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[nafex] Re: Surround coating

I appreciate your responses to my questions about the added 
ingredients to Surround. 
However, I would like to know if there are any added metals to 
I ask because I read in the patents site that a product registered by 
Engelhard may contain aluminum, have not been convinced that it is ok 
to eat aluminum even if it is bound with other molecules, whether the 
FDA (or whoever) approves it or not, I don't eat baking powder with 
aluminum in it for that reason, I do know that aluminum becomes more 
available when acidic conditions exist, why couldn't this happen in 
our stomachs. 
We have a right to know the ingredients that we are eating and since ?
Surround is being advertised as "edible" and most people don't even 
know that there are added secret ingredients, a lot of people are 
thinking, "oh clay, that's even good for you,"and aren't bothereing 
to wash the stuff off.
So I don't expect you, right at this moment to tell us what is in 
Surround, but I will tell you that it is upsetting to me that 
Surround is excempt from disclosing its ingredients. I think 
Engelhard should be forced to list them as are other products that 
find their way into our stomachs. 
If you're wondering where my lack of trust is coming from, I'd have 
to say that it stems from the GMO deception where these companies 
glibbly and with a smile, when asked if the food was safe 
replied, "surprise, you're already eating it". 
We have a right to know what is in or on our food!

I made a list of all the ingredients that seemed possible additives 
or residues that I don't recognize as edible and that from my 
understanding (which is limited, I'm not a food scientist or chemist)
may be in Translink.RTM 77 which I suspect to be the patent name for 
Surround WP:
attapugit, pyropphyllite, wollastonite, barytes, pyrogenic silica, 
glass fibers, colorants, titanium dioxide, organic titantates, 
organic zirconates, aluminum coupling agents,  silanes, stearic acid 
and stearate salts, siloxane treatments, tetrsodium pyrophospate, 
mica, nepheline, syenite, sodium hexametaphosphate, tetrasodium 
pyrophosphate,  (used in bleaching?)
So let me ask you at least for now, not knowing much if anything 
about the above ingredients, my concern mostly lies with the 
aluminum, so, John, can you at least tell me if there is added 
aluminum in Surround WP?
Kevin B

> Donna,
> I would wash for good sanitation but traces of Surround-alone are 
not a
> health issue.  All the ingredients are listed for food use.
> John Mosko
> "Kieran or Donna" <redherring@t...> on 07/26/2001 09:36:16 AM
> Please respond to nafex@y...
> To:   <nafex@y...>
> cc:
> Subject:  [nafex] Re: Surround coating
> Considering how much clay I have deliberately eaten these last 10 
years, at
> $8 a lb, (you can look up Pascalite on the net, it's incredible 
stuff) I
> wonder if it's all that important to wash Surround off at all.  Or 
would I
> be eating a lot of Spreader/Sticker with it?  Donna
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