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[nafex] Re: So what is the point?

Tom wrote:

This is totally wrong Bunny. (IMO) 

My reply:

You are correct I am wrong in any sense of the form of "an argument".
I knew I should have built the foundation for my comments, bu tit wa 
slate, I was tired and I am kindo of lazy anyways :)                

My reply:            

So if you think the internet or Pomona will preserve NAFEX, or Pomano 
will ever see wide circulation, I have to strongly disagree. 

My reply:

Bravo, you are essentially correct and I am happy to be corrected.  
Apparently someone cares :)

Here is one solution.  NAFEX should act now, under the assumption it 
may in fact ultimately disappear, in order to preserve its body of 

Then if NAFEX pleasantly survives, it can be smug knowing it acted 
responsibly.  If it doesn't, the knowledge is available and reasonably 
secured for future generations.

The net can offer a very cost effective solution to these problems.  
There are many companies and universities offering free services.   
You can get University space for free into perpetuity if it set up 
right initially.  They keep archives basically forever (a friend found 
an old paper I posted using KERMIT back in the 80's  :)

I still have not seen a reasonable (not emotional) response to my 
original query.  It seems "we" are running on emotions, wanting 
something to be around, because we "innately" treasure it and want it 
to be around for our children.  I guess another way to say this is, 
the problem in a socio-economic-cultural context is largely 
generational.  By that I mean, in general the baby boomers, and 
certainly the generation after them as a whole coud not give a darn 
about NAFEX, good tasting fruit, or preservation.  To give that 
comment the "context" I intend rather then the viscera response it is 
likely to invoke, consider the following.  Over the years a "lore" has 
developed in regard to "antique" or "heritage" apples.  To speak to 
many NAFEX members one would think that the majority of these apples 
are akin to the "nectar of the gods".   Then ask the people who 
actually grow them, and taste them.  Get a top 20 list.  Look at it.  
Guess what, alhtough it is now a cliche having been stated so many 
times "many old time varieties deserve to be extinct".  

In large part, that is the conscious choice that is being made by the 
suceeding generations in regard to agriculture in general and fruit 
production in certainty.   Heck I have tech people ove rall the time 
who sample my wares.   They are amazed at what I grow, knocked over by 
the quality, and yet totally unmotivated by it.    How do I know 
this...I went away for a few days and placed some calls amounting to I 
dropped a few blackberries, raspeberries,and blue berries offa t your 
door.  The yard is full of them and I am going to be gone. They are 
yours for the taking.  Heck not one person on my block, not one person 
within a couple of blocks, not one person that knew me in the city 
valued the taste of a sun ripened taylor raspberry enough to actually 
pick a few.  

So if you read between the lines, the reason our membership is 
declining is "people simply do not value what we are doing".  It is 
not worth it to them to even pick trellised raspberries.  

In my never to be mistaken for humble opinion, until that changes, the 
responsible thing to do is start concentrating on media archives.

Of courese NAFEX could decide to "stand and fight", and admirable 
thing to do.   But prudence dictates that resources should first be 
directed at preserving things for the future, rather then squandored 
against a massive trend of disinterest.

Wishing all of you the very best of what life has to offer,

the fluffy bunny


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