Paper 2015/714

New classes of public key cryptosystem K(XVI)SE(1)PKC constructed based on Reed-Solomon code over extension field of m=8 and K(XVI)SE(2)PKC, based on binary cyclic code.



In this paper, we first present a new class of code based public key cryptosystem(PKC) based on Reed-Solomon code over extension field of less than m=9, referred to as K(XVI)SE(1)PKC. We then present a new class of quadratic multivariate PKC, K(XVI)SE(2)PKC, based on binary cyclic code. We show that both K(XVI)SE(1)PKC and K(XVI)SE(2)PKC can be secure against the various linear transformation attacks such as Grobner bases attack due to a non-linear structure introduced when constructing the ciphertexts. Namely, thanks to a non-linear transformation introduced in the construction of K(XVI)SE(1)PKC and K(XVI)SE(2)PKC the ciphertexts can be made very secure against the various sort of linear transformation attacks such as Grobner bases attack, although the degree of any multivariate polynomial used for public key is 1. A new scheme presented in this paper that transforms message variables in order to realize a non-linear transformation, K(II)TS, would yield a brand-new technique in the field of both code based PKC and multivariate PKC, for much improving the security. We shall show that the K(XVI)SE(1)PKC can be effectively constructed based on the Reed-Solomon code of m=8, extensively used in the present day storage systems or the various digital transmission systems.

Note: This paper was published as an IEICE technical report [9] without peer review. IEICE allows this paper be published elsewhere. The paper is carefully and honestly revised, more than 80%.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. IEICE Technical Report, IT2015-4, (2015-05), Ref[9]
Public key cryptosystemReed-Solomon codeCyclic codeCode based PKCMultivariate PKCMcEliece PKCGrobner bases attack
Contact author(s)
kasahara @ ogu ac jp
2015-07-19: revised
2015-07-18: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Masao KASAHARA},
      title = {New classes of public key cryptosystem K({XVI}){SE}(1){PKC} constructed based on Reed-Solomon code over extension field of m=8 and K({XVI}){SE}(2){PKC}, based on binary cyclic code.},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2015/714},
      year = {2015},
      url = {}
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