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RE: [nafex] Minie / Miney pears


You are correct.  I misspelled 'Miney' as 'Minie'.  I should be more
careful.  Also, I had not known that 'Phileson' was part of that same
group of cultivars.  The description in Brooks and Olmo sounds like it
would be interesting to try, especially if it is truly only "slightly
susceptible" to fire blight.  Neither parent is resistant, but we
usually find some seedlings that are better than the parents.  Mowry and
Oitto et al. list it as susceptible. Do you have any experience with
this cultivar? 

Richard L. Bell
Research Horticulturist
Appalachian Fruit Research Station
45 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430-9425

Tel: 1-304-725-3451 Ext. 353
Fax: 1-304-728-2340

> ----------
> From: 	Claude Jolicoeur[SMTP:cjoli@gmc.ulaval.ca]
> Reply To: 	nafex@egroups.com
> Sent: 	Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:11 PM
> To: 	nafex@egroups.com
> Subject: 	[nafex] Minie / Miney pears
> A 10:28 00.05.23 -0400, Richard Bell wrote :
> >Enie, Menie, Minie, and Moe were released by Agriculture Canada's
> >Central Experiment Farm in Ottawa in 1947-1949.
> >and, according to:  
> >Brooks, R. M., and H. P. Olmo. 1972. Register of New Fruit and Nut
> >Varieties, 2nd. Edition. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley.
> >
> >Menie is a seedling of Kurskaya x Flemish Beauty.  Large fruit of
> >pleasant flavor and good quality; hardy, vigorous tree, slow to bear.
> >Recommendedfor home gardens. 
> >
> >Minie is a seedling of Zuckerbirn x Clapp's Favorite. Fruit and tree
> >description is similar to that for Menie.
> >Both have been reported to be at least moderately resistant to fire
> >blight.  (Mowry lists Minie as susceptible.)
> Richard,
> I find this interesting - I have a copy of the original list # 6 of
> Brooks
> and Olmo, which appeared in the Proceedings of the American Soc. for
> Horticultural Science vol 58, 1951. In this list, short descriptions
> are
> given for Enie, Menie, Miney, Moe and Phileson, but there is no
> mention of
> Minie. I have often seen confusion between those 2 names (Miney and
> Minie)
> and have always thought Miney was the right name for this pear (Brooks
> and
> Olmo can't be wrong). Do you know which is right? I don't have access
> to
> the original descriptions that
> >were published in: 
> >Spangelo, L. P. S., W. R. Phillips, and D. S. Blair. Pears. Progress
> >Report, 1949-1953. Central Experiment Farm, Ottawa. P. 32
> I have also seen the same confusion with Eney vs Enie names - for
> those, I
> think Enie is the right name.
> Claude Jolicoeur, Quebec
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