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Re: [nafex] Organic Source of N

Thank you to everyone who answered my plea for an organic source of
nitrogen.  I'm using blood meal, because I have it here and could not find
chicken manure in the two-state area I searched today.  I'll follow up with
a foliar spraying of Gianni's miracle fertilizer for good luck!
Doreen Howard

-----Original Message-----
From: kuon@onlinemac.com <kuon@onlinemac.com>
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com <nafex@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, June 01, 2001 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [nafex] Organic Source of N

>Bloodmeal is a very good source, but may attract critters.  The various
>seedmeals (like cottonseed) are much weaker, slower sources, but get the
>job done.  For what you need, I would think blood (which can work wonders
>in a matter of days), but mulch well and maybe even "cage" or whatever is
>appropriate in your circumstance to keep dogs and/or skunks out.  I always
>use organic fertilizers I mix up myself to the specific task and generally
>have no problem with wild life, but ocassionally things dig after it.
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