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Re: [nafex] Green Gage Plums

I've just tasted my first greengage this week and it became my next tree to get.
Even my 4 year old, the picky eater, loved them. The fruit was not cracked and
didn't show much brown rot and the tree was loaded, but the tree was probably
sprayed partially for brown rot.  I see many loaded Italian prunes most years
(ours is small yet.) So many plums have annoyingly bitter skin for fresh eating,
especially the Japanese types.

This has been a banner year for plums here, except for the Seneca, due to poor
pollination. We have Beauty, Methley, Shiro, Hollywood (almost ripe,) Seneca,
Early Golden, and three seedlings, one of which we are keeping. Even the
Thundercloud flowering plums had crops, and they are quite good.

Annette,  Tacoma, WA

Lon J. Rombough wrote:

> In most texts, authors rave about green gage plums.  I'm grown a number of
> them over the years and frankly, I've not been impressed.  Most of them had
> so little acid they were sweet, but flat tasting to me, and the flesh of
> most was soft and almost mealy.  On top of that, the fruit was more
> susceptible to brown rot and cracking than regular Prunus domestica.    Am I
> missing something, or is my taste just at odds with that of the people who
> write about them?  Personally, I prefer a good Prune D'Agen or Imperial
> Epineuse anytime (both reddish blue).
> -Lon Rombough

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