Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 00:13:41 +0001 (EST) From: Craig O'Donnell To: Paul Jones Cc: Brad Templeton , Subject: Re: PRESS RELEASE: WXYC BROADCASTING ON INTERNET (fwd) > WXYC sends only to those who request connections and at a very low bandwidth. > It is not multicasting in the MBONE sense, but instead uses CU-SeeMe. > Additionally we have requested reflectors at sites that might want more than > a very few connections with the idea of reducing network traffic. We spent > over a month of monitoring the network load and found that even on a small > tight network with over twenty hosts receiving the cybercast there was no > appreciable decline in network performance. Video is another matter of > course. Well, compression technology changes things a lot. Think of all the ham radio fans in the world (and all of use who put up with CLUI bulletin boards and such...) There's been very little exploration of low-res broadcasting short of college radio. And some college radio stations are *excellent* (I'll happily include XYC in there). WHere's our low-res video? If the audio were compelling enough, I'd put up with slower-than-normal frame rates or grainier reproduction. This brings up an intersting point: sufficiently active low-res "broadcasting" can begin to approach in some larger sense interactivity. So the interaction may be time-delayed, or limited, but Jane Doe's "broadcast" might influence mine in some way and both of ours influence Joe Bloe's. This might not be much but it's infinitely better than the big goose egg we have now. -- COD > .sig > .mund > .freud