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RE: [nafex] apricots sprouting-yikes!

What a fascinating piece of information!  By the way, what is the "Norm
Deno" method?
Brian Raby
Sheridan, IN  ; vacationing at parents place in Holland, Mi where we
received two inches of snow last night.  Very raw day today.
-----Original Message-----
From: nottke [mailto:nottke1@earthlink.net]
Sent: April 01, 2002 7:52 PM
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [nafex] apricots sprouting-yikes!

I fully agree with Ginda that pot depth is more important than width.
I live on a farm and volunteer at Habitat for Humanity, so the following
may not be as convenient for you as it is for me.
For the many tree and shrub trees that I have sprouted, I either germinate
the seeds in plastic sandwich bags (Norm Deno method) or in 2 inch wide, 4
inch deep, pots.
Once they have germinated, I pot them up in my "growing pipes" no matter
what stage the stem and leaf growth.

A growing pipe is a 12 inch section of 3 inch (inside diameter) PVC pipe.
Cut a 4x4 inch square of fiberglass window screening for each piece of
pipe.  Put a bead of construction adhesive (like Liquid Nails) on one end
of each piece of pipe and pull a square of screening onto the bead.  Once
the adhesive cures, fill the growing pipe with planting medium and pot up
the germinated seed.  Six of these pipes stand nicely in a 5 gallon plastic
bucket, which is 12 inches deep.  They can be watered from the bottom,
excess water poured out of the bucket.  I set them out in the sun and wind
as soon as weather permits.  I have left trees in pipes for over a year.
When you take the seedling out it has a mass of 11 inch long roots that I
then plant into a hole made with a post hole digger.  The deep roots can
reach moisture even during a dry summer.

James E. Nottke
Pfafftown, NC
Hardiness Zone 7A

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