Township News | 2020-2016
Posted on 20 November 2020
Hanover Township Resident Receives Outstanding Veteran Award
Hanover Township resident Leonard Luba received the Outstanding Veteran Award for 2020. The award was bestowed upon Mr. Luba during the 76th Annual Wyoming Valley Veterans’ Day Parade held on Sunday, November 8, 2020. Mr. Luba is a Vietnam Veteran and an active community volunteer who was chosen among numerous candidates. Thank you Lenny for your service and your countless hours volunteering for those that have sacrificed so much. Hanover Township is proud and honored to have you as a member of our community.
Posted on 01 Sept 2020
PA Lower South Valley C.O.G. Street Paving
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners introduced new vehicles to their fleet at the July 15, 2020 Board of Commissioners Meeting.
The PA Lower South Valley Council Of Governments (C.O.G) recently completed three (3) street pavings in Hanover Township. Hanover Township is a member of the PA Lower South Valley Council of Governments which also consists of Nanticoke, Newport Township, Plymouth Township, Sugar Notch and Ashley. Streets that received upgrades were: Columbia Avenue, Empire Court and Lenahan’s Alley.
Posted on 18 Aug2020
Recent Retirement in the Hanover Twp. Police Department
Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized Sgt. Ronald Jarzenbovicz at the August 12, 2020, Board of Commissioners Meeting. Sgt. Jarzenbovicz retired on July 1, 2020 from the Hanover Township Police Department with 46 years of service. Congratulations Sgt. Jarzenbovicz and thank you for your service to Hanover Township and the residents of this great municipality.
Posted on 18 Aug 2020
Hanover Township Summer Clean Up/Drop Off
Posted on 31 July 2020
Division Street Bridge Opening
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners in conjunction with Wilkes-Barre City and Luzerne County held the ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the Division Street Bridge on Thursday, July 30, 2020. Construction costs were funded by a 1.7 million dollar grant through Luzerne County’s Office of Community Development. After 10 years of the bridge being closed pedestrian and vehicle traffic can now once again access Wilkes-Barre through Hanover Township.
Hanover Township Manager Sam Guesto address those in attendance.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on the new Division Street Bridge. From Left to Right: Bill Barrett, W-B City Councilman District B, Mike Belushko, W-B City Councilman District A, David Pedri, Luzerne County Manager, Senator John Yudichak, W-B City Mayor George Brown, Hanover Township Chairman Russel P. Davis, Commissioner Jeffrey P. Lewis, Commissioner William Howatt, Luzerne County Council Chairman Tim McGinley, Hanover Township Manager Sam Guesto, Father Cirba, Exhaultation of the Holy Cross Church, Hanover Township
Posted on 23 July 2020
Additions to Road Department and Police Department’s Vehicle Fleets
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners introduced new vehicles to their fleet at the July 15, 2020 Board of Commissioners Meeting.
Hanover Township was awarded with Pennsylvania’s 902 Recycling Grant and utilized the funds to purchase 5,000 recycling containers for the citizens of Hanover Township and a new Mack Recycling Vehicle. Liquid Fuel Funds were utilized to purchase a 2019 Ford F550 Dump Truck and the vehicle will be used to plow streets, assist with road repairs, haul asphalt for catch basin replacement, etc. Both vehicles will be an added asset to allow the Road Department to continue to keep Hanover Township’s roads maintained. Recycling containers are still available for residents at the Hanover Township Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway.
Pictured from Left to Right: Commissioner Albert Bagusky, Township Manager Samuel T. Guesto, Jr., Commissioner William Howatt, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Road Department Supervisor Ned Zwiebel, Vice Chairman of the Board George Andrejko, Chairman Russell P. Davis, Commissioner George Bowers, Commissioner Jeffrey Lewis
The Hanover Township Police Department recently received two fully equipped Ford AWD SUVs. These vehicles will keep the over five year program of adding a new vehicle while selling the oldest vehicle. One of the vehicles will be dedicated solely to Hanover Township K-9 Officer and Hanover Township’s K-9 Rok. Both vehicles will assist in ensuring the Police Department has reliable transportation to police our community.
Pictured from Left to Right: Commissioner Albert Bagusky, Police Chief Albert Walker, Chairman of the Board Russel P. Davis, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner William Howatt, Vice Chairman of the Board George Andrejko, Commissioner George Bowers, Township Manager Samuel T. Guesto, Jr., Commissioner Jeffrey Lewis
Posted on 12 May 2020
2020 Census
Hanover Township residents: Be aware of the 2020 Census and be sure to respond!
On behalf of the U.S. Census Bureau I want to inform you that they will resume Update/Leave operations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Monday May 11, 2020.
The Update/Leave operation is designed to occur in areas where the majority of housing units either do not have mail delivered to the physical location of the housing unit or the mail delivery information for the housing unit cannot be verified. The purpose of this operation is to leave a questionnaire package at every identified housing unit.
The Update/Leave operation does not require interaction between households and a Census Bureau employee and follows current federal health and safety guidelines.
We ask that you help spread the word and urge people to respond promptly to the 2020 Census using the ID number included in the questionnaire packet. People receiving questionnaire packages can respond online, by phone or by using the paper form in the packet.
Luzerne County may be a few weeks behind due to current restrictions but let communities know this is happening as soon as Monday- May 11, 2020
Please share this with local law enforcement, Share on Community Web Sites, and Social Media
- Census Workers will carry a Black Bag with an official Census Logo
- Census Workers will have an Official ID badge
- Census workers will only leave a Official mailing on the homes considered "UL" Updated Leave
- Census workers will NEVER ask for Social Number, Money, Bank Information, or access inside a home
ALL Hanover Township Residents Are Urged to Respond online at or Call 844-330-2020
Posted on 21 April 2020
Hanover Township Board of Commissioners approve extension for Mercantile Business Privilege Tax
Posted on 10 Mar 2020
Hanover Township Honors Retirees
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners honored two recent retirees at the March 9, 2020 meeting. Detective Dean Stair retired in January 2020, from the Hanover Township Police Department with over 30 years of service. Anthony Truskoski also retired in January 2020 with over 30 years of service on the Hanover Township Planning Commission. Best of luck to both of these employees and residents of Hanover Township.
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Russell P. Davis and Anthony Truskoski.
Posted on 15 Jan 2020
Swearing in of Elected Officials
The Honorable Joseph A. Halesey, District Court Judge, administered the Oath of Office to Hanover Township Commissioners during the January 6, 2020, Re-Organization Meeting. Certification of Elections were collected and the Oaths of Office were accepted. Pictured above from left to right: The Honorable Joseph A. Halesey, Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, George L. Andrejko, Commissioner William L. Howatt, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner Albert J. Bagusky.
Posted on 09 Jan 2020
Fire Department Purchase New Equipment
The Hanover Township Fire Department in the last quarter of 2019 upgraded the water rescue portion of the services they provide by purchasing two new water rescue boats, motors, trailers and several additional pieces of equipment. The boats that were in service for many years began to become less seaworthy and the motors were from the 1990 era. The new boats are the same type and style of boats that the US Navy Seals utilize and will last for many years. The department additionally purchased an underwater camera and a rescue line gun that can shoot rope across many different terrains. These tools will assist in various emergencies on the water and land. In the last two years the water rescue unit has been called upon over 15 times for assistance. The funds of over $30,000 that was required was generated by the annual community fund drive, business donations, board of commissioners and grants that were received. The Fire Department wishes to thank all those who have given the department support in our mission of protecting lives and property.
