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[nafex] Fwd: Annual Permaculture Letter


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--- Begin Message ---
Barking Frogs Permaculture Center
Home of Yankee Permaculture and Elfin Permaculture
P.O. Box 52, Sparr FL 32192 USA
E-mail:  BarkingFrogsPC@aol.com

Nov., 2000 

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
    Greetings from Barking Frogs Permaculture Center. We send our annual 
report of permaculture activities a little late this year because we have 
been very busy.
    Again, the main news is the weather. Following extreme flooding two years 
ago, we  now experience our second year of drought. The entire swamp has 
evaporated, something we could not have imagined. This has put a lot of our 
emphasis this year on holding onto key plantings. A lot of time has been 
spent in irrigation--setting up and moving hoses, etc.  Unfortunately, due to 
the limited capacity of our pump, we had to let a few things go.
    We continued work in the pasture, though, planting more than two dozen 
trees that we had in pots and continuing to establish legumes.  Our trials 
have shown that crimson clover is well suited to our conditions here. 
    We were also able to work in some areas normally wet, setting the stage 
to gradually build chinampas there.  We were very successful with sweet 
potatoes, basil and lima beans in this area, as these plants withstood 
drought, wild rabbits, and insect pests.  We will cover planting areas with 
mulch after harvesting and start to develop the soil, by mulch layering that 
builds chinampa beds.
    Most of the bamboos that withstood the floods of two years ago have also 
survived the drought, the notable exception being black bamboo (Phillostachys 
nigra).  We lost two clumps out of three of this species, apparently due to 
its inability to withstand the dry conditions, even with some irrigation.  
The clumps were not well established, which may have been a factor.  Some of 
our shelterbelt bamboos, notably Bambusa multiplex, are starting to take off, 
which is very gratifying, though none are well enough established to harvest 
clums yet.
    We made small progress extending the agroforestry area, clearing an 
especially dense tangle of vines near the residence and setting out two 
loquats and some miscellaneous understory.  We cleared additional scrub to 
favor a colony of farkleberries that we attempted to graft with cultivated 
blueberry varieties.  That became a major grafting project this spring, but 
we experienced widespread graft failures, presumably due to drought.  Because 
we are grafting on established wild plants, they are scattered randomly, 
making irrigation impossible with our limited pump capacity.  We had to 
concentrate water on clustered plantings of greater financial value.  We had 
a much higher percentage of takes the previous year. Nonetheless, some of the 
grafts took hold and grew vigorously, evidence that established the adapted 
farkleberry can supply the needs of the blueberry scions, even in unfavorable 
conditions. Attempts to graft burr oak onto suitable wild oak saplings 
failed, possibly due to the dryness. The very small scion wood was donated 
from trees that produce edible acorns.
    We have not yet obtained grafting wood of suitable plum varieties to 
graft on the abundant Chickasaw plum growing here. We plan to graft  the many 
native persimmon saplings we have on site, and encouraged them with mowing 
this year. We also set out our cultivated persimmon trees, hoping to get some 
scion wood for the experiments with the American species.  Other native 
species we are looking at as potential rootstocks are Persea borbonia, a 
close relative to the avocado, and a native species of hawthorn that we 
encourage for its own sake and to graft with cultivated varieties.  We have 
begun to develop a small collection of grafted varieties of loquat from 
saplings we have grown from seed, and of course to graft some  cold-hardy 
citrus varieties on rootstocks we have been growing.  We continue to 
experiment with a wide variety of other trees, but have made little progress 
due to dry conditions.  Donations of scion wood are welcome.
    Bald cypress is a species specifically slated for reforestation here in 
the (usually) wetlands. We have 100 seedlings from the State expected next 
