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[nafex] repellant, and bud capping results

	Was just given a bag of 'PLANTSKYD' by the friend that i planted and bud 
capped commercially with one year.    He applies it to forestry plantings, 
says it is to last 3 months per aplication for deer repellant.
	I did a web search using google and dogpile and found nothing but a mention 
in a wildlife research paper.  I understand it's made in Canada but the name 
looks Swedish....does anyone use it or know of a web site for it?
	I'm not only interested in deer repellent but also in finding something to 
use as vole repellent.(this stuff may have blood meal, and since the little 
buggers are carnivores they'd really like that!)
	The bud capping i did on our place on white pines shows classic 
results....I've got 6 to 7 foot white pines that are straight bare sticks 
except  for the green sprig and terminal bud at the very top. And lesser 
results on fruit trees .......Bambi's Free Pruning Service!    Mn. Del

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