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[nafex] Re: Nafex membership

I certainly agree with the following:

--- In nafex@egroups.com, Claude Sweet <sweetent@h...> wrote:
> Participation in this list should be promoted to the general gardening
> public as part of the out reach efforts that are usually a requirement
> of IRS non-profit organizations.
> The existing forum provides the opportunity to acquaint member with the
> joy and pleasure of growing fruiting plants as part of their landscape
> or in home orchards. I consider this as a form of public service
> advertising that can result in more people joining NAFEX.

This organization was origionally a "round robin" FREE letter exchange. IT still is really, Today membership in nafex is the LEAST EXPENSIVE of any other similar organization I belong to. Certainly even a FREE exchange of information by letters or print involves SOME expense... paper, postage, time...

But these things (shareing information, knowledge, etc.) are done primarily on a volunteer basis out of love of the work and joy in discovery and sharing. That may be pie in the sky Idealism to some... but it is, I believe, the kind of Idealism on which NAFEX is founded.

Efforts to exclude others only damage and limit ANY organization. EVERYONE has SOMETHING to contribute and share. Knowledge, Art, Humor, insight, experience,... That is the "Dues" we should be looking for. That is the real value. 

NAFEX publications are NOT copyrighted and most contributers to Pomona, I assume are aware that the first words to be foud on the first page are to this effect: 

"Articles in this POMONA... may be reprinted by NAFEX and OTHERS (emphisis added) if credit is given to the author and POMONA..." *

(*POMONA Vol.XXXIII No.4 Fall 2000 pg.2)

Some contributers however, copyright their own individual articles. So NAFEX publications are NOT and never were intended as exclusive, "members only" merchandise. It is already... and always has been "given away free" to anyone willing and able to reproduce the worthwhile material contained theirin. Part of that Non-copyrighted freely distributed material is the website containing access to  this e-list... and the exact url to access this list:

http://www.onelist.com/subsribe/nafex *

(*ibid [inner jacket])

That is why Johney's seeds could provide the link in their catalog... as permission has already been given. (They may have asked but they did not have to) I don't see any reason why this "free advertising" should be shunned by anyone here.

On the other hand... The fact that we are LIMITED as yet  to just ONE hodge podge forum creates various obvious problems.

People wanting to discuss apricot culture for example have to listen to diatrabs about "Online vs. Print"... and this and various other debates.

I think this is just a matter of "elbow room"... we need to generate MORE forums or lists on a diversity of topics... The apricot enthusiast can join the apricot list... 

New members might be directed to an introducory list called "New to NAFEX" or some such... There could even be a "Policy" list for the kind of "internal" discussion and debate going on here.

Just as NAFEX has various "Interest groups" the same thing could be accomplished through this (or another) electronic forum. But it needs to be EXPANDED not restricted or limited.

Tom Booth

> The value of this forum is that it allows people with various levels of
> horticultural expertise to interact. People who only have a few trees
> can get reliable information, while those who are more passionate about
> growing fruiting plants can quickly communicate with others share
> similar interests around the world...
>The biggest asset of NAFEX is the expertise of its members, their
> willingness to communication their knowledge, and share plant material.
> I hope everyone has a joyful holiday season. looking forward to an
> energized New Year in 2001, the first year of the next century.
> Claude Sweet
> San Diego, CA
> zone 10

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