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RE: [nafex] Natural fencing Suggestions

Here's an article I found about a hedgeapple or Osage Orange:
Before the invention of barbed wire in the 1880's, many thousands of miles of hedge were constructed by planting young Osage Orange trees closely together in a line.   The saplings were aggressively pruned to promote bushy growth.  "Horse high, bull strong and hog tight."   Those were the criteria for a good hedge made with Osage Orange.  Tall enough that a horse would not jump it, stout enough that a bull would not push through it and woven so tightly that even a hog could not find its way through!  After barbed wire made hedge fences obsolete, the trees still found use as a source of unbeatable fence posts.  The wood is strong and so dense that it will neither rot nor succumb to the attacks of termites or other insects for decades.  The trees also found use as an effective component of windbreaks and shelterbelts.   They are a rather thorny plant, if I'm not mistaken.
Another tree to consider is the Hawthorn.  I have "stuck" myself with these several times and it does not tickle.  Very long, needle sharp thorns on these. 
Sheridan, IN
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Olenio [mailto:tolenio@sentex.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 2:01 PM
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [nafex] Natural fencing Suggestions

Hello All,

I would like some "living fence" ideas, to keep out unwanted ATV's, ATC's
and dirt bikes.

The gap is about 50' wide, under a bridge, running east west, so there is
plenty of sun except under the bridge.

People with no respect for property cut the fence under the bridge
regardless of there being cattle in the field, to get there fill of fun on
their machines in the pasture, destroying the grass the cattle feed on,
and presenting a legal injury problem.

At first I liked poison ivy and those sorts of things, but that may be too
cruel for even these people.

Any suggestions on a very cruel, thornded, fast growing plant/shrub/cane
that will (over time) fill the gap 50' on the south side, and grow under
the bridge?

I still like the poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac approach, but
part of me says not to do it.  But i am sure there is no law against
planting such things on your own property. (evil grin)

Under the bridge is also a haven for kids doing drugs, and I want to kill
that idea too.  There must be some good choices to make that a nasty place
to pass through, or be in.

Even thought of keeping a fresh dead skunk under there.

Hardiness zone 6a, southwest Ontario, spring flooding, damp/dry all
summer, full south sun, shaded under bridge structure.

Cuttings appreciated!  (of nasty thorned plants [smile])  Father inlaw is
getting tired of replacing the fence and chasing cattle at age 75.
Thought I could help with a living fence to protect the strands of barbed
wire that cover the gap and run over the water, keeping the cattle in and
forming a river gate.


Thomas Olenio
Ontario, Hardiness Zone 6a

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