proud to be a tester, contributor, and patron.

Michael S. Mikowski, Technical Product Manager, Kubuntu Focus

We at g10 Code are delighted to be a patron of KDE. KMail was one of the first mail clients to integrate GnuPG support back in 1999, empowering users to protect their email privacy in a user-friendly way. Today, GnuPG is approved for VS-NfD and EU Restricted communications, and Kleopatra, KDE’s interface for GnuPG, has become an integral part of our professionally supported

GnuPG VS-Desktop suite. This integration allows us to maintain Gpg4win, our free of charge community version, as one of the most popular KDE software distributions for Windows. And we are pleased to be able to give back to the KDE community with both development resources and financial support.

Werner Koch, founder and CEO of g10 Code


Advisory Board

The KDE Advisory Board is a group of representatives of KDE e.V.’s patrons and other selected organizations that are close to KDE’s mission and community. The Advisory Board currently has 16 members, and there is a KDE e.V. working group with community members acting as direct contacts for our partners.

In 2023, we held four calls with our Advisory Board partners — one each quarter — to inform the members of the Board, receive feedback, and discuss topics of common interest. These calls covered various topics, including updates on the status of products such as Plasma 6, KDE Gear and Frameworks, as well as the launch of products incorporating KDE technologies.

We also discussed KDE’s Community Goals, Season of KDE, Google Summer of Code, and changes within the KDE community. Members were briefed on the status of our major events (Akademy, LAS), sprints, and the events in which KDE participated.

The Advisory Board is a place and a symbol of KDE’s collaboration with other organizations and communities firmly standing behind the ideals of Free and Open Source Software.

Its current members are: Blue Systems, Canonical, City of Munich, Debian, FOSS Nigeria, FSF, FSFE, g10 Code, Kubuntu Focus, OpenUK, OSI, Slimbook, SUSE, The Document Foundation, Qt Group, and TUXEDO Computers. Additionally, our patrons and supporters including Google, GnuPG.com, MBITION, KDAB, bayskom, and enioka Haute Couture, participate in these calls.


Current patrons: Blue Systems, Canonical, g10 Code, Google, Kubuntu Focus, Qt Group, Slimbook, SUSE, TUXEDO Computers, MBition.

Current supporters: KDAB, basysKom, and enioka Haute Couture, .

Community Partners

Current community partners: Qt Project, Lyx, and Verein Randa Meetings.

KDE e.V. Board of Directors

Aleix Pol i Gonzàlez

Eike Hein
Treasurer and Vice President

Lydia Pintscher
Vice President

Nate Graham
Board Member

Adriaan de Groot
Board Member

About KDE e.V.

KDE e.V. is a registered non-profit organization that represents the KDE Community in legal and financial matters. The KDE e.V.’s purpose is the promotion and distribution of free desktop software in terms of free software, and the program package “K Desktop Environment (KDE)” in particular, to promote the free exchange of knowledge and equality of opportunity in accessing software as well as education, science and research.

Report prepared by Aniqa Khokhar and Paul Brown, with help and sections written by Aleix Pol, Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss, Nate Graham, Jean-Baptiste Mardelle, Kai Uwe, Volker Krause, Kevin Ottens, Ben Cooksley, Johnny Jazeix, Carl Schwan, the KDE Eco Team, the GSOC Contributors, the Plasma Team, and the Promo Team at large.

This report is published by KDE e.V., copyright 2024, and licensed under Creative Commons-BY-3.0.