The Hanover Township Fire Department at the beginning of 2020 upgraded the rescue portion of the services they provide by purchasing new battery operated “Jaws of Life” type rescue tools which will be compatible with the new stronger materials that many vehicles are now being made of. These tools will complement the current equipment that the rescue carries. Last year in 2019 the rescue was called upon for over 250 motor vehicle accidents. The funding for the new tools, which was over $25,000, was made possible from the annual community fund drive, business donations, board of commissioners and grants that were applied for and received. The Fire Department wishes to thank everyone for their continued support. This type of support keeps the department in the fore front of any type of responses that are required.
Posted on 13 Dec 2019
Swearing In of New Full Time Apparatus Driver
Christopher Halecki was sworn in by the District Justice Joseph A. Halesey during the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners’ Meeting on December 9, 2019. Christopher was recently hired as a full-time apparatus driver October with the Hanover Township Fire Department. Congratulations Christopher.
Pictured from left to right row 1: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, George Andrejko, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Russell P. Davis, Christopher Halecki, Fire Chief Joseph Temarantz, The Honorable District Justice Joseph A. Halesey. Row 2: Solicitor Samuel Sanguedolce, Esquire, Commissioner William Howatt, Commissioner Albert Bagusky, Commissioner Jeffrey Lewis, Township Manager Samuel T. Guesto, Jr., Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Township Secretary Donna Makarczyk.
Posted on 13 Dec 2019
Hanover Township Police Officer Receives Recognition
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized a member of the Hanover Township Police Department during their December 9, 2019 Meeting. Officer Donald Mantush was recognized for his heroic efforts November 3, 2019. While on patrol, Officer Mantush noticed heavy smoke and flames coming from a home situated between Ashley and Hanover Township. Officer Mantush along with a resident of Ashley pulled the homeowner to safety ultimately saving his life. The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners and the Residents of Hanover Township would like to thank you, Officer Mantush, for your dedication and service.
Pictured above: Commissioner Jeffrey P. Lewis, Officer Donald Mantush, Chief Albert Walker
Posted on 22 Nov 2019
2019 Tree Lighting Ceremony
Hanover Township Lions Club Tree Lighting
Sunday, December 8th
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
at the Crossroads (West End Road)
Santa will be making a visit!
Join the Lions Club and members of your community with this Hanover Township Holiday Tradition.
The Lions Club will be collecting toys for the U.S. Maring Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program
Posted on 14 Nov 2019
Hanover Township Student Athletes Win PIAA Championships
Two Hanover Township Residents recently won PIAA Championships in the sport of golf.
Kyleen McCance a resident of Hanover Township and 10th grade student at Hanover Area became the first female golfer from Hanover Area to be crowned a District Golf Champion. Kyleen successfully qualified from the PIAA Regional Golf Championship and subsequently the PIAA State Golf Championship.
Jeremy Callahan a resident of Hanover Township and 12th grade student at Wyoming Seminary successfully qualified for the PIAA Regional Golf Championship and subsequently the PIAA State Golf Championship. Jeremy won the PIAA District 2, Class AA District Championship.
Congratulations to both of these exceptional student athletes.
Posted on 29 Oct 2019
Community Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup
Community Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup
Luzerne County
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council in partnership with Hanover Township, EPCAMR, and the Nanticoke Conservation District in conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup will conduct a Community Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Rain Date: November 16, 2019
Hanover Township
From 9:00 am - 1 :00 pm
This event will focus on cleaning up illegally dumped trash along Dundee Road, Hanover Street and Spencer Lane in Hanover Township. This is an illegal dumpsite cleanup including a roadside cleanup. Volunteers are asked to dress appropriately. Our partners will be on site to assist in this cleanup. Food and drinks will be provided.
On the day of the cleanup, volunteers will gather for registration and instructions. After registration, volunteers will be provided with work gloves and safety vest. When supplies are distributed, and instructions have been given, volunteers will begin the cleanup.
Families, individuals, scouting groups, 4H groups, environmental clubs, businesses, college and university clubs, and high school students are invited to be part of this effort. (Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or have a parent/guardian sign a registration/insurance form prior to the cleanup and bring it with them. Anyone over 18 can sign the insurance form the day of the event.)
Contact - Registration - Directions
Palmira Miller, PEC
(cell) 570-592-7876
(office) 570-718-6507 or
Volunteers can Register on line at
Meeting Place: Hanover Street- 41 °11 '12.27N - 75°58'26.76"W
Directions: From Nanticoke, Take Kosciuszko Street to turnaround, take first right onto Middle Road, at second turnaround take 2nd right onto Espy Street which leads to Front Street, which turns into Hanover Street, Meeting place is on the right under the PEC tent.
Posted on 18 Oct 2019
Hanover Township Halloween Party
On Thursday, October 31, 2019 between the bewitching hours of 3:00 p.m. To 5:00 p.m. the Hanover Township board of commissioners will hold a Halloween party for the children of Hanover Township at the Hanover Township municipal building, 1267 sans souci parkway, Hanover Township.
All children in costume will receive a bag of candy compliments of the Hanover Township board of commissioners and the township manager!
Posted on 15 Aug 2019
Hanover Township Hires New Full Time Police Officer
At the August 12, 2019, meeting of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners, District Justice Joseph Halesey administered the oath of office to newly hired Police Officer David McDermott. The addition of Officer McDermott brings the total number of Officers in the department to 17 – all full time. Welcome Officer McDermott. We are excited to have you as a member of our team.
Posted on 15 Aug 2019
Hanover Township PD Receive Re-Accreditation
The Hanover Township Police Department underwent it’s reaccreditation process on June 13, 2019. The assessment was a success and it was recommended that the Hanover Township Police Department maintain their accredited status by the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission. The summary findings were exemplary and credited should be given to the Hanover Township Police Department and Chief Walker for their hard work and dedication in implementing the accreditation standards.
Posted on 29 Jul 2019
Police Chief Al Walker becomes President of the PA Chiefs of Police Association
Chief Albert Walker was recently sworn in as President of the PA Chiefs of Police Association. The association, comprised of four regions, held its annual convention July 15th thru the 19th at Kalahari Resort in the Poconos. Hanover Township is one of only four police departments in Luzerne County that are accredited by the Association. Chief Walker has become the third Hanover Township Police Chief to hold this distinguished position. Chief Walker, a 31 year police veteran, was honored and sworn in at annual Chief of Police Association convention by the Honorable Joseph Halesey (MDJ District 11-2-03) and master of ceremonies Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis.
Pictured Above from left to right: Samuel T. Guesto, Jr., Hanover Township Manager, Hanover Township Police Chief Al Walker, Former Police Chief & Former President of the PA Chiefs of Police Association, Hanover Township Commissioner William L. Howatt, Luzerne County District Attorney, Stefanie Salavantis, The Honorable Joseph Halesey (MDJ District 11-2-03)
Posted on 26 Jul 2019
Hanover Area Graduates Receive Scholarships from the Hanover Township Lions Club
The Hanover Township Lions Club recently awarded its annual scholarships to Hanover Area Jr./Sr. High School graduates and Leo Club Members Arianna Sillah, Alyssa Wivell, and Andy Xu. “The Hanover Township Lions Club recognizes that the youth is our future, and we like to financially help students pursue their college education with our annual scholarships,” said John Sipper, Lions Club Secretary. Lions Club President Bernard Mozloom presented each college-bound student with a check for $500, a tradition of the Club for more than 25 years. Providing Lions Club scholarships to deserving young adults is just one example of the way local Lions work to provide community service. The money for the awards is raised from the annual Christmas tree sign project at the Crossroads. Sillah, who was a Leo Club member throughout her high school career, earned a GPS of 91.6 and will major in biology at King’s College. Wivell, also a four-year Leo Club member, earned a GPS of 91.7 and will major in healthcare administration at King’s. Xu, a Leo Club member in his junior and senior years, earned a 98.1 GPS and will major in computer science at Penn State. For more information or if you’re interested in joining the Hanover Township Lions Club, contact Mozloom at 570.510.5582.