Spring and 500 requested from National Tree Trust’s community tree grant 
program.  If we get the Tree Trust grant, we will need to level some land 
where we will place an array of plastic “kiddie pools� holding water around 
the base of gallon planting pots. We may decide to do this in a series of 
work days in which we invite people to come and help develop the project. We 
will be building a chinampa bed beside the leveled area, so people will have 
a chance to work on both projects.  If you would like to be notified of any 
work days, please let us know. (If you contacted us in the past, we still 
have your info.  We did not call any work days last year.)
    Work on the permaculture center has progressed slightly. Renovation of 
the main office and repairs on the guest room will likely be completed next 
year.  That will improve productivity of office work, notably publications, 
and put us in a better position to receive interns.  As in the previous year, 
upgrading the residence took precedence for the small amount of on-site 
carpentry Dan undertook.            
    Program wise, our annual Permaculture Design Correspondence Course via 
e-mail continues to be our major teaching activity. We added to the course 
this year, with a section on Design for Health to be presented by Cynthia. We 
have also perfected a number of other features of the course, almost pro forma
 as the course material matures.
    This year’s course is underway.  We will accept enrollments in the final 
section, as the three sections can be taken in any order.  The 2001 course 
begins Oct. 14. The course runs 22 to 26 weeks, depending on the class needs. 
 We are very pleased that one of our current students is using our course to 
launch a permaculture development program in rural South Africa.  There, 
people live very close to the margin. Permaculture design can help them 
improve their material welfare substantially while protecting and healing 
their environment.
    Otherwise, we did little teaching this past year.  We continue to take a 
few consulting jobs, usually providing deep experience to someone already 
involved in permaculture design.    Consulting does help support our other 
work.  If you wish to have a permaculture design or permaculture consulting 
at your place, contact us by mail or Emil. 
    We made a small amount of progress in our publications, issuing Vol. VIII 
of our directory, The Resources of International Permaculture. We also 
continued to update our pamphlets and papers. But our serial publications, 
The International Permaculture Solutions Journal  and Permaculture Review, 
Overview, and Digest, remained on the back burner.  We also need badly to 
document our permaculture design, for which we hope to attract a suitable 
intern. We had an intern for that purpose this year, but after a short time 
she was called home on family matters.  
    Our lives continue to be blessed. Cynthia has left her teaching position 
at the University of Florida College of Nursing to develop her own practice, 
Design for Health.  Meanwhile she has joined the Obstetrics Department at 
Shands Hospital, Gainesville FL, to help in both medical and administrative 
    One advantage of mailing our letter late this year is that we can invite 
you to consider giving our publications or even a scholarship in our course 
as a gift during the holiday season.  The gift can be to yourself of course. 
In addition to the meaning of a gift from you to the recipient, you also give 
back to the Earth by providing information for more sustainable living, and 
of course supporting us in our effort to make such information widely 
available.  Please check out our order form to see if there is something you 
would like to give, maybe to yourself, or perhaps a contribution to our book 
fund.  That sends literature to places where it is badly needed but 
    We invite you to pass the word about our consulting, e-mail course and 
internships. A workshop or course on site is a very economical way to get 
permaculture design work and training for your own place.  A few days of 
permaculture consulting or an on-site workshop can be an especially valuable 
gift to a homeowner or homesteader.
    We know that most of you are also working hard for Mother Earth in many 
ways.  We thank you for your efforts and look to join forces when appropriate.

