Begin3 Title: iprobe-suite Version: 4.0 Entered-date: 1/6/99 Description: Iprobe is a low-overhead toolsuite that uses the Alpha event counters to find performance bottlenecks in kernel and user space. Keywords: performance profiling alpha axp Author: Compaq High Performance Servers/Benchmark Performance Engineering Maintained-by: Primary-site: /pub/Linux/devel 401kB iprobe_suite-4.0-1.alpha.rpm 718kB iprobe_suite-4.0-1.src.rpm 14kB iprobe_suite-4.0-driver.o.gz 716kB iprobe_suite-4.0.tgz Platforms: Alpha/Linux Kernel Version 2.2.0pre1 and greater. Copying-policy: GPL End