Posted on 9 Jul 2019
Hanover Township Hires New Full Time Police Officer
At the July 8th, 2019, meeting of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners, District Justice Joseph Halesey administered the oath of office to newly hired Police Officer Shawn McCole. The addition of Officer McCole brings the total number of Officers in the department to 16 – all full time. Welcome Officer McCole. We are excited to have you as a member of our team.
Posted on 19 Jun 2019
Luzerne Co. Mosquito Surveillance/Control Activities
In 2000, the West Nile virus appeared in Pennsylvania for the first time. Pursuant to 3 PA.SA. 2321 (d), the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture issued a temporary order proclaiming West Nile virus to be a dangerous transmissible disease. Since the issuance of that order in 2000, the Department of Agriculture has annually renewed that order. The Department of Agriculture determined that West Nile virus is a disease of public health significance. It also poses a threat to domestic animal health and to the economic wellbeing of domestic animal industries, particularly the equine industry.
In response to Agriculture's declaration, the Department was authorized to administer mosquito surveillance and control activities to combat West Nile virus throughout the Commonwealth. The program was designed to provide grants to all sixty-seven counties in Pennsylvania in an effort to reduce West Nile virus transmission in said counties and appropriated funds for new positions in the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that were responsible to administer and provide technical support to the counties. The Department initiated an 1PM plan that included three components; educating the public about mosquitoes, surveillance of mosquitoes throughout Pennsylvania and if a perceived risk was identified, control of mosquitoes through larviciding/pupaciding/adulticiding.
Read the full details of the program here
Posted on 30 May 2019
2019 Recipients of NorthPoint Safe School Award
The 2019 recipients of the NorthPoint Safe School Award were recently announced at the Hanover Area Junior/Senior High School.
Pictured above from left to right: Mike McCree, School Safety & Security Administrator, Officer John VanWhy, School Resource Officer, Recipient April Kashmer, Recipient Connor Quaglia, Dan Malloy, High School Principal, and John Sipper, Assistant High School Principal.
Posted on 14 May 2019
Resident Earns Qualification to the PIAA State Swimming Championship
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized 11th grade student Kylee Kolbicka for her accomplishments in swimming. Kylee completed during the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 athletic seasons successfully earning qualifications to the PIAA State Swimming Championships held at Bucknell University. Kylee along with her teammates earned bronze medals in the 200M Medley Relay and 400M Freestyle Relay in both 2018 and 2019.
Posted on 14 May 2019
Hanover Area Student Qualifies in the PIAA State Wresting Championship
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized Hanover Area Student DJ Erickson who while competing during the last three athletic seasons successfully earned a qualification to the PIAA State Wrestling Championship. DJ earned 2 District Championships, 2 Northeast Regional Final appearances (winning 1st place in 2019) and ending his exceptional career with a school record of 124 wins and a PIAA State Championship 7th place medal in the 152 lbs. weight division.
Posted on 14 May 2019
Hanover Area Narcotics Officer Receives Proclamation
Hanover Township’s Narcotics Officer Mark Stefanowicz earned Narcotics Officer of the Year from the PA Narcotics Officers Association recently. The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized Officer Stefanowicz for the outstanding work he has done in Hanover Township and Luzerne County. His efforts have seized multiple assets and narcotics not only in Hanover Township but throughout Luzerne County.
Posted on 30 Apr 2019
2019 Ladders and Laces 5K
The Annual Ladders and Laces 5K Run/Walk benefiting the Hanover Township Fire Department was held on Sunday, April 28, 2019. This is the 4th year for the Run/Walk and raised $17,000.00 for the Hanover Township Fire Department. Thank you to Navient, all of the Sponsors, Runners and Walkers, and everyone who helped make this event another success. The annual run/walk has raised approximately $63,000 for the Hanover Township Fire Department in the past four (4) years.
Volunteers from Navient present members of the Hanover Township Fire Department with a $17,000.00 check from moneys raised.
Posted on 17 Apr 2019
Spring Clean Up & Recycling Events for Hanover Twp. Residents
WHO: | Hanover Township Residents |
WHERE: | Hanover Township Municipal Building 1267 Sans Souci Parkway |
TIME: | 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM |
DATES: | Saturday, May 11, 2019 Saturday, May 18, 2019 Saturday, May 25, 2019 |
SATURDAY MAY 18, 2019 FROM 8:00am TO 11:00am
Hanover Township Municipal Building
1267 Sans Sauci Parkway
Read more here >
Posted on 09 Apr 2019
PPL Electric Transmission Line Construction
Crews working for PPL Electric Utilities soon will begin important work to replace the power line that is on or near your property. This project is necessary to improve electric service for you and your neighbors throughout the region.
Construction is expected to start April 2019 and be completed December 2020. Restoration activities will begin after the line construction has been completed. Construction crews will intermittently access the transmission line in your area as needed to construct the line.
Building the new line will involve many phases of construction, including: building access roads and other access areas; drilling and installing pole foundations; transporting poles and equipment to the work locations; pole erection; wire stringing; and finally, restoration of the right of way. All work will take place within PPL’s property, easements and authorized access areas. Every effort will be made to avoid disturbing you and your property. We appreciate your patience and understanding during construction.
Construction will involve the use of helicopters, drones and heavy equipment. For your safety, please do not approach crews while they are operating equipment on or near your property.
The PPL system is becoming more reliable every year, minimizing the number of power outages for you and your neighbors. This work is part of our continuing effort to be among the most reliable electric companies in the nation.
PPL has contracted with several companies to perform the work. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact PPL at 570-348-1605 or at However, for any construction related questions, please contact Keith DaRocha of Jingoli Power at (201) 658-4781.
Posted on 12 Feb 2019
Swearing In of Two New Full Time Fire Apparatus Drivers
Michael Meeker and Eric Banashefski were sworn in by District Justice Joseph A. Halesey during the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners’ Meeting on February 11, 2019. Both gentleman were recently hired as full-time fire apparatus drivers in January 2019 with the Hanover Township Fire Department.
Pictured above: The Honorable Joseph A. Halesey, Eric Banashefski and Michael Meeker
Posted on 12 Feb 2019
Resident Achieves Rank of Eagle Scout
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners presented a local resident with a proclamation during the February 11, 2019 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. Kevin Daniel Caffrey has attained the rank of Eagle Scout through the Boy Scouts of America on November 14, 2018. Kevin has completed 30 merit badges and took part in more than 200 hours of community service since his membership of Cub Pack and Boy Scout Troop 43 of Saint Nicholas Church, Wilkes-Barre since 2010. Kevin planned and organized a community service project to issue more than 2,500 personal care items for the 120 residents of River Street Manor which earned him Eagle Scout. Congratulations Kevin.
