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Re: [nafex] Water for Freeze Protection and off topic Ice age stuff

You make a good case for not using water.  I had wondered about it after Dan
wrote that everything turns to ice sculptures with overhead sprinklers in
Florida.  I guess if I was really ingenious or turned loose my engineer
husband, we could rig misters along with fans to keep everything moving.
But, with the weird summer (none to speak of) and this quick advance of late
autumn weather, I'm taking Gordon's advice and packing it in.
Thanks to everyone who had suggestions.  They were appreciated.
Doreen Howard

-----Original Message-----
From: Kieran or Donna <redherring@tnaccess.com>
To: nafex@egroups.com <nafex@egroups.com>
Date: Thursday, October 05, 2000 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [nafex] Water for Freeze Protection and off topic Ice age stuff

>  Gordon wrote, "It is over due already."
>We have been having hotter weather than normal, and dry as seems to be
>standard in Sept these last few years.  That means there's no moisture to
>help hold heat, and with the moon coming toward full and a front on the
>I wonder if we are going to lose our garden early.  Here in this part of TN
>we usually get a few light frosts, and then the first weekend in Nov a
>killing frost turns any remaining beans or crowder peas to mush.  I've had
>nylon curtains pinned over my pepper plants for a couple of weeks, this
>weekend they will get moved to the tomatoes, as we give up on the peppers,
>and then they will be moved to the greens to hold off the real winter cold.
>    I got cured of trying to use water for frost protection the year that I
>ran a sprinkler on a peach tree during a late freeze.  Where the tree was
>wet, all the flowers and buds were killed.  One side of the tree was
>and sufered no damage at all from the freeze.
>    In Florida they use sprinklers for frost protection, I have seen trees
>nearly broken down by the weight of ice.  More recently they put a small
>mister in the middle of each tree, so that the ice begins on the trunk and
>builds up from there and does not break the tree.
>     Convection frosts were the traditional kind in Florida for much of the
>century, but the 80's brought blowing freezes in which water or fans
>no protection.  Convection frosts are much easier to deal with, and to
>predict.  Full moons and dry weather facilitate convection frosts.  I have
>found that frosts that take all the rest of my beans generally leave
>plants some 50 feet from the windward side of some tall trees.  (The
>protection on the lee side is probably even better, but it's not ours.)
>sure that the trees stir the air and prevent stratification.  Mike
>told me that he had examined trifoliate trees after severe cold (for south
>Alabama) and found damage only in the bottom 6" of the trunk.  Of course
>whole tree died after that, but it shows the extreme stratification that
>occur during a convection freeze.
>    During all this global warming noise, I have stuck with the snowblitz
>theory of Ice Ages.  Ice cores show that CO2 levels always rise before a
>ice age, but I have just read a theory for how Ice Ages start so suddenly.
>The book, ideal for all your phobia needs, is THE COMING GLOBAL SUPERSTORM,
>but Whitley Streiber and Art Bell.  Yes, they admit they are just lay
>trying to bring the attention of the public to a scientific theory.  What
>impressed us is that they explain the mystery of why the upper atmosphere
>actually cooling down, and what it could cause to happen.  It makes sense
>a lot of things that are going on, for all you climate freaks.  Donna z6 TN

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