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Re: [nafex] Dormant Grafting of Peaches

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Along the lines of peach...
When would possibly be the best time to take cuttings and attempt
rooting with medium and hormones. 
Also if you do not have a greenhouse is there a successful method 
or technique to promote the rooting process other than the conventional
greenhouse method any "off the cuff" theories?

Great advice folks... Thanks.

Happy harvest : )

Ed & Pat Fackler wrote:

Christopher Mauchline wrote:
I've been told that generally peaches are generally budded.

My question: can they be "dormant" grafted (i.e. whip and tongue
grafted).  What kind of rate of success would I expect to see?

      My response---------
     Peach (and many other stone fruits) require higher temps to callus.
While they can be grafted by use of dormant wood, the problem is simply
keeping the graftwood viable until outside temps rise sufficiently.
     If you'd want to pot up some rootstocks, get them growing in a
greenhouse, etc., graft them as soon as you saw growth on the stocks, I'm
certain that success rate would be very high.
Ed, So. Indiana, etc.