For Mother Earth,  Dan Hemenway                                               
                   Cynthia Hemenway
PS:  As we send this to the printer, we have received our new web page URL:   

I am pasting our publications list below, FYI.  Included on the list are 
other topics for which you may request information. -- DH

--Yankee Permaculture Publication List
P.O. Box 52, Sparr FL 32192 USA  YankeePerm@aol.com

Please enter Name, Address (including country) and eMail address.     


More payment info near the end of this order form.

Permaculture Journals   Quantity    Price   
The International Permaculture Solutions Journal (TIPS), Vol. II, $25.00.   
TIPS II __  $_________
The International Permaculture Solutions Journal (TIPS), Vol. I, 100 pp. 
$25.00. TIPS I  __  $_________
LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION, TIPS, $250. (Reduced price--we're getting older!)    
TLIFE   __  $_________
The International Permaculture Species Yearbook (TIPSY)         
   TIPSY #4, 144 pp, $15.   TIPSY 4 __  $_________
   TIPSY # 3,  96 pp, $11.  TIPSY 3 __  $_________
   TIPSY # 2,  74 pp, $8.50.    TIPSY 2 __  $_________
   TIPSY # 1,  72 pp, $8.50.    TIPSY 1 __  $_________
All four TIPSYS     Special Price     $35.00.   4  TIPSYS   __  $_________
TRIP (Global Green Directory), about 2,000 listings of groups and publications
TRIP VIII print version, price includes update subscription. $35.00.  
TRIP  on 3.5-inch Computer Disks, FileMakerPro or text, $55, other formats, 
extra. Specify.     TRIP FD __  

Other Publications  Quantity    Price   
Permaculture, A Designers' Manual, Bill Mollison (AKA A Practical Guide...), 
$45.    PDM ___ $__________
Introduction to Permaculture, Bill Mollison, $20.   IPC __  $_________
Designing & Maintaining Your Edible Landscape - Naturally,  Robert Kourik, 
hardcover, $50. DMEL    __  $_________
Permaculture II, Bill Mollison, $19. REDUCED TO $5.00!  PCII    __  $_________
Rights to Our Genetic Resources, Sahabat Alam Malaysia.  $2.00. ROGR    __  
The Humanure Handbook, A Guide  to Composting Human Manure, J. C. Jenkins 
$19.00      ALL NEW EDITION Manu    __  $_________
Water for Every Farm: Yeomans Keyline Plan,  P.A. Yeomans. New Improved 
Edition.  $35.00    WEF __  $_________
PROD: Permaculture  Review, Overview, and  Digest.  4 issues, $15   PROD    
__  $_________
Save-Trees  Re-Use Envelopes.  100 self-stick lables with this message, $10.  

Permaculture Design Course Pamphlet Series      Quantity    Price   
Complete Set of 15 Pamphlets.  Bill Mollison.  $35  $35.00  SET __  $_________
Complete Set on 3.5" Floppy Disk (MS Word for Mac, inquire about other 
formats)    $50.00  SET FD  __  $_________
I     An Introduction to Permaculture. (Updated resources.) $3.50   I   __  
II    Permaculture in Humid Landscapes. $7.50   II  __  $_________
III   Permaculture in Arid Landscapes,  $3.75   III __  $_________
IV   Permaculture on Low Islands.  (See V for combined price.)      IV      
V    Permaculture on High Islands.          (IV, V, & VI offered as one 
pamphlet.)  $2.50   V   __  $_________
VI   Permaculture on Granitic Landscapes.  (See V for combined price.)      
VII  Permaculture for Fire Control.  (See XV for combined price.)       VII     
VIII Designing for Permaculture.(New material added, new edition)   $8.50   
VIII    __  $_________
IX   Permaculture Techniques.(New material added, new edition)  $8.50   IX  
__  $_________
X    Forests in Permaculture.   $6.25   X   __  $_________
XI   Water in Permaculture.  (New Edition)  $3.75   XI  __  $_________
XII  Permaculture for Urban Areas & Urban-Rural Linkages.With New Resource 
List    $3.00   XII __  $_________
XIII The Permaculture Community.    $2.00   XIII    __  $_________
XIV The Permaculture Alternative.   $2.50   XIV __  $_________
XV  Permaculture for Millionaires.  $2.50   XV  __  $_________
Last  revised  10/06/00

