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OX_API Developer's Guide

David T. O'Toole (



This manual shows how to create audio plugins for GNU Octal in C or C++.

OCTAL is a GNU project (started in 1999) to create a free music system based on unit generator synthesis, sampling, and audio-plugin technology. It consists of:

  1. A music-systems plugin API, used to define sound processing objects called "machines" that users may download from the web to use as instruments or effects in their compositions.
  2. A core component to load these machines, communicate with them, route and mix audio signals between them, and produce output on an audio device.
  3. A graphical user interface (using the Gimp Toolkit) to interactively create, compose, and perform music using the core as a backend.
  4. An open file format for saving these compositions and the associated resources (sound samples, plugin machines) that comprise them.

The OCTAL project homepage (URL below) includes a more detailed overview, as well as current release code and documentation. There is also a mailing list called octal-dev.

Visit the OCTAL home page at

Obtaining GNU Octal

Tarball releases are periodically placed in The latest development versions are available via CVS. The following commands will do an anonymous checkout:

cvs login
cvs -z3 co octal

Copyright and License Information

Copyright © 2000, 2001 by David O'Toole ( Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections.

The included file DOC_COPYING contains the text of the license. If for some reason this file is missing, a copy of the license is available online at

Recent API Changes

Sample Rate Requestor.
The new package function core->get_sr() should be used instead of any macros.
C++ Wrapper Tweak.
The pkg member has been renamed ``core'', so that both C and C++ machines can access package functions as core->name(). C machines need no changes, but will have to declare a local handle if they wish to use the above convention, which is simpler than m->pkg->name(). See 1.8.)

Using OX_API

This chapter presents a quick run-through of how to set up communication between OCTAL and your plugin using the C programming language.


This section defines most of the important terms used in the rest of the document, focusing on those associated with new unit-generator based music systems like OCTAL.

A machine is an object which processes or generates audio signals. These are the basic building blocks of a signal network, in which machines that generate signals route their audio through other machines, and so on. Generators are machines that primarily create sound and send it for further processing; effects typically process an input stream.

Parameters are data items that can be recieved by machines to control their generation/processing of audio. Things like ``note'', ''cutoff frequency'', and ''waveform'' might be parameters in your machine. Anything about your machine that can be controlled can be a parameter.

In general, an event is a change in the value of a parameter on a particular channel.

An OX_API channel is the main method of implementing polyphonic generator machines. A channel is a distinct voice in your machine. A synth may wish to play multiple notes at the same time, while still being able to control generation parameters for each note individually. Thus each note goes into its own channel.

A pattern is a sequence of events for a machine. Patterns may include melodies, volume changes, or any other kind of event the machine supports.

Control widget.
A control widget is anything that lets you interactively change the value of a parameter on a given machine. For instance, a graphical slider is a control widget.

The continous audio output of OCTAL is generated in small blocks of a few hundred samples at a time. The block size changes dynamically.

Including the machine interface

#include "machine.h"

This file defines the structures and constants you'll need to interface with Octal.

Describing your parameters and controls


Each of your machine's parameters is identified by a numeric index, starting at zero. First, let's set up some symbolic constants to make these indices easier to remember.

This can be done very easily with C's enumerated type facility:

enum {ix_first_param, ix_second_param, ... }

The ix_ stands for ``index.'' It's just a convention that makes the meaning of the name more clear. You should name the constants in accordance with the parameter's use; for instance, the example delay machine uses ix_length and ix_feedback.

Parameter info.

Octal needs some information about each of your machine's parameters. In particular, we need a name; what type of parameter it is; what kind of widget to use when opening a control box; a short description of the parameter that can be displayed to the user; and information about the acceptable ranges and default values for the parameter.

We can pack this information into a string with the following format:

Create a null-terminated array of strings, one for each parameter:

char *my_params[] = {
        "|note|Which note to play|note|slider|0|128|0",
        "|vol|Volume 0.0-1.0|generic|slider|0|1.0|0.6",

Be sure to put the strings in the same order as the enumeration constants you set up earlier. Also remember that the array must be allocated statically, since OCTAL will not read it until you return.

By describing your controls abstractly instead of in terms of graphics calls and windows, your machine can remain independent of GUI specifics.

For a catalog of parameter types and widgets you can choose from, consult 4.3 (p. [*]).