Posted on 08 Feb 2019
2019 Potato Pancake Fundraiser
Hanover Area Fire District 2019 Potato Pancake Fundraiser
March – 6th,8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
April — 5th, 12th food prep serving from 4p-7p
At the Hanover Area Fire District station #5
Posted on 17 Jan 2019
Retirements Celebrated for Four Hanover Twp. Employees
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners celebrated the retiring of four employees at the January 14, 2019, Board Meeting. Ralph Schwartz has retired from his post on the Hanover Township Zoning Hearing Board after 30 years of service, Donald Ricko has retired from the Hanover Township Road Department with 33 years of service, Russell Priestman retired from the Hanover Township Fire Department with 39 years of service and Raymond Eichler retired from his post of Fireman with 47 years of service. All retirees were presented with a plaque and thanked for their decades of service. Family members, Fire & Road Department Personnel along with members of the community attended the meeting to thank all for their commitment over the years.
Pictured above from left to right: Row 1 (seated): Ralph Schwartz, Raymond Eichler, Russell Priestman and Donald Ricko. Row 2 (standing): Commissioner William Howatt, Township Manager Sam Guesto, Commissioner Jeffrey Lewis, Commissioner Albert Bagusky, Township Secretary Donna Makarczyk, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner George Bowers, Chairman of the Board Russell Davis. Absent from photo was Vice Chairman George Andrejko.
Posted on 29 Nov 2018
Santa to Light Up The Crossroads and Hear Kids’ Gift Wishes
at Hanover Lion’s Club Christmas Tree Project December 2nd
Kris Kringle himself will transform The Crossroads, along West End Road, into Santa Claus Lane on Sunday, December 2, 2018, when he throws the switch to light 42 Christmas trees that were sponsored by area businesses and individuals as part of the Hanover Township Lion’s Club Annual Christmas Tree Project. The event, which is free and open to the public, will welcome new and unwrapped toys for the Marines Toys for Tots Program.
Beginning at 4 p.m., holiday music will fill the air as Santa arrives by firetruck to greet the local children and invite them to tell him what they want for Christmas. Every little boy and girl will receive a candy treat and will be encouraged to help him count down to the big moment—the lighting of the trees. Parents are welcome to bring cameras to take photos of their children with Jolly Old Saint Nick.
The trees, which were decorated with thousands of LED lights by members of the Hanover Area Leo Club, will be complemented by more than 50 sponsorship signs, provided by local businesses and individuals. The revenue from the sign sponsorship allows the Hanover Township Lions Club to offer annual scholarships at Hanover Area High School and for charitable donations.
Posted on 16 Nov 2018
Hanover Area Youth Receive Proclamations
Three Hanover Area youth received proclamations from the Board of Commissioners at the November 14, 2018 Meeting. Kyleen McCance a resident of Hanover Township and 9th grade student at Hanover Area earned qualification to the PIAA State Golf Championship in October 2018. She became the first female golfer from Hanover Area to qualify for the PIAA State Championship and placed 9th. Frank Anthony Yuscavage III a resident of Hanover Township and 10th grade student at Hanover Area obtained the rank of Eagle Scout (the highest rank in scouting) as a member of Boy Scout Troop 166 – Hanover Township. Jeremy Callahan a resident of Hanover Township and 11th grade student at Wyoming Seminary earned qualification to the PIAA State Golf Championship in October 2018 where he placed 23rd in competing against the finest male golfers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Pictured above from left to right: Front Row: Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Russell P. Davis, Miss Kyleen McCance, Commissioner Jeffrey P. Lewis Back Row: Township Manager Samuel T. Guesto, Jr., Commissioner William L. Howatt, Commissioner Albert Bagusky, Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners George L. Andrejko, Commissioner George W. Bowers, Township Secretary Donna Makarczyk, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Solicitor Samuel Sanguedolce.
Pictured above with the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners are the Boy Scouts of Troop 166 Hanover Township.
Pictured above is Jeremy Callahan and the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners.
Posted on 26 Oct 2018
Hanover Township Halloween Party
On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 between the bewitching hours of 3:00 p.m. To 5:00 p.m. the Hanover Township board of commissioners will hold a Halloween party for the children of Hanover Township at the Hanover Township municipal building, 1267 sans souci parkway, Hanover Township.
All children in costume will receive a bag of candy compliments of the Hanover Township board of commissioners and the township manager!
Posted on 5 Oct 2018
Hanover Twp Awarded Community Development Block Grants
On September 28, 2018, Luzerne County announced that Hanover Township will receive Community Development Block Grants for the following projects: Division Street Bridge Replacement: $1,675,787.00; Division Street Road Resurfacing $287,704.00; Oxford Street Bridge $400,000.00; and $135,741.00 for an ADA accessible playground on Lee Park Avenue. The Division Street Bridge was demolished in 2014 after a partial collapse in 2010 and the project is slated to go out for bid in the spring of 2019. Luzerne County Manager David Pedri made the announcement September 28th with several officials at the closed bridge.
Russell P. Davis, Hanover Township Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, speaks to the media and local residents regarding the Community Development Block Grants received by Hanover Township.
Local Leaders stand in front of the closed Division Street Bridge that connects Division Street to Carey Avenue. Pictured above from left to right: Mike Belusko, Vice Chairman Wilkes-Barre City Council, Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tony George, Sam Guesto, Hanover Township Manager, Russell P. Davis, Chairman Hanover Township Commissioners, Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner Hanover Township, William Howatt, Hanover Township Commissioner, David Pedri, Luzerne County Manager.
Posted on 7 Sept 2018
Blasting will take place in Hanover Township
Blasting will take place on September 7, 2018, in coordination with Kriger Construction and the South Valley Parkway Project. The blasting will be on-going and will take place in the area of Middle Road between the hours of 1100 and 1400 hours.
Posted on 31 Aug 2018
Luzerne County to Hold Tire Recycling Event
Posted on 28 Aug 2018
Luzerne County Mosquito Spraying 2018
Luzerne County Mosquito Spraying Set For 08/30/2018
The Luzerne County West Nile Program will be conducting an ultra-low volume (ULV) mosquito control operation to reduce high populations of mosquitoes capable of transmitting West Nile Virus on August 30, 2018 in parts of Nanticoke City, Hanover Township, Plymouth Township, Plymouth Borough, and Wilkes-Barre Township.
The treatments will be administered via truck-mounted equipment, spraying residential and recreational mosquito habitat. The equipment dispenses AquaDUET at a rate of 0.62 ounces per acre.
The product is designed to provide quick, effective control of adult mosquito populations. The application material has a very low toxicity profile to mammals and will have negligible impact to non-target insects and the environment.
The spray will begin at dusk (pending any unforeseen circumstances) and conclude between 9:30-10:30pm. Residents should stay indoors as much as possible during these hours only.
Certain mosquito species carry the West Nile virus, which can cause humans to contract West Nile encephalitis, an infection that can result in an inflammation of the brain. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, all residents in areas where virus activity has been identified are at risk of contracting West Nile encephalitis.
In 2018, West Nile virus has been detected in the following counties: Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Bucks, Butler, Cambria, Carbon, Centre, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Juniata, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, McKean, Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, Northampton, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, Snyder, Somerset, Union, Venango, Washington, Westmoreland, Wyoming, and York.
Weather conditions and other unexpected events could delay or cancel this spray operation.
If conditions do not allow application on August 30, 2018, the following evening, August 31, 2018 will serve as the back-up spray date.
If conditions remain unfavorable, the spray will be postponed until weather permits.
Individuals can take a number of precautionary measures around their homes to help eliminate mosquito-breeding areas, including:
- Dispose of cans, buckets, plastic containers, ceramic pots or similar containers that hold water.
- Properly dispose of discarded tires that can collect water. Stagnant water is where most mosquitoes breed.
- Drill holes in the bottom of outdoor recycling containers.
- Have clogged roof gutters cleaned every year as the leaves from surrounding trees have a tendency to plug drains.
- Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use.
- Turn over wheelbarrows and don't let water stagnate in birdbaths.
- Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish.
- Clean and chlorinate swimming pools not in use and remove any water that may collect on pool covers. If a resident has stagnant pools of water on their property, they can buy BTI products at lawn and garden, outdoor supply, home improvement and other stores. This naturally occurring bacterium kills mosquito larvae, but is safe for people, pets, aquatic life and plants.
Additionally, these simple precautions can prevent mosquito bites, particularly for people who are most at risk:
- Make sure screens fit tightly over doors and windows to keep mosquitoes out of homes.
- Consider wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks when outdoors, particularly when mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, or in areas known for having large numbers of mosquitoes.
- When possible, reduce outdoor exposure at dawn and dusk during peak mosquito periods, usually April through October.
- Use insect repellents according to the manufacturer's instructions. An effective repellent will contain DEET, picardin or lemon eucalyptus oil. Consult with a pediatrician or family physician for questions about the use of repellent on children, as repellent is not recommended for children under the age of two months.
For more information about West Nile virus and the state's surveillance and control program, please visit
Posted on 20 Oct 2017
115th Annual Six County Firemen’s Convention
Hanover Township Fire Department hosted the 115th Annual Six County Firemen’s Convention. The Convention was held June 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Various Fire Departments from Luzerne, Lackawanna, Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, and Schuylkill Counties together for the event. A parade through Hanover Township was held Saturday, June 23rd which concluded the three day event.
The Hanover Area Junior/Senior High School served as the sign-up area for Saturday’s parade.
Over 130 Fire Departments participated in the Six County Firemen’s Parade
Members of the East End Fire Company in Coal Township muster prior to the parade’s start.
Posted on 15 June 2018
Memorial Day Parade and Remembrance
Hanover Township honored Memorial Day on Monday, May 28, 2018, with a parade and observance. Military personnel – active and retired, Hanover Township and Ashley Fire Departments, Hanover Township Police and Hanover Township Commissioners all participated in the ceremony. Remarks and wreath placement convened at the Lee Park Veterans Memorial in the Lee Park Section of Hanover Township.
Commissioner Jeffrey P. Lewis speaks during the Memorial Day Ceremony.
Posted on 21 May 2018
New Police Vehicle added to Hanover Twp PD Fleet
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recently purchased a fully equipped 2018 Ford Utility AWD Police Interceptor to add to the fleet of vehicles within the Hanover Township Police Department. This vehicle will keep the five (5) year program of adding a new vehicle while selling the oldest vehicle – ensuring the Police Department has reliable transportation to patrol our community.
Pictured from left to right: Donna Makarczyk, Township Secretary, George W. Bowers, Commissioner, Jeffrey P. Lewis, Commissioner, George L. Andrejko, Vice-Chairman, Albert Walker, Chief of Police, Russell P. Davis, Chairman, Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner, William L. Howatt, Commissioner, Albert J. Bagusky, Commissioner, and Samuel T. Guesto, Jr. Township Manager.
Hanover Township recently purchased three new vehicles to add to the Road & Sewer Department Fleet. A 2017 Chevy Silverado 250 with plow and bed hopper spreader, a 2018 Ford Super Duty F-250 with steel hopper spreader and 8’ plow and a 2018 Ford Super Duty F550 with dump box and hydraulics. These vehicles were purchased with Liquid Fuel Funds and Sewer Fee Funds. The vehicles will be utilized for various road and sewer related projects throughout Hanover Township.
Pictured from left to right: Commissioner George W. Bowers, Commissioner Jeffrey P. Lewis, Vice-Chairman, George Andrejko, Commissioner William L. Howatt, Chairman of the Board Russell P. Davis, Township Secretary Donna Makarczyk, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner Albert J. Bagusky, Public Works Supervisor, Ned Zwiebel, and Township Manager, Samuel T. Guesto, Jr.
Hanover Township Fire Department recently purchased a 2017 E-1 Pumper Truck. Funds were received thru a FEMA Grant and Hanover Township. The vehicle will assist in protecting the citizens of Hanover Township and is modern addition to the Fire Department’s Fleet. Seated from left to right: Ronald Priestman- Hanover Twp. Fire Apparatus Driver and Grant Author, Commissioner -William L. Howatt, Fire Chief -Joseph Temarantz, Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners -George L. Andrejko, Commissioner -Ronald Krushnowski. Standing from left to right: 1st Assistant Fire Chief -Daniel Wegrzynowicz, Commissioner -Albert J. Bagusky, Commissioner -George W. Bowers, Deputy Fire Chief -Dwayne P. Taggart, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners – Russell P. Davis, Commissioner – Jeffrey P. Lewis, Township Secretary – Donna M. Makarczyk, Township Manager – Samuel T. Guesto, Jr.
Posted on 24 Apr 2018
2018 Ladders and Laces 5K
The Annual Ladders and Laces 5K Run/Walk benefiting the Hanover Township Fire Department was held on Sunday, April 22, 2018. This is the 3rd year for the Run/Walk and raised $20,000.00 for the Hanover Township Fire Department. Thank you to Navient, all of the Sponsors, Runners and Walkers, and everyone who helped make this event a success.
Chief Temarantz meets with a Navient Volunteer to finish race preparations prior to the start of the race.
Participants line up ready to run the three mile course.
And they’re off! The race begins under blue, sunny skies.
Spectators make their way to the finish line.
Hanover Area Cheerleaders wait at the finish line to cheer on the runners and walkers.
The first place runner reaches the finish line in under 20 minutes.
Awards table and Sponsor Board
Family, friends, volunteers, runners and walkers gather prior to the award ceremony.
First place winners in the Women and Men’s category.
Members of the Hanover Township Fire Department and Navient Volunteers during the award presentation.
Hanover Township’s Fire Chief, Joseph Temarantz addresses the crowd to thank everyone who donated, participated, and organized the event.
The Hanover Township Fire Department is presented with a $20,000.00 check from Navient.
Posted on 13 Mar 2018
Road Department Employee Retirement
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized the retirement of Michael Welebob at the March 12, 2018, Board of Commissioners Meeting. Mr. Welebob recently retired in February 2018, after 31 years of service. He began working for Hanover Township in 1987. Mike was presented with a proclamation and celebrated with family and friends. Pictured above: The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners with Mike Welebob and family.
Posted on 12 Feb 2018
Fire Department Lieutenant receives Letter of Recognition
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners presented Chris Halecki (Hanover Twp. Fire Department Lieutenant) with a Letter of Recognition at the February 12, 2018 Meeting. Lt. Halecki received the recognition for providing life saving measures to a gentleman that became ill and unconscious at a Hanover Area High School Basketball Game on January 26, 2018. Pictured above: Chairman of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners, Russell P. Davis presenting Lt. Chris Halecki with his Letter of Recognition.
Posted on 23 Jan 2018
Hanover Township Fire Headquarters Grand Opening January 20, 2018
Hanover Township held its Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of the new Fire Headquarters on Saturday, January 20, 2018. The three million dollar project, funded by a PA State Grant and the US Department of Agriculture is complete and located at 1567 Sans Souci Parkway. The Township’s Fire District which was made up of five fire stations has consolidated the Lee Park, Breslau, Hanover Green, and Preston Fire Stations into the New Fire Headquarters. The Fire Station in Newtown will serve as the District’s North Station and Warrior Run Borough’s Fire Station will serve as the District’s South Station. The ceremony which included a guided tour was attended by members of the community, local leaders, current and retired members of the Fire Department, the Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary, along with local businesses, family and friends – all of which helped in some way to make this project a success.
