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[nafex] Non astringent quinces

One of my interests is finding quinces that can be eaten raw, out of hand,
like an apple - I love the aromatice flavor of quinces.  Some years ago I
acquired a set of varieties from Turkey that were supposed to be edible out
of hand.  Some are very tender, but a bit too acid.  Some are very aromatic
and can be eaten raw when they are very ripe, but they have a lot of grit
    This year I have a large crop from the group of Turkish types and if
anyone is interested, I can send seed.  The Turkish group is planted by
itself,  where no other quinces could pollinate them, so there is a good
chance that seedlings could recombine the tender flesh of some with the
aromatic flavor of others.  If anyone would like to try growing out some of
the seed, let me know and I'll save seed for you.
    I should add that this group has been healthier and more disease
resistant that quinces from other countries.
-Lon J. Rombough
Grapes, unusual fruits, writing, consulting, more, at

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