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[nafex] Re: chilling hours

The chilling hour clocks on stone fruits tick only between 34 and 45 degrees
(anyone want to fine tune my numbers, which are from memory).  Your trees
might have clicked off some of the time, but then you got them warm.  they
stopped ticking.  They're like apple trees I have heard of in Florida that
went dormant, stayed bare a whole summer, and leafed out the following
spring.  Apricots in general have short chilling requirements, that is why
they do so badly for us with our mild southern winters.  They're likely to
bloom in Febuary here.   You may indeed have to chill your trees to get them
to come out.  Maybe a block of ice wrapped up with the pots would do the
job.  How many hours in a week?  What do apricots generally need?  500-600
hours?   Do you think you got half that much before you brought them in?
Donna in TN


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