Permaculture Papers
1.  The Onions,  compiled by Bill Mollison. $2.00   1.  __  $_________
2.  The Palms, compiled by Bill Mollison.   $3.50   2.  __  $_________
3.  Useful Bamboos, compiled by Andrew Jeeves. Includes new list of bamboo 
groups. $3.50   3.  __  $_________
4.  Useful Cactus, Agave and Aloe Species, compiled by Reny Slay.   $3.50   
4.  __  $_________
5.  Useful Climbing Plants, compiled by Bill Mollison.  $4.50   5.  __  
6.  Useful Plants of Wetlands, compiled by Bill Mollison.   $4.00   6.  __  
7.  Panchavati: The Sacred Ayurvedic Grove of India,  compiled by Bill 
Mollison & Reny Slay.   $3.50   7.  __  $_________
8.  Bioregional Organization, by Bill Mollison. $2.00   8.  __  $_________
9.  Important Legumes of Use, compiled by John Fargher.  2nd EDITION EASIER 
TO READ!    $5.00   9.  __  $_________
10. Erosion: Principles and Management, by John Fargher.    $4.50   10. __  
11. Arid Land Water Harvesting, by John Fargher.    $4.00   11. __  $_________
12. The Oaks,  by John Fargher. $2.00   12. __  $_________
13. Domestic Energy, Mollison, et al.. NORTH AMERICAN EDITION UPDATED IN 
1996!   $6.00   13. __  $_________
14.     Village Power Generation & Energy Conservation, Mollison. UPDATED 
RESOURCES.  $10.00  14. __  $_________
15. Permaculture Village Development, Mollison. Extensive resource updates. 
$9.00   15. __  $_________
16.     Gardening Articles, by Dan Hemenway. Reprints.  $5.00   16. __  
17.     Composting Human Wastes, by Dan Hemenway & David Stephens. Reprints. 
Frank language. $2.00   17. __  $_________
18. Basic Permaculture Article,  by Dan Hemenway.  Reprint. $1.50   18. __  
19. Pig Raising and Free Range Forage Species,  by Bill Mollison.   $2.50   
19. __  $_________
20. Circle Garden Patterns.  One page of drawings by Richard Webb, text by 
Dan Hemenway.   $1.50   20. __  $_________
21.     Permaculture Design Client Survey. 20 pages of questions. UPDATED 
Price includes review of answers by Dan Hemenway, author.  Available for 
license to other permaculture designers.    
$500.00 21. __  $_________
23.     Elfin Permaculture Press List. 700+ entries.  Print. Inquire about 
availability on computer disk.  $30.00  23. __  $_________
24.     The Elfin Permaculture Design Course. UPDATED OUTLINE   $4.00   24. 
__  $_________
24e. The Elfin Permaculture Design Course, Online Correspondence Version.  
Course outline & assignments.   $10.00.     24e ___ $_________________  
27.     Special Order Catalog. Permaculture designs, species lists, resource 
lists, data bases, translations, out of print papers, etc., available on a 
custom basis. Includes descriptions.    $3.50   27. __  $_________
28. The Politics of Diversity by Vandana Shiva. (Reprint from Permaculture 
Activist .) Very important! $3.50   28. __  $_________
29. The Permaculture Resource Directory, Richard Webb. The bible for anyone 
in PC.  $15.00  29. __  $_________
30. Articles About Soil, by Dan Hemenway. Reprints from Soil Remineralization 
, et al.    $6.00   30. __  $_________
31. Plants for Use in Permaculture in the Tropics, by Frank Martin. (Add 
$2.50 for 3-ring binder.)   $20.00  31. __  $_________
E31 Plants for Use in Permaculture in the Tropics on Floppy Disk. Mac, $35. 
PC, $60. Specify.       E31.    __  $_________
32. List of Useful Publications.  Nearly 700 entries from the TRIP data base. 
Included with TRIP. $10.00  32. __  $_________
33. Reference package. #23, #29, & #32.  Minimal overlap. Names & addresses 
of thousands of publications.   $45.00  33. __  $_________
34. Kudzu Utilization Concept Paper, by Dan Hemenway. UPDATED   $5.00   34.     
__  $_________
35. A Guide to Yankee Permaculture Publications - 1983-1997. 6 pp, 17 tables. 
    $3.50.  __  $_________
36. Patiofarming in the Tropics and Subtropics,  Frank Martin. REDUCED FROM 
$15.00! $12.00  36. __  $_________
37.     Permaculture Supplier List. 1000+ addresses. Print out, $50. Mac 3.5" 
disk, $50; PC, $60      37. __  $_________

