Insulators J5750373 & J5750374 from Jeep dealer. Original Bolt, Tube & Washer, and Flange Nut as removed from left front mount. Rusty washers on left were not originally on Jeep (I think they are my work). |
What is this mystery part ? Was it to help keep the bolt centered in the frame rail hole? |
Location of Front Mounts on Frame. |
Left. Tube & Washer from Jeep dealer for all except front mounts. Right. Electrical conduit tubing and heavy washer used to make replacement Tube and Washer for the taller front mounts. |
Two homemade front tubes after welding but before grinding and filing. Note: Tacking the fillet first causes the tube to tilt so its better to tack the washer on from the other side. Make a litte jig of blocks. |
(5) Solid Insulator J5459186 2 3/4" o.d. 1 7/8" ht. (not including nub) |
Original Top Shim (J400
6115 ? ) with original flanged bolt and Flat Washer also shown |
Tube & Washer
Overall height: 2"
Tube is 7/8" o.d., 3/4" i.d.
Top Insulator J5459184
Main section is 2 11/16 Outer Diameter, 1 5/16 " tall (or 1.325" ? ) extension that goes into frame is 15/16" Outer Dia., + 5/8" hieght inside diameter is about 7/8" Note: Internally there is steel reinforcing sleeve |
Bottom Insulator J5459515
2 5/8" Outside Dia.1 5/16 Inside Diameter 1" Hieght |
Presumably Original flanged Bolt (S941
9091) & Flat Washer (J400 6419) ?
7/16 - 14 (UNC)
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