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Re: [nafex] Fw: An Anti-Deer Recipe to Try

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At 10:03 PM 09/05/2000 -0700, you wrote:

Jimson weed = LOCO weed.  inhaling the fumes and getting the extract on the
skin may cause problems

Actually, locoweed refers to members of the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis.
Jimsonweed is Datura stramonium.

From Poisonous Plants of the Southern United States:
The toxic principles of this common hog lot and barnyard plant are the alkaloids atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine.  All parts of the plant are considered poisonous, whether green or dry.  However, the seeds are particularly poisonous.  Usually, this plant is not eaten except when other forage is unavailable.  Cattle and swine are primarily affected, but horses, poultry, dogs and humans have been affected.  Cows can be poisoned by consuming one-half to one pound of the green plant.
Early symptoms include a weak and rapid pulse and heartbeat.  The eyes are widely dilated, the mouth and other mucous membranes are dry and animals may appear blind.  Later, slow breathing may be observed as well as lowered temperature, convulsions or coma.
After eating the plants, sheep have been observed to have abnormal leg movements, disturbed vision, intense thirst, and to bite at imaginary objects in the air.
Pregnant sows consuming jimsonweed during their second and third months of gestation have produced deformed pigs.  Some pigs may be born alive but exhibit varying degrees of flexed hips, stifles and forelegs.  The hocks may be overextended."

Probably not a 'trip' I'd care to take, just from eating an apple.

Seems like I've read accounts of the native Americans using jimsonweed in some of their rituals - along with peyote and psilocybe mushrooms, this probably accounts for some of the 'visions' revealed to the shamans and warriors, like Crazy Horse, etc.
Louis L. "Lucky" Pittman, Jr., DVM
Veterinary Pathologist/Asst. Prof.
Murray St. Univ.-Breathitt Veterinary Ctr.
Hopkinsville, KY