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Re: please check in - from Charlie Paradise

You mean new stuff, not what we're already growing?

I was hoping to put in a black currant, but just discovered that even
the white-pine-blister-rust immune ones are illegal.  I'll probably try
another red currant (Johnkeers Van Tet).

I am replacing the everbearing strawberries in my garden with (1) June
bearers in the garden and (2) everbearing in a pot.  The strawberries do
great.  Lots of flowers, lots of little green fruits, lots of big white
fruits, but never a red fruit.  Something (chipmunks, I think) eats all
the berries before they ripen.  My hope is that if the whole crop ripens
at once, there will be too many for the chipmunks to get them all.  My
backup is the pot, which I will cage somehow.

(I also bought an apricot for a friend.  Does that count?)

Ginda Fisher

Charles Paradise wrote:
> >From Charlie Paradise in Concord Massachusetts on March 6, 2002
> Hi to the fruit and nut growers and gatherers in New  England and nearby
> Can you please each send me a postcard or email with a few sentences
> about what your growing or gathering projects are this year?
> Charlie Paradise