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[nafex] new planting areas

Though enjoying the warmest winter in these parts for quite some time, (NH's
largest lake did not freeze over this winter  for the first time since
records started being kept (1850)  and as that was the end of "the little
ice age " probably some time before that) I staved off February boredom by
trading some timber for excavator work,digging of a   pond, and other
considerations the result of which is I have many new areas to plant  before
Mother Nature does.  (We seem to have an on going  philosophical and
physical  battle on what vegetation I should be surrounded with.)

One area in question(about 15' by 40') is the far side of the pond where
the vegetative layer and muck from the pond excavation was spread out and
then covered with a layer of sand from deeper down that is somewhat
irregular but averages  about 2 and and a half  feet above the base level of
the swampy woods.  Light is excellent and I envision planting a few trees
that would  grow into and benefit from the decaying vegetation and ample
water below.  Not sure what would thrive in these acid conditions (Wild
blueberries,azaleas and rhododendrons are scattered about) so am open to
suggestions.  Present plan is to plant raspberries and tend them  until
overshadowed by the trees. I have also considered blueberries but not sure
if their roots would reach down far enough.

Another area is the "yard" where the timber was gathered which is  about 30
by 100 feet with  well  mixed woods soil which is due to be graded and gets
about four hours midday sun and filtered after that.   I suspect  Mother
Nature has crab and witch grass and wild blackberries  and pin cherries in
mind.  Again open to suggestions for what to plant -- raspberries might
work, or  this might be the place to start my nut orchard.  It will be a low
care area,  I would just like to guide the succession.

vann --southern NH-- 65 today on my porch but a  monster called March is
looming just over the horizon.

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