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Re: [nafex] gypsy moth caviar & Weight Watchers

In a message dated 1/16/01 11:30:41 PM, shaman@penn.com writes:

<< Lucky, I've talked with a local archeologist about Native Americans' diet.
He told me that evidence from analysis of ancient dwelling sites shows that
Native Americans ate insects as a significant part of their diet. I also
read somewhere a few years ago that the fat and protein of insects may be
superior to meat, but the article may have been written by someone soap
boxing yet another "natural" diet system.

Maybe the early Native Americans knew something we don't? Should we eat our
orchard and garden insect pests instead of spraying poisons around?

Bill >>

There is a very inexpensive newsletter available on Food Insects.  I can look 
up the particulars in about a week, when I am back home, if anyone is 
intrested. I've eaten insects, live and processed, and they are ok, though 
perhaps an acquire taste like slugs and snails.  

 For Mother Earth, Dan Hemenway, Yankee Permaculture Publications (since 
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