“You can heal from the pain of your loss.”
The revolutionary Healthy Grieving programs explore grief from the self-identity level, shifting the focus from the external loss to an inward exploration that provides rapid and transformational healing. After being guided through a Healthy Grieving program, individuals are able to let go of the pain of grief, integrating their loss into a renewed sense of wholeness and rejuvenation.

Healthy Grieving recognizes that experience of grief and loss is a natural human experience – all humans experience grief and loss the same. However, the mainstream view on grief and loss is that “No ‘one-size-fits-all’ model or approach to grief is justifiable. Therapy must be tailored to the uniqueness of the person”. This traditional belief system...

A broken heart is a closed heart. The Healthy Grieving Resolution Program teaches individuals how to feel their feelings around their loss, which is extremely effective in healing the emotional pain of the loss. From this fresh and unencumbered perspective, an individual can be open to the gift of the loss and clearly articulate it from their heart.

I developed the original Healthy Grieving Process as a method of letting go of attachments that were limiting the experience of my self. I recognized that attachments were the underpinnings of all my life experiences and sought a process that would support me in my personal journey to a more fulfilling experience of myself and my life.
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Recent Blogs

Being Honest: The Healing Power of Transcending Your Stories
In the Healthy Grieving Process, we define being honest as the willingness to expose our experience of our self as it is. Not as we dream it is or our...

More on Resistance: Understanding a Method of the Mind
One of our Healthy Grieving trainers recently made a presentation about resistance. She explained resistance as a negative reaction to anything...

Resistance: A Signpost into Self-Awareness
Resistance shows up in a number of ways: shutting down, arguing, denial, blaming, lashing out, distraction, anger, confusion, and variously.........