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Re: [nafex] global warming

>Perplexed by the logic of it all,
> the fluffy (Fighting for privacy rights, here and in Washington.
>Fighting for his Constitutional protection against taxation without
>representation in 40 States, and bound and determined to overcome those
>lousy bastards.  And holding his ears high,  darn proud to be apart of a
>distinct American culture, and refusing to subvert that culture to any
>ridiculous multi-cultural enrichment nonsense) bunny
I laude and applaud your activism. Don't be too hard on those of us who simply
are not up to the battles you and others fight. I stand my ground in smaller,
less visible ways. I don't subscribe to those activist groups that disturb me. I
speak up in conversations about ideas that really aren't reasonable, or well
thought out. I don't go to Washington to lobby for my beliefs. I do write
letters from time to time. But not many. And I vote, when there is a reason to

Most of all I believe, in spite of PETA, Greenpeace, and the NRA, most people in
the USA are sensible and capable of making reasonable choices for themselves.

Joyce (who just deleted the last, very politically controversial portion of this