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Re: [nafex] fruit for shade

Many goosebery varieties produce fruit in full shade.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ginda Fisher <ginda@concentric.net>
To: NAFEX <nafex@egroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 12:00 AM
Subject: [nafex] fruit for shade

> I have very limited sunny space to grow fruit, but I do have a shaded
> area (under oaks) in the back where I'd like to plant some bushes as a
> visual screen.  So I wondered if there are any fruits I could grow
> instead of just planting evergreen shrubs or witch hazel.  
> Parts of the back have excellent rich soil (a prior owner tried to grow
> vegetables, and put in a lot of compost) and parts are mixed rocky/loamy
> New England dirt.  There's some scrubby, non-bearing wild blueberry, so
> I assume the native soil is pretty acid.  There's also some non-bearing
> bramble.  (Both flower.)  The area gets no hours of direct sun, but the
> shade is high and light, with dappled spots of full sun throughout the
> day.  It's the top of a hill, so gets excellent drainage, but can be
> dry.
> Can anyone recommend anything good to eat that might like the spot? 
> Since the alternative is no fruit, I wouldn't mind planting something
> that would produce more with more sun, so long as it gets enough light
> to be fairly healthy and produce a little.  I'm willing to irrigate for
> a year or two, but not for the long term.  
> Ginda Fisher
> Zone 6
> Eastern Mass.
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