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Re: [nafex] Plum Pox Virus from seed

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr Ethan Natelson <natelson@pipeline.com>
To: nafex@egroups.com <nafex@egroups.com>
Date: Sunday, October 08, 2000 5:11 PM
Subject: [nafex] Plum Pox Virus from seed

Dear Ethan,
     I think the USDA APHIS people who control plant imports consider plum
pox transmission from seed a serious possibility.  At least they did 5 years
ago.  I had quite a few peach trees which I grew from Russian seed sent by
one of their experiment stations for trial here as rootstock.  When they
came here to check on my Russian plums for pox, they took samples of maybe
eight of these trees for plum pox testing and asked me to destroy the rest
if these proved clean.  It took 3 years, but they were clean and I destroyed
the rest.
Hector Black   zone6, middle tennessee

>Dear Tom,
>     It has previously been mentioned on the chat line that plum pox can be
>transmitted by seed.  However, the expert who lectured at the recent NAFEX
>meeting on Plum Pox, and who has been engaged in testing potentially
>infected plant material in Virginia and Pennsylvania, denied this.
>Certainly, in viral infected Citrus the seeds are thought to be virus free.
>Perhaps some of the plant pathologists in the group would comment about
>                                 Regards, Ethan

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