Creating a machine type and telling the host about yourself

OCTAL's machine_type structure holds information about the kind of machine you're making. As a machine developer, you'll need to fill in some of its fields. You'll need a long name (including the author's name), a short name (like ``delay'' or ``sampler''), the maximum number of channels (if any), and the address of the string array that describes your parameters.

You'll also need to tell Octal about your input and output channels. One and two are mono and stereo, respectively. Zero input channels would mean that your machine is a ``pure generator'' which does not accept any audio input.

Section 1.6.1 shows an example.

Maintaining state (raw C only)

Your machine library will be called upon to do the processing for many machine instances. After all, the musician may want to create more than one delay machine, or more than one sampler machine, each doing its own thing and playing its own sequences.

OCTAL uses the machine structure to represent each machine instance, regardless of type. (The system keeps track of which type each machine instance has.) Since each machine type will need to store different kinds of data, we'll need to define a new structure type that is unique to the new machine type.

OCTAL calls these state objects. Each machine can have a state object associated with it. Struct machine has a void* member called state which you can use to store the address of a state object.

Some of this bookkeeping can be hidden using the included ox_wrappers. This is a C++ wrapper for the OX_API. Class and member function facilities hide the management of state objects completely. See this document's chapter on ox_wrappers.

Setting up your callbacks

Each octal machine library must export seven specially named callback functions. This section details when and how these functions are called by the host, as well as what to do (and what not to do) when this happens.

ox_init: one-time startup

int ox_init(machine_type* t)

This function is called when your shared library is first loaded. OCTAL will pass you the address of a machine_type structure. You must fill in several fields with the appropriate data1.1. You may also perform any other one-time initialization tasks here, such as precomputing a large lookup table, loading a special configuration file, etcetera.

Here is a quick example of how to fill in the structure, taken from the example square wave generator machine included in the OCTAL distribution:

  t->long_name        = "David's Simple Squarewave Machine"; 
  t->short_name       = "dtosquare"; 
  t->max_channels     = 1; 
  t->input_channels   = 1; 
  t->output_channels  = 1;   

  // give it the array of strings we declared above
  t->param_info       = my_params;

ox_create: manufacturing new machines

void ox_create(machine* m)

When the user creates a new machine instance of your type, the host will call this function with the address of the new machine struct.

Your job during ox_create() is as follows is to set up the machine instance and get it ready to run.

If you're not using state objects, you can skip most of those steps. Your class constructor will be called by ox_wrappers.

Here's an example:

my_state *s;
m->state = (void*)s;

ox_destroy: destroying machines

The opposite of ox_create(). If you normally create a state object or allocate any memory buffers for a machine, now is the time to free that memory, and then free the state object itself. Be sure to use package::free(), the memory deallocation wrapper.

ox_work: processing and generating

int ox_work(machine* m, int block_size)

This is where the actual work happens; hence the name. First, grab your state object by casting m->state to whatever pointer type you are using for your state objects.

my_state *s = (my_state*) m->state;

Your parameters will have been set during the host's call to ox_event(). The number of samples you should generate for this block is held in the block_size argument. Begin processing. Your input buffers will be arrays of type samp. m->lin and m->rin are the left and right input buffers1.3, while m->lout and m->rout are the output buffers.

There will also be an auxiliary input signal set, labeled xlin/xrin, for use in vocoding and other modulation tasks.

Return TRUE if you generated any sound; FALSE otherwise.

ox_event: when parameter values change

void ox_event(machine* m, int channel, 
            int which_param, param value)

Use this callback to respond to note events and parameter changes, altering the state of your machine as needed so that the next time your work function is called, the changes will have taken effect.

When a parameter's value changes, you'll be called with the channel number, parameter number, and new parameter value. Your channels are numbered from 0 to m->num_channels - 1. The parameter indices will match up with the ix_* constants you set up earlier. The value is a floating-point number in the range you specified for that parameter.

An effect machine can usually ignore the channel number. It is primarily meant to match up control changes in a pattern with the voice that should recieve them.

The value OX_NOTE_OFF is a special case for the note parameter type; it means that the note should stop playing on that channel.

Great. But now what do I do with the data?

