It is with similar feelings
that the astronomer regards certain places where from the peaks of the
universe his vision seems to range out into endless empty space. He
sees there the shore of his little isthmus, and, beyond, unexplored
NASA'S Education Media Archive
NASA partners with ibiblio, UNC, and the Open Video Project to bring you an online collection of videos produced by NASA’s Center for Distance Learning. Includes video from NASA's Kids Science News Network, Noticiencias NASA, NASA SCI Files, NASA CONNECT, and NASA’s Destination Tomorrow.
The Celestia Motherlode
“ The Celestia Motherlode is a repository for various addons like textures, models or celestial objects for Celestia. Celestia is a free, interactive (real-time), 3D astronomy program. It doesn’t just show you the sky as it can be seen from earth as most planetarium software does, but allows you to move to and view the universe from any point between the planets and the stars. The Celestia Motherlode hosts over 10 GB of Celestia addons by various creators, which extend or change the way Celestia renders the universe.”
The Amazing Adventures of Space Elvis
No, this is not part of our April Fool’s page. These really are the amazing adventures of Space Elvis. Part of The (unofficial) Elvis Home Page, these tales are authored by David Wall.
Virtual AGC and AGS
The purpose of this project is to provide an emulation of the onboard Apollo guidance computers, along with some ancillary items needed to make the emulation do something interesting.