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Re: [nafex] Dormant grafting

  Are you making sure that these trees are getting plenty of water to force 
or keep the heavy growth sap flowing. I find that this time of the year I 
have to use the double bag method to retain the scion moisture. Have you a 
copy of it?

----Original Message Follows----
From: "victoria l. caron" <vicaron@gis.net>
Reply-To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [nafex] Dormant grafting
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 11:05:55 +0000

I also reset several whip grafts yesterday, some with the original scions if
they were still green and others with dormant scions from the fridge. I 
off the old cuts to expose new green tissue again. This is a real easy time 
mess up on labeling if you can't use the same variety. I caught myself 
vic NH zone 3

Gordon Nofs wrote:

 > Ginda
 >    It is not to late to do grafts yet. I did some yesterday, Bark, and 
 > also splice of dormant wood to growing trees. I also will be continuing 
 > graft the same plus greenwood for at least 2 more months yet. If you make 
 > nick with a knife or fingernail into the scion and it is not green
 > underneath it is gone.
 >      Gordon C. Nofs   Flint  MI
 > ***********************************************
 > Some of my grafts
 >  > >took, and some died.  Many of my late grafts seem to have done 
 >  > >These were whip and tongue grafts done a bit too late.  Do you 
 >  > >they might grow next year - like dormant buds?  Do you suppose the 
 >  > >are dead but the wood's still alive?> >Ginda
 >  > >eastern Mass., zone 6
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