You might want to change the state of your machine. For instance, when you recieve a OX_NOTE_OFF value for the note, you may need to update a variable somewhere that says ``I'm no longer playing any notes on channel $x$.''1.4

Here is the ox_event() function taken from the example square-wave plugin:

void ox_event(machine* m, int channel, 
               int param_index, param value) 
  my_state *s = (my_state*)m->state; 
  package *core = m->pkg;
  switch(param_index) {

  case ix_note:
    s->pitch = core->note2freq(value); 
    if (value = OX_NOTE_OFF) s->play = 0; 
    else s->play = 1; 

  case ix_vol:
    s->vol = ((float)value) / 255.0;    /* scale to 1.0 */   

ox_desc: giving text feedback

void ox_desc(char* dest, int which_param, param value)

The user needs to know something about how a machine interprets it parameter values. So, in addition to the simple naming and description of parameters discussed in 1.3, the OX_API supports ``live'' parameter feedback from the machines. When the musician tweaks a slider or spin button on your machine, Octal calls ox_desc()1.5 with the location of the buffer where you should write the string, the index number of the parameter being tweaked, and the new value. Your job is to make up a string describing the ``interpreted version'' of the new value; for instance, if the range $(0.0, 1.0)$ is interpreted as a percentage, the following code will write a string describing the new value into the location pointed to by dest. OCTAL might then display this string onscreen.

float x;
int percent;
switch(which_param) {
  case ix_feedback: 
    percent = (int)(param_value*100.0);
    sprintf(dest, "%d%%", percent);

  case ix_vol: 
    // describe volume

Note: It isn't safe to assume that the host's calls to ox_desc() will ``pair up'' with parameter changes. While this will often be true, sometimes there will be no connection between calls. For instance, to fill an option control with five or six options, OCTAL will query ox_desc() for each choice and retrieve a string to display for each item in the box.

You can use C's enum facility to create a set of unique indices, and then switch1.6 on the value passed to you during ox_desc(), in each case returning the string you would like to have appear in the interface. This indexing strategy is like the one used for parameters themselves.

Writing a Generator

[This section is not yet finished.]

ox_channel: preparing voices for use in polyphony

void ox_channel(machine* m, int creating, int channel_number)

Standard parameter positions

OX_API Package: Access to the Core

The OX_API package is a set of callback API functions that you can use to request information or services from OCTAL. Make a local handle to the core package by doing this:
    package *core = m->pkg;

Then you may call any package function through this handle. For instance, to convert a note value to a frequency in the current system tuning, use

    float f = core->note2freq();

The following sections give the prototypes of other functions.

Musical Utility

float note2freq (param n);

float text2freq (const char *text);
param text2note (const char *text);
const char *note2text (param note);


Sometimes you will need configuration information from the host, like the current sampling rate, tempo, song position, etcetera. You can use these functions to retrieve the data:

int get_sr(void); 	// sampling rate

Memory allocation

There are special restrictions on memory allocation for OCTAL machines. First, you may only allocate memory during ox_create and ox_channel. Second, you must use the provided wrappers for allocating memory rather than calling malloc and free directly. They wrappers reside in the OX_API package along with other utility functions:

void *alloc(size); 
void free(ptr);

As in the other examples, m is the pointer to your machine structure.

Being flattened

When the user saves his/her song, your machine will need to be saved to disk. Since OCTAL has stored all the patterns of your machine, as well as kept track of current parameter values, it can save all this data without your needing to worry about it.

Compiling with GCC.

Using the -shared option to GCC, you can compile your C source file into a self-contained shared library (with the suffix *.so). Once this is done, OCTAL will be able to load and use your machine. Here's an example of a GNU make command that will properly compile your machine: squaregen.c machine.h 
    gcc -O3 -g -Wall -shared squaregen.c -o

Distributing Machines in a Standard Way

Wavetable Extension and Wavemaps

Interface Layout Extension

Using ox_wrappers


OCTAL includes a package called ox_wrappers, which is designed to simplify OCTAL machine programming through the use of syntactic features of C++. This section only explains the differences between raw OX_API programming and ox_wrappers, so it will help to have read the chapter on OX_API first.

In a nutshell, your machine type is now a class; individual machines are now instances of that class. This lets you have data members, utility classes, and all the interesting features of C++ at your disposal to create machines.

class OX_Machine

ox_wrappers.h declares a base class called OX_Machine, from which you'll derive a new class that implements your machine. Here is its definition:

// class OX_Machine just defines the interface to keep things
// consistent.  none of its member functions will ever be called,
// because calls to the derived class will all be statically bound 

class OX_Machine {
        OX_Machine(machine* m) {};        
        ~OX_Machine() {};

        static int initialize(machine_type* t) {};   
        static void describe(char* dest, int which, param value) {}; 

        void event(int channel, int which, param value) {};           
        int work(int block_size) {}; 
        int channel(int creating, int channel_number) {};
        // you typically won't need to access this next field from C++
        machine* m; 

        // package functions and i/o buffers
        package* core; 
        samp *lin, *rin, *lout, *rout; 

It's not hard to see that the member functions are just like the ox_* callbacks, but with the ``machine*'' pointer removed from the argument lists.2.1 ox_create and ox_destroy are now the constructor2.2 and destructor, respectively.

