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Re: [nafex] Re: Parafilm & grafting success results

At 08:56 PM 05/31/2001 -0400, Gordon wrote:
>Hey Lucky
>    What do you do in your spare time :>)

I try to figure out ways to spend more time in the orchard!  8>{)

Actually, I have to do most of my tree-related stuff real early in the 
morning before the kids get up and I have to help get them fed & off to 
school.  Occasionally, I can 'steal' a half-hour or so of an afternoon to 
do something out there, but I usually catch flak from
the Boss' for not 'doing something with the kids', if I do; and I can 
usually manage to squeeze in 2 or 3 hours on Saturday or Sunday mornings, 
while everyone else is sleeping in.



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