Retired Firefighters, family, friends, and members of the community come together prior to the Ceremony.
Hanover Township Manager, Samuel T. Guesto, Jr. provides opening remarks while serving as Master of Ceremony.
Rev. Richard Cirba, Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, Hanover Township, lead prayer and blessing of the new Fire Headquarters.
Hanover Township Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Russell P. Davis, thanked everyone for their support of the project including Senator John Yudichak, State Representative Gerald Mullery, and State Representative Eddie Day Pashinski. Chairman Davis commented, “This new Fire Headquarters will serve as the centerpiece of Hanover Township’s Public Safety commitment to provide first class emergency services”.
PA State Senator John Yudichak speaks to the crowd of visitors.
Hanover Township Fire Chief Joseph Temarantz takes the podium to welcome and thank everyone for their unwavering support during the construction of the new Fire Headquarters. He asked that all current and retired members of the Hanover Township Fire Department along with the Ladies Auxiliary members introduce themselves as this project would not have been possible without everyone’s support and dedication.
Members of the Hanover Township Fire Department and Local Leaders cut the ribbon to officially open the Hanover Township Fire Headquarters.
Many members from the community enjoyed refreshments and joined in the celebration.
Posted on 08 Jan 2018
Fire Headquarters Grand Opening
Posted on 3 Jan 2018
Swearing In of Elected Officials
The Honorable Joseph A. Halesey, District Court Judge administered the Oath of Office to Hanover Township Commissioners during the January 2, 2018 Re-Organizational Meeting. Certifications of Elections were collected and the Oaths of Office were accepted.
Caption: Pictured from Left to Right: Honorable Joseph A. Halesey, District Court Judge, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Russell P. Davis, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner Jeffrey P. Lewis, Commissioner George W. Bowers.
Caption: Mildred A. Luba is sworn in as the Hanover Township Tax Collector by the Honorable Joseph A. Halesey during the January 2, 2018 Re-Organization Meeting held at the Hanover Township Municipal Building.
Posted on 15 Dec 2017
New K-9 Officer Rok
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners welcomed its newest addition to the Hanover Township Police Department – K-9 Rok - during the December 13, 2017, meeting. K-9 Rok is a 2 year old Belgian Malinois. After completing an eight week training course held in Ohio, K-9 Rok and Officer Tom Farver will now be patrolling the streets of Hanover Township and Warrior Run Borough. Welcome K-9 Rok!
Officer Farver and K-9 Rok
Row 1: Officer Farver and K-9 Rok
Row 2: Solicitor Robert V. Davison, Esq., Township Manager Sam Guesto; Commissioner William L. Howatt, Commissioner George L. Andrejko, Commissioner Russell P. Davis, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Albert J. Bagusky, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner George W. Bowers, Township Secretary Donna Makarczyk, Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Jeffrey P. Lewis.
Posted on 13 Nov 2017
Firemen Receive Letters of Recognition
Two Hanover Township Firemen received letters of recognition from the Board of Commissioner’s at the November 13, 2017 Meeting. Tyler Gavlick received his letter of recognition for using his skills as an EMT/Firefighter to help save a gentleman while he was returning from a day of hunting. Ron Priestman received his letter of recognition for his tireless efforts in securing grant money utilized by the Hanover Township Fire Department to purchase a new fire engine in 2017 and a ladder truck in 2008. Thank you Tyler and Ron for your service to Hanover Township and surrounding communities.
Tyler Gavlick receiving his Letter of Recognition from Vice-Chairman, Jeffrey P. Lewis.
Ron receiving his Letter of Recognition from Chairman, Albert Bagusky.
Posted on 20 Oct 2017
Luzerne County Conversation District’s updated E&SPC Plan Guide for Small Projects in Luzern County
Posted on 20 Oct 2017
Halloween Trick or Treat for Hanover Township Children
Posted on 20 Oct 2017
Vehicle Sales
Hanover Township Commissioners are accepting sealed bids for the sale of the following vehicles:
- One (1) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria (Fire Police)
Sealed bids for the sale of the above vehicles will be accepted at the Office of the Hanover Township Secretary until 2:00 PM on November 13, 2017, and publicly opened at 6:30 PM at the Hanover Township Commissioners November 13, 2017, work session.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked on the outside of the envelope the vehicle that the bid is for. The bid must indicate the bidder’s name, address, telephone number, vehicle the bid is for and the amount of the bid.
Hanover Township has the right to accept or reject any bid.
Vehicles are available for inspection at the Hanover Township Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania 18706.
Posted on 19 Oct 2017
Vehicle Sales
Hanover Township Commissioners are accepting sealed bids for the sale of the following vehicles:
- One (1) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria
- One (1) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria
- One (1) 2010 Dodge Charger
- One (1) 1981 GMC 5 ton Dump Truck
Sealed bids for the sale of the above vehicles will be accepted at the Office of the Hanover Township Secretary until 2:00 PM on November 13, 2017, and publicly opened at 6:30 PM at the Hanover Township Commissioners November 13, 2017, work session.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked on the outside of the envelope the vehicle that the bid is for. The bid must indicate the bidder’s name, address, telephone number, vehicle the bid is for and the amount of the bid.
Hanover Township has the right to accept or reject any bid.
Vehicles are available for inspection at the Hanover Township Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania 18706.
Posted on 22 Sept 2017
DEA National Prescription Drug Takeback Day
The Hanover Township Police Department announces its participation in the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Take Back Day to be held October 28, 2017.
Hanover Township, Pa. – On Saturday, October 28th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Hanover Township Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public an opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your pills for disposal to the Hanover Township Police Department, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, Pa., 18706. Please be advised that needles or sharps containers will not be accepted. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.
This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards.
Last April, Americans turned in over 450 tons (over 900,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at nearly 5,500 sites operated by the DEA and more than 4,000 of its state and local law enforcement partners. When those results are combined with what was collected in the previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in over 8 million pounds—more than 4000 tons—of pills.
For more information about the disposal of prescription drugs or about the October 28TH Take Back Day event, go to the DEA Office of Diversion Control site, or
Chief Albert L. Walker
September 19, 2017
Posted on 22 Sept 2017
Crossing Guard Receives Proclamation
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized Loretta Gill with a proclamation at the September 11, 2017, Board of Commissioners Meeting. Mrs. Gill was recognized for her service to the residents and children of Hanover Township through her work as a School Crossing Guard. Mrs. Gill is a long time resident of Hanover Township and has faithfully served as a School Crossing Guard for 44 years. Beginning in 1973, Mrs. Gill showed pride and devotion while crossing children at South Main Street and Lee Park Avenue until her retirement in 2017. Her dedication will be missed. Thank you Loretta for your service.
Pictured above: Hanover Township Board of Commissioners and Mrs. Loretta Gill.
Posted on 16 Aug 2017
Proclamation for Exaltation of the Holy Cross’ 100 Year Anniversary
Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized the Exaltation of the Holy Cross at the August 14, 2017, Meeting. Exaltation of the Holy Cross was recognized for the spiritual, cultural, and social need services to Hanover Township over the past 100 years. Founded in 1917, Exaltation of the Holy Cross has been very instrumental in providing the community a place to serve and worship while participating in many functions of the Church.
Posted on 16 Aug 2017
2nd Assistant Fire Chief Recognition
2nd Assistant Fire Chief Michael Yodsnukis received a Letter of Recognition from the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners on August 14, 2017 for his strong dedication and commitment to protecting lives. Hanover Twp. Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a child floundering in a backyard swimming pool in Hanover Township back in July. Mike was first to arrive on the scene and found an autistic boy, who had wandered away from home, and was in the neighbor’s pool. After several attempts, Mike was able to coax the boy to him, and remove him from the pool. Thank you Mike for your response and your dedication to the preservation of life.