The frequently-accessed i/o buffer pointers rin, lin, lout, rout are members of the class, so they can be accessed in member functions without any explicit dereferencing.

Instead of state objects, you can simply add data members to your derived class.

Setting things up

Now is the slightly weird part. Step one: define the macro OX_CLASS to be the name of your new derived class. If your class is called MyCoolDelay, then

#define OX_CLASS MyCoolDelay

It's important to do this before you include any ox_wrappers header files. The reason is that new functions, making statically-bound calls to your new member functions, are going to be created when you compile.

Next, derive your class from OX_Machine and place its declaration in, say, MyCoolDelay.h Then do the following:

#define OX_CLASS MyCoolDelay
#include ``ox_wrappers.h''
#include ``MyCoolDelay.h''
#include ``''

Now implement your member functions, and compile as a shared object. The wrapper will export the required OX_API functions with C linkage, so that OCTAL will be able to find them. When OCTAL calls them, ox_wrappers will forward the relevant info on to your machine.

You'll still have to use some C structures such as machine_type when communicating with OCTAL. Your class inherits a data member m, which is a pointer to the underlying struct machine object that OCTAL is dealing with directly.

All the information in 1.3, 1.4, and 1.9 applies to use of ox_wrappers. You might need to override the new and delete operators so that they call the OX_API wrappers.

Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting


0. #1

1. Trying to load my machine library makes it segfault and/or print garbage instead of my parameter info.

This probably happened because your param_info array wasn't statically allocated. Allocating the array on the stack in your ox_init handler is a bad idea, because only when you return will OCTAL have a chance to examine the structure you filled in--and the array would get deallocated when you returned!

2. How can I implement multiple voices in a machine?

3. Are there any constraints on filesystem access?

OX_API Reference

[This chapter is not yet complete.]


samp (octal.h)

A signed floating-point data type for processing samples. OCTAL plugin audio streams must be in this format. Audio data should be scaled from $-1.0$ to $+1.0$. (The range for control data sent through AUX connections is user-defined.)

param (octal.h)

An floating-point type for storing event data. OCTAL patterns are stored in this format. See the section on ox_event() for more information.


[Not yet finished.]

struct machine_type

struct machine

struct param_spec

Catalog of parameter types and widgets

type meaning example
note a musical note C-4, D#2, B-5
velocity the pressure on a given note 0-128
trigger one-off event trigger 0, 1
wave a raw sound from the wavetable 3C, 05


widget name description
slider a small slider bar with a handle
  and displayed numeric value
entry a numeric entry box with ``enter'' button
button a trigger button
spin spin button
option pulldown box with named options

Required Prototypes for C Callbacks

        int         ox_init(machine_type* t)
        void        ox_create(machine* m)
        int         ox_destroy(machine* m)
        void        ox_work(machine* m, int block_size)
        void        ox_event(machine* m, int channel,
                              int which_param, param newvalue)
        void        ox_desc(char* dest, int which, param value)
        void        ox_channel(machine* m, int creating, 
                              int channel_number)

Package Functions

[This section will cover memory allocators, wavetable functions, and more when finished.]

About this document ...

OX_API Developer's Guide

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 99.2beta5 (1.38)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 0 ox_api_main.tex

The translation was initiated by David O'Toole on 2001-04-10


... data1.1
Don't fill in fields besides those listed.
See 1.8.3 for more information on these functions.
... buffers1.3
If your machine only accepts a mono input, they'll both point to the same buffer.
This can be used for optimization; if your machine is not currently playing any notes, it can free up processor time by doing nothing during ox_work() and returning 0.
Note that this function is not called in reference to any particular machine instance. It is ``library-wide.''
Because param is defined as a floating-point data type, you will have to cast it to (int) when using it in any switch statement or array subscript expressions.
... lists.2.1
Since ``initialize'' and ``describe'' are global functions that don't have to be associated with any particular machine, they're declared static.
... constructor2.2
The right constructor takes a struct machine* as an argument; don't use the default no-arg constructor at all.

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David O'Toole 2001-04-10