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Re: [nafex] mulching

Mulch really does help, I've read about it on asparagus for example, that if
you mulch half the bed heavily, it will come out weeks later than the
unmulched half to spread out your cutting season.  I've even heard about
putting gallon jugs of water in the freezer, then putting them beside the
trunk of an early blooming tree and piling the mulch on to keep the tree
from blooming too soon.  Donna
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carolyn Wood" <natvwine@cut.net>
To: "nafex chat" <nafex@egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 7:27 PM
Subject: [nafex] mulching

> While it is true that a heavy mulch will prevent the absorption and
> radiation of solar energy by the soil, maybe this isn't all bad.
>   I have used heavy mulches in my gardens on plants that tend to push
> too early in our fickle spring weather. It seems that the plants that
> are mulched become active later and so avoid getting brutally frozen by
> 20 deg temps in May when a little radiation of heat by the soil isn't
> going to make a difference anyway.
>   Am I crazy or does the temperature of the soil affect the timing of
> bud break?  I am also guessing that a heavy mulch keeps many roots from
> suckering because of the lack of sunlight in the upper root zone. This
> is just a hunch.
>   Do some of the more educated folks on the list know about this?
> surrounded by mormons in utah,   Bob
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