
Wall-E is a modern Jekyll template with a magazine-like grid layout on the frontpage, beautiful typography and uncomplicated content.

Some Good Features

  • Mobile responsive, built with Semantic UI, customization is easy
  • Disqus is integrated by default
  • One column layout suitable for personal blogs with focus on content
  • Beautiful typography (uses League Gothic and Open Sans)
  • Feature image can be added to homescreen post cards
  • Search box links to Google search by default


Wall-E is fully furnished right out of the box. To use this template on your blog - If this is your first Jekyll blog, follow this helpful guide to set up Jekyll. - Fork this repository, rename the fork as your-username.github.io. Your blog should immediately be live on https://your-username.github.io - Clone your fork - Delete everything in _posts directory. Delete the tmp directory. - Open _config.yml and set the variables - Open _includes/disqus.html and _includes/disqus-count.html and replace the value of disqus_shortname variable to your Disqus username - Run jekyll serve and your blog should be live on http://localhost:4000. Make changes, test them locally, commit your changes and push to your fork. Your changes should be live in a couple of seconds


MIT License