INFORMATION SHEETS--One Dollar Each         
__   Elfin Permaculture Slide/Script Presentations for sale.    
__  Hosting Permaculture Lectures &/or Weekend Workshops.
__   Elfin Permaculture Design & Consulting Services.   
__  Hosting 10 or 14 day  workshops, or 3-week design courses.
Elfin Permaculture Workshops.   
    __ 10-14 days.
    __ Advanced Permaculture Training (APT) Programs.
    __ Weekends.    
--- Elfin Permaculture Services for Design Course Graduates.
__   Elfin Permaculture Internships/Apprentices/Volunteers.
__  Reading List for Elfin Permaculture Workshops & Courses.
__ Elfin Permaculture Design Correspondence Course. 
__ Elfin Permaculture Email Permaculture Design Correspondence Course   
__   YPC Publications & Databases on Computer Disk
__   Custom Searches of YPC Databases   
___ Permaculture Internships at Barking Frogs Farm in Florida.
        Number of sheets ordered                             X   $1.00    =   

SUBTOTAL  (Minimum order, US$5.00 ..................................... 
Postage & Handling  US addresses add 10% of first $150 of order. Elsewhere 
add 20 %.    MINIMUM P&H - US$5.00,.... $____________
Contributions to supply literature  requested by "Third World" groups, grade 
school students, etc.   $____________
Other Contributions (Scholarship fund, Tree Tithe,  "Third World" courses, 
etc.  Please specify)..........................     $____________
TOTAL Enclosed is my check or money order payable to "DAN OR CYNTHIA 
HEMENWAY":   MINIMUM TOTAL, US$10.00......  $____________

       * A  service charge will be assessed for correspondence on orders 
which are underpaid or unclear. Because of exorbitant bank fees to exchange 
non-U.S. currency into U.S. dollars, we can only accept payment by check 
drawn on a U.S. bank or by International Postal Money Order in U.S. dollars. 
   A SERVICE CHARGE of at least $25.00 will be assessed for returned checks.  
We do not carry accounts--payment must accompany order.
    There is a service charge of $25 or whatever the bank charges (which ever 
is higher).  The bank fee for this has gone up faster than we can keep track 
of it.  If you want us to contact the bank and verify the deposit, e.g. to 
expedite a book shipment, double the service charge.  Sometimes the bank 
notifies us by mail when it receives a transfer.  Sometimes we find out only 
when we review the monthly deposit statement.  In our view, this is a very 
poor means to expedite matters since it can be weeks before we are certain we 
have been paid.
    All service charges must be included in the original transfer.
   REFUND POLICY:  There will be no refunds for permaculture papers and 
pamphlets or for any publications bought on sale, as part of a set, or at 
discount. Also there are no refunds on slide/script sets, special order 
publications, and other materials provided on a custom basis. All other 
publications returned within 30 days of shipment (exceptions made for orders 
shipped surface mail) in new condition will be refunded without question.  NO 
REFUNDS on computer disks. We will replace defective disks or publications 
returned within 60 days.
   CHANGE OF ADDRESS:  It  is your responsibility to notify us if your 
address changes. Be sure to let us know of  your subscriptions and any other 
outstanding orders.  Include your order number and your old address.
   TREE TITHE:  As of January 1, 1985, all Yankee Permaculture publications 
carry in their price a Tree Tithe.  We set aside this money for re-planting 
trees to compensate for those cut to make the paper that we use.  
Contributions to the Tree Tithe Fund are accepted. 
__  Please send information about bulk orders of your publications. I enclose 
a SASE or international return mail coupon.
__  Please add the name(s) of my friend(s) to  your mailing list.  They are 
attached. I enclose a contribution for printing and postage.
__  Please let me know when you will hold the Permaculture Design Course. I 
may wish to attend.                              

Last Revised:10/13/00

regtistrations accepted.  
    There are special discounts for buying the course reading list as a 
package.  Ask for a copy of the course reading list, which includes the 
discounts.  The list may change slightly between courses as material becomes 
available and/or goes out of print. Reading the course materials once before 
you take the course is another excellent way to prepare. 
A list by topic of all Yankee Permaculture titles may be found at 

--- End Message ---