2nd Assistant Fire Chief – Michael Yodsnukis receives a Letter of Recognition from the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners for his heroic actions on July 29, 2017.
Posted on 8 Aug 2017
Construction of Susquehanna-Jenkins Power Line
Construction of Susquehanna-Jenkins Power Line to Include Some Loud Bangs
Read the letter from PPL here > 
Posted on 1 Aug 2017
King’s Road Storm Line Repair
The Hanover Township Road Department recently replaced a 24” storm line on King’s Road. The 70 foot pipe had decayed over time and was causing subsidence and washout during heavy rain. This repair will help avoid a safety concern for vehicles traveling along the busy Sans Souci Parkway. Final paving and curb restoration will occur in the next few weeks.
New corrugated pipe is being installed.
Pipe is replaced and covered. After the ground has time to settle, final paving and curb restoration will be completed.
Posted on 20 Jul 2017
K-9 Ado receives Proclamation
Hanover Township’s Police K-9 Ado received a Proclamation from the Board of Commissioners at the July 2017 Meeting. During Ado’s eight (8) years of service, his assistance lead to multiple arrests and large seizures of narcotics. His community outreach through Hanover Township was noted as was his retirement which took place at the beginning of the month. Best of Luck Ado – thank you for your service to the community of Hanover Township.
Pictured above: Officer Mark Stefanowicz, K-9 Ado, and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Albert J. Bagusky
Pictured from left to right front row: Hanover Township Police Chief - Albert Walker, Officer Mark Stefanowicz, K-9 Ado, Albert J. Bagusky – Chairman, Jeffrey P. Lewis - Vice Chairman, Ronald Krushnowski - Commissioner
Back row: Robert V. Davison, Esq – Solicitor, William L. Howatt – Commissioner, George L. Andrejko – Commissioner, George W. Bowers – Commissioner, Donna Makarczyk – Secretary, Samuel T. Guesto, Jr. – Township Manager
Posted on 29 Jun 2017
Police Vehicle Replacement Program
Hanover Township Police Department is presented with a 2017 Dodge Charger as part of their Police Vehicle Replacement Program. This program ensures that a new police vehicle is leased yearly and that the oldest of the police vehicle fleet is rotated out. This enables the Police Department to have reliable transportation while patrolling and keeping Hanover Township safe.
Pictured standing from left to right: Township Solicitor - Robert V. Davison, ESQ, Township Secretary - Donna Makarczyk, Commissioner - George W. Bowers, Vice Chairman - Jeffrey P. Lewis, Police Chief - Albert L. Walker, Chairman - Albert J. Bagusky, Commissioner - George L. Andrejko, Commissioner - Ronald Krushnowski, Commissioner - Russell P. Davis, Commissioner - William L. Howatt, Township Manager - Samuel T. Guesto, Jr.
Posted on 29 Jun 2017
Little Free Library Box
A Little Free Library Box was erected at the Hanover Green Playground recently. This free neighborhood book exchange was donated by Girl Scouts Troop No.30865 and will help promote reading for children of all ages.
Posted on 19 May 2017
Medico Industries Tour
Medico Industries held a brief program and tour to highlight the Local Shared Account (LSA) Forging Press Line Project at the Hanover Township Facility.
Pictured from left to right are: Commissioner George Andrejko, Commissioner William Howatt, Commissioner Ronald Krushnowski, Senator John Yudichak, Representative Aaron Kaufer, Representative Eddie Day Pashinski, Representative Gerald Mullery, Medico Hanover Plant President, Robert Mitvalsky, Senator Lisa Baker, Medico President, Tom Medico, District Judge Joseph Halesey, Representative Mike Carroll, Phil Medico
Posted on 28 Apr 2017
2017 Ladders & Laces 5K
Navient’s 2nd Annual 5K Run/Walk benefiting the Hanover Township Fire Department was held on Sunday, April 23, 2017. This year’s race was extremely successful and raised $19,000 for the Hanover Township Fire Department. Thank You to Navient, all of the Sponsors, and everyone who helped make this event happen. See you next year!
Runners begin to line up for the start of the race
Members of the Hanover Area Band kick off the festivities by playing the Star Spangled Banner.
Runners beginning the 5K
Hanover Township’s Ladder Truck awaiting participants as they cross the finish line. This year’s winning time beat last year by several minutes.
Participants and family members cool down and meet up at the finish line.
Navient presented awards to the top three male and female run/walk participants in multiple age groups.
Navient Event Organizers present Fire Chief Joseph Temarantz, with a check in the amount of $19,000.
Hanover Township’s Fire Chief, Joseph Temarantz addresses the crowd to thank everyone who donated, participated, and organized the event.
Navient Event Organizers and Members of the Hanover Township Fire Department photographed with the $19,000 donation from the 2017 Ladders and Laces 5K proceeds.
Posted on 24 Mar 2017
2017 Spring Clean Up/Drop Off
WHO: |
Hanover Township Residents |
Hanover Township Municipal Building |
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
Saturday, May 6, 2017 |
Click here for list of accepted items and fee schedule >
* All drop offs and pick ups must be pre-registered at the Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM at the Secretary's Office.
** Proof of residency is required when registering!
Posted on 17 Mar 2017
DEA Drug Takeback
On Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 10am to 2pm, DEA will coordinate a collaborative effort with Hanover Township Police Department to focus on removing potentially dangerous controlled substances from our nation’s medicine cabinets. This collection will be held at the Hanover Township Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Pkwy. Some of the Collection Day Protocols are as follows: Controlled, non-controlled, and over the counter medications will be collected, liquid products, and creams in its containers will be accepted, sharpies and syringes will not be accepted due to the potential hazard posed by blood-borne pathogens. This program is absolutely anonymous and participants can, while not mandatory, remove any personal information from bottles or packages that contain pills/capsules and liquids.

Posted on 25 Dec 2016
Toys for Tots Collection
Hanover Township Police Department in conjunction with the United States Marine Corp held its annual Toys for Tots campaign during the months of November and December 2016. This campaign, headed up by Patrolman John Van Why had another successful year – collecting toys for children of all ages. Without the generosity from members of the community and staff the success of this campaign would not have been possible. Thank you all for participating.
Posted on 15 Dec 2016
Hanover Township Police Department Now Providing Police Protection Within the Borough of Warrior Run
During the December 15, 2016, Board of Commissioners Meeting, the Honorable District Judge Joseph Halesey administered the Oath of Office to members of the Hanover Township Police Department who will now provide police protection in the Borough of Warrior Run. Hanover Township Police Department will begin providing protection to the Borough of Warrior Run beginning January 1, 2017.
Posted on 31 Oct 2016
Hanover Township Commissioners Sponsor Trick or Treat for Elementary School Children
On October 31, 2016, the Hanover Township Commissioners sponsored a trick or treat event at the Township Municipal Building for Hanover Area Elementary School Children where candy bags, coloring books, crayons and glow sticks were handed out. Hanover Township Police Department and K-9 Unit also participated and were on-site passing out goodies to the children.
Posted on 25 Oct 2016
Area Student receives proclamation for donation of Drug Take Back box.
