Comments: Gated by NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU Message-ID: Newsgroups: Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1992 10:14:00 EDT Reply-To: Sally Muller Sender: "SAS(r) Discussion" From: Sally Muller Subject: SUNVIEW SAS/GRAPH Drivers available Lines: 37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: SAS/GRAPH SUNVIEW drivers now available REL/PLTF: 6.07 SUN/OS E-ADDR: uncsm1@unc.bitnet NAME: Sally Muller PH/ADDR: 919-962-6501 OIT CB#3455, UNC, Chapel Hill NC 27514 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All! Peter Ruzsa from SI just sent us a SUN diskette containing the SAS/GRAPH driver modules and device catalog entries for SUNVIEW drivers for release 4.0 of SUN/OS on SUN4 systems (experimental release). I. Diskette Contents 1. A README file with installation instructions 2. A driver module named sasgdpix. 3. A device catalog named devices.sct01 You can order the free diskette from SAS Institute (919 677-8008) OR you can get the files from a NEW service on our campus. Paul Jones, a person associated with service, sent me a description which I greatly condensed: UNC OIT-CS has been selected by SUN Microsystems to participate in a project which began as an ftp site but now also includes WAIS access. We will also be experimenting with Gopher and World-Wide Web during the project's life. We have set up a to provide ftp and wais services immediately. Paul Jones To access SunSite via ftp: ftp login: anonymous The SUNVIEW files are in the directory: /pub/SAS/SUNVIEW.