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Re: [nafex] Gibberellin (GA)

Title: Re: [nafex] Gibberellin (GA)
Gibberellic Acid (GA) is a plant growth hormone that causes elongation of shoots, and reduces or eliminates dormancy in seeds.  It is also the same hormone used to increase set and berry size in seedless grapes.  GA is also sold as "tomato set" as it will make tomatoes set, usually with very few seeds in the fruits.  It was first isolated from a fungus that causes "crazy rice" disease in which rice plants get excessively elongated stems, making the plant fall over.  
    GA will reduce or eliminate dormancy in many species of seeds.  Peach seedlings that have not had enough chilling will be very short with rosetted leaves, but when treated with GA, they grow normally.  It has been used to reduce or eliminate dormancy in Rubus (raspberry and blackberry) seeds, and many other plants.
-Lon Rombough
Grapes, unusual fruits, writing, consulting, more, at http://www.hevanet.com/lonrom  See new additions to the site, Feb. 2001, plus word on my grape book.

From: Tom Olenio <tolenio@sentex.net>
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [nafex] Gibberellin (GA)
Date: Sat, Mar 10, 2001, 3:13 PM


The following web page talks about Gibberellin (GA) can be used to bypass apple seed stratification.  Does anyone know what it is?

http://agschool.fvsc.peachnet.edu/html/Publications/PlantScience/ars102.htm <http://agschool.fvsc.peachnet.edu/html/Publications/PlantScience/ars102.htm>

"We concluded that Gibberellin (GA) treatment of dormant apple embryos could be used to bypass stratification. This practice is suggested for those who are not interested in higher rates of germination and do not want to wait the minimum time required for partial stratification. Application of Cytokinins along with Gibberellin (GA) treatment is further suggested to produce a synergistic effect in the germination of dormant apple seeds."

The article also states that ABA (rooting hormome) will hold a seed a seed in dormancy.  Something I never knew.

Strange that the hormone that helps stimulate roots, will hold a seed in dormancy.

Thomas Olenio
Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone 6a
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