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners presented Kailey Orzechowski with a proclamation during the October 12, 2016, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. Kailey recently completed her senior project by participating in a 5K run and raising donations. The donations were then used to purchase Hanover Township a Drug Take Back Container. The take back container allows not only township residents, but everyone, to safely, securely, and anonymously, dispose of unused, unwanted, expired and potentially dangerous prescription and non-prescription medications. A flyer on acceptable and nonacceptable items can be found under the Police Department Section of this website.
Kailey Orzechowski is presented with a proclamation by Vice Chairman of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners, Jeffrey P. Lewis.
The drug take back box located at the Hanover Township Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township. The container is available Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
Posted on 25 Oct 2016
Newly Appointed Hanover Township Commissioner
Ronald Krushnowski was recently appointed to the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners at the October 12, 2016, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. Commissioner Krushnowski is a lifelong resident of Hanover Township with 25 years of service and experience in municipal operations – all of which were in Hanover Township.
Posted on 9 Oct 2016
Hanover Twp. Fire Headquarters Ceremonial Groundbreaking September 6, 2016
Hanover Township held it’s Ceremonial Groundbreaking for the new Fire Headquarters on September 6, 2016. The ceremony kicked off the beginning of construction for the new Fire Headquarters which will consolidate Breslau, Preston, Lee Park, and Hanover Green Fire Houses into one central location on the San Souci Parkway. An LSA Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and financing through the Economic Development and the US Department of Agriculture will assist in the cost of construction. Hanover Township would also like to thank PA State Senator John Yudichak, PA State Representative Eddie Day Pashinski, and PA State Representative Gerald Mullery for their support with this project.
Land has been cleared and construction is set to begin.
Members of the Community, Township Fire Department, and Community Leaders mingle before the groundbreaking ceremony.
Chairman of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners Albert J. Bagusky, conducts opening remarks and provides introduction of PA State Senator John Yudichak, USDA Rural Develeopment State Director Tom Williams, PA State Representative Eddie Day Pashinski, and PA State Representative Gerald Mullery.
Hanover Township Fire Chief Joseph Temarantz addresses the attendees of the Hanover Township Groundbreaking Ceremony.
State Legislators, Hanover Township Commissioners, and members of the Fire Department turn the first shovels of soil during the ceremonial groundbreaking on the site of the new Hanover Township Fire Headquarters.
Posted on 9 Oct 2016
Hanover Township Road Department Revitalizes Local Playgrounds
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recently received a Recreation Grant to revitalize the numerous local parks throughout Hanover Township. Park equipment was purchased, and the Hanover Township Road Department began improving the playgrounds during the Spring of 2016. Improvements will be made to the parks in Buttonwood, Breslau, Korn Krest, Green Street, Hanover Green, Liberty Street, Lynwood, and Upper Askam during 2016 and 2017.
The Hanover Township Road Department begins construction at the Hanover Green Playground.
The newly renovated Hanover Green Playground.
Posted on 9 Oct 2016
Hanover Township Board of Commissioners Purchase Code Enforcement Vehicle
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recently purchased a 2016 Jeep Patriot to be used by the Code Enforcement Department. This vehicle will assist the Code Enforcement Department in maintaining code and zoning compliance within Hanover Township.
Posted on 9 Oct 2016
Hanover Township Crime Watch Member Receives Proclamation
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recently presented Darlene Davis with a proclamation for her time and service with the Hanover Township Crime Watch. During the September 13, 2016, Board of Commissioners Meeting, Mrs. Davis was recognized for her effort, time, and dedication to the Hanover Township Crime Watch.
Posted on 11 Sep 2016
Hanover Township Municipal Salt Shed Constructed
Pictured is the new Hanover Township Municipal salt shed. The salt shed is necessary to store the municipal salt used for winter road maintenance. The storage shed can hold a capacity in excess of 300 tons. Each winter event utilizes approximately 50 tons of salt for one pass over Hanover Township roads. This salt shed also allows Hanover Township to be compliant with MS4 responsibilities. The salt storage shed was financed through Liquid Fuels funds.
Posted on 11 Sep 2016
F550 Ford Dump Truck purchased by the Board Of Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners recently purchased a F550 Super Duty Ford Dump Truck to add to the Road Department’s fleet. This vehicle will be utilized to plow streets, assist with road repairs, and haul asphalt for catch basin replacement. The vehicle was purchased thru Liquid Fuels Funds and is an added asset to allow the Road Department to continue to keep Hanover Township Roads maintained. Pictured are the Commissioners and the Road Supervisors Ned Zwiebel.
Posted on 11 Sep 2016
Board Of Commissioners purchase a new police vehicle
The Board of Commissioners recently purchased a fully equipped AWD 2016 SUV to add to the fleet of vehicles within the Hanover Township Police Department. This vehicle will keep the five year program of adding a new vehicle while selling the oldest vehicle - ensuring the Police Department has reliable transportation to police our community. Pictured are the Commissioners and Chief Albert Walker.
Posted on 11 Sep 2016
Hanover Twp. Commissioners recognized Hanover Area All-Stars 9 and 10 year olds
Hanover Township Board of Commissioners recognized the District 16 Champions Hanover Area 9-10 Year old All-Star Team at the August 8, 2016, Board of Commissioners Meeting.
Present at the celebration were Coaches and Team Members who presented the Board with an autographed baseball which will be displayed in the glass case at the Municipal Building. The All-Stars were given a proclamation by the Board of Commissioners to recognize their achievement.
Posted on 11 Sep 2016
Hanover Twp. Board of Commissioners Celebrate Retirement
The Hanover Township Board of Commissioners celebrated the retirement of Eileen Valunas at the May 9, 2016, Board of Commissioners Meeting. Mrs. Valunas is retiring after 44 years of services with Hanover Township. She began working for the Township in 1972 with the Police Department. Pictured from left to right are: first row: Chairman Albert J. Bagusky, Commissioner William L. Howatt, Eileen Valunas, Neil Valunas, Commissioner George L. Andrejko, Vice-Chairman Jeffrey P. Lewis, second row: Solicitor Robert V. Davison, ESQ., Township Manager Samuel T. Guesto, Jr., Commissioner Russell P. Davis, and Commissioner George W. Bowers.
Albert J. Bagusky, Chairman of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners presents Eileen Valunas with a plaque and proclamation for her 44 years of service with Hanover Township.
Posted on 28 Apr 2016
Girl Scouts Clean Up Local Park
The Penn's Woods Community Troop 331 Girl Scouts volunteered to clean up Green Street Park over the Earth Day weekend. The girls and families pulled out a bunch of trash and debris from the wooded areas and bagged/piled it up for disposal. “The event was a big success!” said Kathleen Lockman, Community Troop Lead. The Board of Commissioners would like to thank the Girl Scouts for this clean up and the Fire District for providing snacks and water for participants.
Posted on 24 Apr 2016
Hanover Township Board of Commissioners Hire Police Officer
At the April 11th, 2016 meeting of the Hanover Township Board of Commissioners, District Justice Joseph Halesey administered the oath of office to newly hired Police Officer Connor Duffy. The addition of Officer Duffy brings the total number of Officers in the department to 16, all full time. This is the highest number of Officers on the Force in many years. The hiring of Officer Duffy was made possible by the Township applying for and recently receiving a Federal Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Grant.
Connor is the son of Wilkes-Barre City Police Officer Daniel Duffy and Marcy Duffy. Connor’s two uncles are
Pennsylvania State Police Trooper PJ. Lindsay and Scranton Police Detective James Pappas. We are excited to have Connor as a member of our team.
Posted on 24 Apr 2016
Gypsy Moth Spraying Advisory for Hanover Township
Posted on 24 Apr 2016
FEMA Flood Insurance Discount Authorization