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Re: [nafex] Does Plants for a Future have 1000 friends?


Is their an athoritative group that vouches for the authenticity of this

Not to sound jaded, but most anyone could have a web page, buy land and
then ask others to pay for it.

Is this project supported by any national orginations of well know

Don't want this to be the season to be "scammed" for anyone.

Safe, but not sorry,

Merry Christmas,



On Sat, 22 Dec 2001, mIEKAL aND wrote:

> the very least, bookmark their site & make use of the extensive
> information.   mIEKAL)
> Subject:
>               Does Plants for a Future have 1000 friends?
>          Date:
>               Tue, 18 Dec 2001 01:26:39 +0000
>         From:
>               Richard Morris <webmaster@pfaf.org>
>      Reply-To:
>               "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Organization:
>               Plants For A Future
>            To:
>               "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> I guess most people on the list will know of Plants For A Future
>         http://www.pfaf.org
> and our plant database
>         http://www.ibiblio.org/pfaf/D_search.html
> we've done all the work on the database and our demonstration gardens
> on virtually no income with only a handful of people.
> Well now financial realities are beginning to bite and we are in a
> tricky spot and need all the help we can get.
> To be brutally honest pfaf is really in dire straights at the
> moment (one thinks of an appropriate swearword but it might
> offend the list). We are working on a rescue plan which
> has two main ingredients
>         1) grants to employ paid workers
>         2) Trying to recruit 1000 friends of pfaf
> We have acquired considerable debt in the purchase of our
> demonstration gardens in Devon, England. When we get it running
> the demo gardens could be really special, we have 80 acres of land
> and 1000's of useful plants to demonstrate. However, at the moment
> we are not getting sufficient income to meet repayments on the
> land. But if we could manage to recruit 1000 Friends then
> we could secure repayments on the land and the demonstration gardens
> would be saved from the accountants.
> A friends of PFAF subscription is only 10 UK pounds (or 25 pounds for
> supporting subscribers). By joining you could make a real difference
> to the project. I've included a membership form below.
> For those outside the UK you can join using a credit card via
> care4free
> https://odc.care4free.net/Donations.html?benefitname=Plants%20for%20a%20Future&;
> enefitcode=C000662
>         Best wishes for the solstice to all on the list
>                 Love and Light
>                         Richard Morris
> (The rates of conversion is about 1.5 US dollars to a UK
> pound.)
>                 p.s. I forgot to mention in the last post that if anyone
> uses our
> online credit card donation scheme at care4free
> https://odc.care4free.net/Donations.html?benefitname=Plants%20for%20a%20Future&;
> enefitcode=C000662
> could they also send me an email with the membership form so we
> can keep our records upto date.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: ................................................................
> Address: .............................................................
>            ...........................................................
>            ...........................................................
>            Post Code ...............
> Tel .....................................................
> email .................................................
> Please renew my subscription I enclose:
> £25 supporting member __
> £10 wages __
> £6 unwaged __
> £150.00  (Life Membership) __
> Please send my newsletters via: -  Email (easier for us) _  Snail mail _
> I enclose a donation of £5 _  £10 _  £20 _  £50 _
> other amount   £.............
> I am a UK tax payer and would like my donation to count as Gift Aid _
> Please send me a copy of the fund-raising pack   _
> I am interested in taking out a long term loan  _
> Please send me details of work parties          _
> Please send me details of courses and workshops _
> Dates I may be able to attend:  ......................................
> Signed .........................            Date .....................
> Please make cheques payable to Plants For A Future and send them to
> Plants For A Future,
> Blagdon Cross,
> Ashwater,
> Beaworthy,
> Devon,
> EX21 5DF
> Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee,
> registered in England and Wales.
> Charity No.  1057719, Company No. 3204567,
> Reg. office 131 Spencer Place, Leeds, LS7 4DU, England.
> Trustees: Dr R. J. Morris, J. Darby, P. B. Gauntlet, S. H. Money
> --
> Plants for a Future: 7000 useful plants
> Web:       http://www.pfaf.org/  or  http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/
> Main Site: Blagdon Cross, Ashwater, Beaworthy, Devon, EX21 5DF, England
>            Tel: (+44 845) 458 4719
> Email:     webmaster@pfaf.org (web related queries only)
> Why not join Friends of PFAF and help our project grow
> see http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/friends.html for details.
> PFAF electronic mailing list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pfaf
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