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Le cactus, SU Movie, 2005 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp

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antp BE

2006-06-14 23:13

- We will rent a car
- Which make do you prefer?
[Image: parking0050094hv.371.jpg]

And as it can interest some people, here is a closer view of the drivers of the bikes:
[Image: g0056440hb.9641.jpg]


2006-06-14 23:31

antp wrote
[Image: g0056440hb.9641.jpg]

Hmmm, I like the 2 in the middle.... :love:

antp BE

2006-06-14 23:43

Sure, that's not for the two others that I included the picture :lol:


2006-06-15 15:05


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