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Re: [nafex] ,prunus rootstocks

I should specify that prunus nigra is a wild plum, not a cherry.
I have an encyclopedia of local plants published in 1935 by a famous botanist in which you can find in the prunus section under prunus nigra that «.. of all the american prunus (this includes wild cherries), prunus nigra is the first to bloom, at the same time as violets...»
So, this gives you the relationship between the two and a clue on how to spot wild plums if you have any growing nearby.
They are in full bloom right now presumably in all zone 3 regions, and I can vouch that they are most spectacular. There is no leaves at flowering time (cherries have some leaves when they flower) and just dark grey sort of twisted branches that appear from a distance to be covered in patches of white snow flakes turning pale pink before they fade away.
You find them in ditches and heavy soils.
----- Original Message -----
From: del stubbs
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [nafex] ,prunus rootstocks

Thanks! I didn't know of the root sucker habit of virginiana., and the
article didn't mention it.  So the ones I graft will then be in the forest
edge, not the orchard proper. I'm curious about this prunus nigra, I just
presumed what we had wild here was 'americana'. Mn. Del

>From: "H.Dessureault" <inter.verbis@atreide.net>

>Beware moving this in your nursery, if you don't want to spend your time
>pulling roots.
>Prunus virginiana has the unfortunate habit of spreading wildly from the
>root. It can send numerous underground shoots many feet. When you graft
>something on this type of prunus, it soon finds itself tighly surrounded by
>bushes of choke cherries.
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